What does a bull think when approached by husband

Wondering what a bull thinks when a husband invites him or offered his wife to him , especially in a public type setting, a bar or club?
Just like a woman's ******* is key when it comes to her hand in marriage, her hubby is key when it comes to her being fully uninhibited in this hotwife lifestyle. In my personal experience when hubby is doing the screening it feels a bit deeper and more meaningful. Hubby should know what she likes and as the gate keeper and protector of his wife he should be able to properly screen potential playmates for his wife.

Maybe I'm a little old school but I loved getting in good with a girls dad so that I was always welcomed to come around and visit their daughters. Little did they know that even with all the sexual countermeasures in place we always found a way to get it in! ❤♠️😎
Wondering what a bull thinks when a husband invites him or offered his wife to him , especially in a public type setting, a bar or club?

Once in the Lifestyle there is little critical thinking and just relaxed casual conversation learning about the couple. I do make more of an emphasis to better connect with the husband because I want him to enjoy the experience just as much for his wife/girlfriend I am servicing. Over time and good relationship is developed with the couple makes the expience that much better....
Wondering what a bull thinks when a husband invites him or offered his wife to him , especially in a public type setting, a bar or club?
Most regular guys are not used to that and wouldn't know what to do when it happens.
An Experienced Bull like myself is able to pick up the signals right away and 'read' the situation.
Just another day in the life.
Thats how I got introduced to lifestyle (way back when I was a young uninitiated pup lol).

I was in Vegas on business trip and was at a dance club called The Beach. I had been flirting, dancing and feeling up this hot lady for good part of night. The hubby had been there the whole time watching but I didn’t know. I’m guessing she gave him the signal and he came over to introduce himself and explain the situation. At first I thought it was a scam setup to rob me at my hotel room, but then as we talked more, the more I realized it was real. I guess my inner bull was awakened because my first thought wasn’t shock but excitement. I felt like this was my chance to be a real life porn star. Afterwards, they put me onto the lifestyle and introduced me to websites (this was back when the internet was still dialup and Dark Cavern reigned over the IR scene). Now decades later as an experienced bull, when I go out, I actively look for the signals.
Just like a woman's ******* is key when it comes to her hand in marriage, her hubby is key when it comes to her being fully uninhibited in this hotwife lifestyle. In my personal experience when hubby is doing the screening it feels a bit deeper and more meaningful. Hubby should know what she likes and as the gate keeper and protector of his wife he should be able to properly screen potential playmates for his wife.

Maybe I'm a little old school but I loved getting in good with a girls dad so that I was always welcomed to come around and visit their daughters. Little did they know that even with all the sexual countermeasures in place we always found a way to get it in! ❤♠️😎
You’re a very smart man. I do the online screening and I just want to make sure the dude is safe, polite and not a psycho.

I always figured that any dude who didn’t like me approaching them was probably not right for us.
Doesn't bother me but I need strong hints or else it's just chalked up as "A day in my crazy ass life" in this mind.

It also makes things easier in a sense, we can discuss if he wants to join/expectations, all of that, as a unit. Cuck or not, they're still Men, and being able to protect is still a thing. The Husband or BF initiating helps vet/read energy cause they're also, Guys, and men can be weirdos.
Once in the Lifestyle there is little critical thinking and just relaxed casual conversation learning about the couple. I do make more of an emphasis to better connect with the husband because I want him to enjoy the experience just as much for his wife/girlfriend I am servicing. Over time and good relationship is developed with the couple makes the expience that much better....
That is very respectable. I've sent my little beta cuck on a search and most males won't even talk to him.
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You’re a very smart man. I do the online screening and I just want to make sure the dude is safe, polite and not a psycho.

I always figured that any dude who didn’t like me approaching them was probably not right for us.
Outside of the lifestyle women are the one's who control all access to sex, but in the lifestyle it's hubby and rightfully so because his wife is his treasure and his most precious and prized possession so hubby absolutely should know who handling his goods! I'm a glass half full kind of guy anyway. Always looking to the bright side, counting my blessings and what not. With the goods that us bulls are handling in this lifestyle we're lucky to not be getting vetted like applying for a federal job. LOL
I can never remember my husband approaching any of my potential lovers nor myself for that matter, other then for some "innocent" flirting. No, I expect a Bull to be just that, the Alpha who sees what he wants and makes the first contact. I'm not playing hard to get by any means, God knows I appreciate the attention especially now at my age, but I guess I'm just old fashion because I want the Man to be just that, the one who takes control, dominates, some one I can surrender myself and submit to. My QfoS pendant, ankle tattoo and provocative dress can be easily read by any observant Bull, it says what I want, I'm available, come and take me, I'm yours if you're bold enough.
Thats how I got introduced to lifestyle (way back when I was a young uninitiated pup lol).

I was in Vegas on business trip and was at a dance club called The Beach. I had been flirting, dancing and feeling up this hot lady for good part of night. The hubby had been there the whole time watching but I didn’t know. I’m guessing she gave him the signal and he came over to introduce himself and explain the situation. At first I thought it was a scam setup to rob me at my hotel room, but then as we talked more, the more I realized it was real. I guess my inner bull was awakened because my first thought wasn’t shock but excitement. I felt like this was my chance to be a real life porn star. Afterwards, they put me onto the lifestyle and introduced me to websites (this was back when the internet was still dialup and Dark Cavern reigned over the IR scene). Now decades later as an experienced bull, when I go out, I actively look for the signals.
Dark Cavern ruled.. :qos: