Vote for Mr. Trump why ? Check out please

this from someone who relies on Glen beck for political information?!,,, but then I suppose he only talks facts is that it?

Everything he talks about on the radio he backs up with audio clips or clips from interviews....he is not making it up. And people can research it for themselves.....something he also says often
Everything he talks about on the radio he backs up with audio clips or clips from interviews....he is not making it up. And people can research it for themselves.....something he also says often
so does HH.... but his "facts" don't match reality!... nor most other facts!
I for one will vote for Trump. Most because of his tax cut plan. Cutting taxes for all puts money back into everyone's pockets. And taking money from those who get out and work for it to give to someone who don't is fucked up. If the government started doing that then why would anyone work?? And Clinton's tax plan is the tax the middle class or working class and business more. I for one is taxed enough. If you tax business more they then cut back on workers and raise their prices.
check your history!

I know my history - do you know yours?
When a vast majority of the American worker is down and out from a great depression and war - the promise of "free stuff" will win any vote.

Here is the REAL reason why the 22nd Amendment was passed. (I bet you thought is was just a law didn't you)

I'm writing separately simply to sharply contrast the correct answer with the wrong answer that keeps getting posted.

While Congressional Republicans may have been inspired to pass the 22nd Amendment in part by animus against FDR's policies and legacy, this was not the reason. Constitutional amendments are not simply passed by Congress - they must be ratified by a super-majority of the states as well. Given that Truman (the democratic incumbent at the time, and FDR's VP) was reelected, it's absurd to think that 3/4 of the states voted for an amendment for the purpose of snubbing or reviling FDR.

Rather, it had to do with making an unwritten rule into a written one, upon realizing that someone might actually flout the unwritten one.

George Washington could have been King in America - maybe literally, but certainly practically-speaking, in the sense that the presidency was his for as long as he wanted it (and had he wished to name his own successor, he probably could have done that too, and been given his wish). However, taking after his hero, Cincinnatus, he served for as long as he felt his country needed him (two terms), and then stepped down.

Since then, until FDR, only one man dared to flout that tradition and run for a third term - Ulysses S. Grant - and he was denied nomination by his own party. (Theodore Roosevelt also tried to serve a third term, but it was only the second time he had run for office - his first term was after McKinley was assassinated.)

So, everyone in America just assumed a two-term limit already - but FDR, riding high on public opinion and the sort of "this is a new era, and old rules are no longer appropriate" sentiment that characterized his entire policy, decided that a third, and even fourth term were a good idea.

FDR himself was too much of a political juggernaut to stop in the elections, but precisely because of that, his fourth term shocked the country into action - realizing that he had become, essentially, King of America, deposed (like a king) only by his own death. This was entirely inconsistent with American values and philosophies, so the country acted to ensure it could never happen again.

So, once again your Meme might post a "Fact" but it is a misleading one at best.
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So, once again your Meme might post a "Fact" but it is a misleading one at best.
ok ... what was the tax rate in the 1950's and 60's.... right at 90%.... nothing misleading there.... and was the country doing fine... yes... nothing misleading there
now are we talking about him not being able to run for a third term?... ok he couldn't... but was he one of the most popular presidents... yes!
so there you go again trying to change things to suit your mentality!
Little bit of a double standard for Czar Donald?

Trump pays IRS a penalty for his foundation violating rules with gift to aid Florida attorney general
Donald Trump paid the IRS a $2,500 penalty this year, an official at Trump's company said, after it was revealed that Trump's charitable foundation had violated tax laws by giving a political contribution to a campaign group connected to Florida's attorney general. The improper donation, a $25,000 gift from the Donald J. Trump Foundation, was made in 2013. At the time, Attorney General Pam Bondi was considering whether to investigate fraud allegations against Trump University. She decided not to pursue the case. Earlier this year, The Washington Post and a liberal watchdog group raised new questions about the three-year-old gift. The watchdog group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, ...
ok ... what was the tax rate in the 1950's and 60's.... right at 90%.... nothing misleading there.... and was the country doing fine... yes... nothing misleading there
now are we talking about him not being able to run for a third term?... ok he couldn't... but was he one of the most popular presidents... yes!
so there you go again trying to change things to suit your mentality!

Actually it was 70% - look it up your self, but who cares about facts right?