unknowing wives

Yes that’s why it’s important for the wife to take her time in searching the right guy! Just as it is important for the guy she is meeting to be honest and real as well! Can’t tell you how many no shows and fakes we had even using a paid swinger site! Also had guys show up who said they were comfortable in MFM and then not be able to perform! Then it’s also important for the hubby to be comfortable with the guy as well! If you find the right guy it’s an awesome experience! If you find the guys who are jerks and try to mess the relationship up it’s not a good experience! Ground rules are very important and every person involved should be respected and listened to. If the wife or hubby isn’t comfortable with the guy then they should not go forward with anything else! I had a bad experience where I didn’t like a guy she had met (he was very shady and said he was in to MFM threesomes but was very skiddish during them and then just wanted to see her alone without me, which she did) and it kind of started to effect our relationship! They say respect and communication is really important in the lifestyle! If at anytime things go off track the couple should stop the lifestyle immediate and reevaluate the situation and relationship! The lifestyle isn’t for everyone!
Another super post. For me this is the best thread I've found on here, hands down. I guess because it is so on point with what I've come to learn about these affairs.
It still amazes me how strong the desire to remain hidden from my spouse is on certain things.

She's well aware of my cuckold fantasy and occasionally I show her videos I enjoy and tell her fantasies of her getting fucked, but she's not that sexually adventurous and with the stress in life right now she's not very sexual at all.

I think that spurs some of the hiding other men do as well. What little intimacy they do get with their spouse they don't want to alienate their wives out of.

Not all husbands can be completely open to their wives...
Not all wives can accept their husbands fantasies, much less realities, regardless how long they talk and that conversation itself can add enough stress to divide, rather than unite, couples.

My $.02
It still amazes me how strong the desire to remain hidden from my spouse is on certain things.

She's well aware of my cuckold fantasy and occasionally I show her videos I enjoy and tell her fantasies of her getting fucked, but she's not that sexually adventurous and with the stress in life right now she's not very sexual at all.

I think that spurs some of the hiding other men do as well. What little intimacy they do get with their spouse they don't want to alienate their wives out of.

Not all husbands can be completely open to their wives...
Not all wives can accept their husbands fantasies, much less realities, regardless how long they talk and that conversation itself can add enough stress to divide, rather than unite, couples.

My $.02
i can see that and understand im torn because I never had the thoughts before it came out so I never felt like I was hiding anything from him but at the same time like you said I do know women that are very non sexual but also fee if you cant tell everything and bare your soul there is other issues here also.. because the one person that should know you as deep and every thin is the one your married to ,, yet I am guilty of hold small things back and not telling him just to save from putting him in a bad mood or start a fight and ruin the day
i can see that and understand im torn because I never had the thoughts before it came out so I never felt like I was hiding anything from him but at the same time like you said I do know women that are very non sexual but also fee if you cant tell everything and bare your soul there is other issues here also.. because the one person that should know you as deep and every thin is the one your married to ,, yet I am guilty of hold small things back and not telling him just to save from putting him in a bad mood or start a fight and ruin the day


And why is keeping something to yourself always bad?

If it left me unsatisfied or angry then maybe or hurt her then we need to be talking more but sometimes the best thing you can do to show your love for another is keep your fucking mouth shut.

Just saying

And why is keeping something to yourself always bad?

If it left me unsatisfied or angry then maybe or hurt her then we need to be talking more but sometimes the best thing you can do to show your love for another is keep your fucking mouth shut.

Just saying
I can understand that to a point but also if its something that is part of who you are and its more than just a thought here and there but something hiding for years then that is something that needs to come out
but like I said at first I was VERY aginst the idea of it but he and I feed off each others energy so seeing how worked up he would get talking about it started to get me worked up seeing him excited so that had a big role in me slowly coming around to the idea
its no different than keeping some other sort of huge secret from your hubby/wife.... how would you feel if she came to you after say 8 years with some secret that she hid from you that was a huge part of she was
If she came to me after eight years it would have been 2 years ago so it's whatever. ;)

But seriously, who's to say she was capable of understanding the secret. Let's say she comes out as gay for example.
Maybe she always thought about it but never said something. Would I be hurt and sad if a decade later she tells me she's not sexually attracted to men, yeah. Would it be at her? No. It takes a lot to come to terms with something that deep and grave regarding ones personality so if she hadn't said anything id understand. Because wanting to be open and honest with your spouse is one thing. Being open and honest to oneself is an even bigger issue so if I had to choose be withheld from and her be honest to herself or be in full disclosure but only with what she is willing to be honest about to herself I'd rather she was honest internally and kept a secret. If that makes any sense.
ill just leave it at we have different thoughts on it

We don't all have to agree all the time. Personally adopted an open policy with my wife and share all with her.

Just saying I don't fault those who aren't prepared mentally or emotionally to do so themselves.

Worth discussing though.
Honesty is always the best way to live....
Sincerity is an under appreciated asset.
If the partner is lying, it's lame in my book....
I agree and even though I was shocked and upset at the fantasy as a whole I was honestly hurt that he felt that he could not come to me about anything it almost made me feel that I failed to a point to make him feel that he could tell me anything
I think it must be very hard for cucks and wannabe's, to have to keep their desires secret. I think even if their wives have no interest in fucking other men, and a lot don't, it would be better to at least explain to them who you are and what turns you on. Some wives are happy to play along, maybe wear an anklet for you or at least describe what their previous sexual partners were like. Even the wives who have zero interest, might still enjoy buying you a cock cage to stop you from jerking of and relish in having you as a subservient hubby, willing to do menial chores for some extra pussy.

I think it would help the cuck as well, and bring the couple closer together being honest. I don't think the wives can help if they don't know. And yes, most won't open their legs for other men, but a lot might enjoy the mind games that can go with cuckolding :) Just my 2c.