Trumps nobel peace prize

Jane M

Real Person
Gold Member
Trump has claimed he has been nominated for the Nobel peace prize in 2017 & 2018 by Japanese prime minister Abe.
Trump was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017 and 2018, but both documents were determined to have been “forged.” A spokesman for the Norwegian Nobel Committee told The Washington Post last year that the same person is believed to have stolen
the identity
of a qualified nominator to submit Trump’s name.

further the Japanese embassy In New York has said it has never seen such a letter .
Embassy officials said there was no announcement of a Japanese nomination.

There is something wrong with Trump’s brain.


What A strange situation. Japanes PM Abe refuses to deny he nominated Trump for 2019, but won't confirm it either. Personally I don't think Trump deserves A Nobel and unless NK dismantles it Nuclear program, which wont happen, he never will. Still the Nobel is A joke anymore imho. They gave one to Obama before he had actually been in office long enough to actually accomplish anything, also he used drone strikes much too frequently for my taste. At least with our current pres I'm not tuning into the news to hear about the latest wedding party that got schwacked!
Also classless of President Trump to announce it. Nominations and those who submit them are supposed to stay anonymous for 50 years. Not to mention he possibly caused domestic political problems for A close ally by claiming it was Abe. Whole thing reeks of narcissism and insecurity. However the left is on the verge of imploding, gonna be stuck with Trump another election cycle imo.
Lol ! Sure sure! Did you catch the mid terms? Perhaps the tax return results for middle America?
Yes I did. Trump picked up in the Senate.
Study a lil of American History and you'll find all sitting Presidents loose in the mid terms. Obama lost in BOTH the House and the Senate.
My tax refund INCREASED $700 over last year so I cant complain.
Yes I did. Trump picked up in the Senate.
If you know how the Senate seats are re-elected, Senate is a 6-year seat and only 1/3 of those seats come up for re-election each 2 year period. Some years there are more Republicans up for re-election and sometimes more Democrats for re-election. So you can't look at this as a 2-year period like the House seats. In 2020 more Republicans than Democrats may be up for re-election, as in 2022 ... comprende'? So, I wouldn't gloat just yet.
Welcome back, Subhub, how was your vacation? I know you're all rested up to talk to the morons again! Have to it! ..... 2442386
I’m not sure I should argue on a sex site with someone whose handle is “German Sheperd” kinda says it all really!
Well he could have chosen "Dingo" you know! LOL!
He's been here 11/2 years and posted about 8-10 times total ... more of a gawker than poster, anyway!
I wonder if Trump will get his Nobel prize before he gets kicked out of office? The Mueller report is coming out NEXT week ... I believe some will be laughing and some crying.
If you know how the Senate seats are re-elected, Senate is a 6-year seat and only 1/3 of those seats come up for re-election each 2 year period. Some years there are more Republicans up for re-election and sometimes more Democrats for re-election. So you can't look at this as a 2-year period like the House seats. In 2020 more Republicans than Democrats may be up for re-election, as in 2022 ... comprende'? So, I wouldn't gloat just yet.
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more excuses why he picked up/won?