Trump wins

though the latest polling suggests President Trump’s bargaining position may be strong.

where are you getting your info? the white house?

sure trump refuses to do anything...and he really wants them gone to begin with to please his base other wise he would never have opened that door to begin with...BUT he is demanding money for his wall/monument....the conservatives will NEVER give him money for yes he needs the Dems...this last shut down was just a temp thing...and WILL happen again...trump won't ok the daca without his wall...but the DEms are not going to ok the wall and let the money be taken away from the needy it will be very interesting....trump doesn't care who or what he destroys to get his will ne funny if he was the first pres in history to have a shut down last his entire presidency!

hell we have very little gov hell lets make it official!
We best prepare for Pence as president!

you know I think that stupid fucker really thinks he can go in and just say what he wants....his whole life no has dared question what he says

well he has finally hit the big time....and just like a couple here.... he is going to have to figure out people are not buying his bullshit

Pence is going to be a real problem because in his mind everything he does is in the name of religion....if we are lucky they both go down right after midterms...if not hopefully the dems can get more people in and can stop most of his BS
Now remember what the guru of Washington DC said .... its JOBS, JOBS, JOBS
As we learn more of the FBI corruption, the probability of a aTrump indictment goes to zero.
wow ... as if there's a history of Presidents that have been indicted! .... like NONE in history!
This is going to follow the very same scenario as President Nixon .... except THEN he's going to have to face NJ state charges ... they're waiting on his removal from office to do that.
Now remember what the guru of Washington DC said .... its JOBS, JOBS, JOBS
View attachment 1669406*******-more-jobs-than-it-can-create.html
Obama slaps tariffs on imported solar cells of 34 to 47% in 2012. Democrat reaction: Great applause for Obummer protecting US jobs

House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (Md.) said finalizing the tariffs was another example of Obama's resolve.
"Today's decision by the President to impose tough tariffs on Chinese solar imports is just the latest step by the Obama Administration to get tough on foreign companies who don't play by the rules," Hoyer said in a statement. "I applaud his move, which will help American manufacturers compete here at home and overseas."

Trump slaps a tariff on imported solar cells that starts at 30% and declines 5% per year, with the first 2.5 GIGAWatts being exepmt. Democrat reaction: Oh NO this will ******* jobs!!!

You've got to love when Democrat hypocrisy is on full display. The sad thing is there are so many useful idiots that are completely blind to the hypocrisy.
Now remember what the guru of Washington DC said .... its JOBS, JOBS, JOBS
View attachment 1669406*******-more-jobs-than-it-can-create.html

Your artical seems to have forgot to include a key word,

Washington, DC – U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer announced today that President Trump has approved recommendations to impose safeguard tariffs on imported large residential washing machines and imported solar cells and modules.

Which will help American Solar Manufactures companies compete in the market. The panel manufacture that Obama bailed out in 2010, went out of business in 2011 claiming in part because of the cheep china imports. So I guess you liberals need to make up your minds. If you want us to use cheap china imports, then stop bitching about our jobs going over seas and loosing manufacturing jobs to cheap imports. The government killed American manufacturing with the free trades agreement Clinton signed into law. But then again, if our labor rate wasn't so high, we could sell panels made in the states just as cheap as those imported ones.

Personally I don't mind China imports, if a company can't compete with the changing market without creating new laws and taxes then maybe they should switch professions. Contrary to popular belief, China can't just import what ever junk they want to. There are standards that must be met for things like this.

What is more concerning to me is the fact that Utilities along with Solar and wind manufactures, are trying to make it illegal for the DIY and off-grid homes. There has been a large push in the local and state legislation to make off-grid living illegal and make solar panels unavailable to individuals that want to supplement their homes. It is more important to me to see what the President (any President) will do about this type of situation - will we be allowed to pursue Off-Grid living or will we be ****** once again to hand our cash over to Crony Capitalist. Whether or not we maintain the freedom of choice is more important to me than a terif on imported goods.

"FPL's lobbying wing has fought hard against letting Floridians power their own homes with solar panels. Thanks to power-company rules, it's impossible across Florida to simply buy a solar panel and power your individual home with it. You are instead legally mandated to connect your panels to your local electric grid. More egregious, FPL mandates that if the power goes out, your solar-power system must power down along with the rest of the grid, robbing potentially needy people of power during major outages.
(is Florida a democratic state? hummm)

If people are going to be ****** to connect their solar panels that they pay for to the grid, then people won't be buying solar panels anyways. So the Tariff really becomes a mote point. Again, if a Utility company can't compete with the changing market without creating new laws and taxes then maybe they should switch professions.
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Why cant trump supporters just admit you were screwed by a con artist? Let go of your fucking ego!
You sound jelous of his economic achievements this year. As well as standing up to Rocketman. And forsing congress to get off their asses and fix a broken immigration system. And nominate and get confirmed lots of conservative judges. And get NATO to finally pay their fair share of the military budget. My only regret is the liberal reactionaries who have torpedo’d his efforts to improve relations with Russia.
Why cant trump supporters just admit you were screwed by a con artist? Let go of your fucking ego!

LOL, and Obama wasn't?

Is Trump a Liar? Sure he is, name one that isn't.

Is Trump qualified? Not any more than Obama was, Bush Sr and Clinton were probably the most qualified out of the past presidents since the 80's

Does Trump have the best interest of the people in mind - not at all, none of them do. The entire government is owned by Lobbyist and the Federal Reserve.

Is Trump a bummble-fuck? Sure he is, but America can survive bummble-fuck. Are things really that different in you life since the election? Did your world come to an end? Was Martial law enacted in your state? What has really changed for YOU specifically since Trump became your president?

In what way specifically were the American people "screwed by a con artist"? Politics in general is a con game.

I don't want my government providing me with anything, i want my government to ensure I can obtain everything I need for my self. Something neither party works towards recently. Republican or Democrate does not matter - what is important is that the governemnt as a whole keeps the americain people divided and fighting.
You sound jelous of his economic achievements this year. As well as standing up to Rocketman. And forsing congress to get off their asses and fix a broken immigration system. And nominate and get confirmed lots of conservative judges. And get NATO to finally pay their fair share of the military budget. My only regret is the liberal reactionaries who have torpedo’d his efforts to improve relations with Russia.
"teacher, teacher, me, me!"
gif_yellowball-raisingHAND.gif............ except that the economy has been in a solid, continuous growth since Obama's first term. He had NOTHING to do with turning the economy around, just as he has nothing to do with the stock market that he also takes credit for.
........................ Rocketman has not gone away or even slowed down his provocations of Donald Trump. Trump's dumb enough to start a nuclear war.
........................ immigration has not been fixed, yet. Still being debated.
........................ judges? well, my god, he's got a trifecta in Washington
........................ who's paid their fair share thus far? ________________, ________________, _______________, _______________ (please fill in the blanks)
........................ Russia and his involvement with them is still under investigation; the only one I see trying to torpedo the Mueller investigation are the President & Republicans.
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except that the economy has been in a solid, continuous growth since Obama's first term. He had NOTHING to do with turning the economy around, just as he has nothing to do with the stock market that he also takes credit for.
Bullshit. We were in an ugly industrial recession over the last year and a half of Obummer's term. Even your liberal friends at the Clinton News Network occasionally admitted it:

The U.S. manufacturing sector shrank for the fifth straight month in February. It's the longest recession for the sector since 2009.

More starkly, Kansas City Southern CEO David Starling said that "what we're going through now reminds me a lot of what we were going through back in 2009." He mentioned that another railroad executive surmised that "we are in an energy market depression, an industrial and manufacturing recession."

You may not have noticed the economic troubles since your insurance industry bribed Obummer into making it illegal not to buy your product.

Trump has every right to take credit for the stock market boom. It really has made a dramatic climb since his election. Liberals love to claim it was growing under Obummer, but the facts say otherwise. Here's a chart of the Dow showing it was basically stagnant for the last two years of Obummer's term (remember that industrial recession???). Note how the Dow was at 17,800 just before Trump's election....exact same level it was TWO years prior. There's an obvious inflection point in the Dow right after Trump's election. In just over a year, it has grown 46% after growing ZILCH in the last two years.

Dow 2014-2018.jpg
LOL, and Obama wasn't?

Is Trump a Liar? Sure he is, name one that isn't.

Is Trump qualified? Not any more than Obama was, Bush Sr and Clinton were probably the most qualified out of the past presidents since the 80's

Does Trump have the best interest of the people in mind - not at all, none of them do. The entire government is owned by Lobbyist and the Federal Reserve.

Is Trump a bummble-fuck? Sure he is, but America can survive bummble-fuck. Are things really that different in you life since the election? Did your world come to an end? Was Martial law enacted in your state? What has really changed for YOU specifically since Trump became your president?

In what way specifically were the American people "screwed by a con artist"? Politics in general is a con game.

I don't want my government providing me with anything, i want my government to ensure I can obtain everything I need for my self. Something neither party works towards recently. Republican or Democrate does not matter - what is important is that the governemnt as a whole keeps the americain people divided and fighting.
Where to begin lol... First of all he is a huge con artist even for a president. He told everyone he was going to "drain the swamp" then he hires a bunch of billionare lobbyists who he claims to hate. He claims to be a champion of the "forgotten man" yet he passes a tax plan to give a nice break for the wealthiest Americans because clearly they needed it. He ran on building a wall that Mexico would pay for knowing that Mexico would never pay for a wall to keep out their own people. Also you cant build a fucking wall over mountains and rivers lol. He has statistically lied at a higher rate than any other president. All he did was complain about Obama golfing yet he has spent nearly a third of his presidency golfing at his own properties. He continues to enrich himself by hosting politicians and donors at his properties which violates the constitution. He has clearly obstructed justice on multiple ocassions and is under investigation for colluding with a foreign goverment. He is racist, sexist, ignorant, arrogant and a complete joke!
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LOL, and Obama wasn't?

Is Trump a Liar? Sure he is, name one that isn't.

Is Trump qualified? Not any more than Obama was, Bush Sr and Clinton were probably the most qualified out of the past presidents since the 80's

Does Trump have the best interest of the people in mind - not at all, none of them do. The entire government is owned by Lobbyist and the Federal Reserve.

Is Trump a bummble-fuck? Sure he is, but America can survive bummble-fuck. Are things really that different in you life since the election? Did your world come to an end? Was Martial law enacted in your state? What has really changed for YOU specifically since Trump became your president?

In what way specifically were the American people "screwed by a con artist"? Politics in general is a con game.

I don't want my government providing me with anything, i want my government to ensure I can obtain everything I need for my self. Something neither party works towards recently. Republican or Democrate does not matter - what is important is that the governemnt as a whole keeps the americain people divided and fighting.
Now for how it affects me personally: It affects all of us! When you have a president who denies climate change, which nearly every scientist on earth agrees is real, we all suffer. When you have a racist president we all suffer. Other countries will continue to dismiss us like they did at the UN. When you have a president who continues to attack the free press, that slowly erodes democracy which affects EVERYONE! Dictatorships dont appear over night, they build slowly over time. Other dictators in places like Turkey and Syria have physically attacked, arrested, and even murdered media members for asking questions. Guess how they justify these actions? They call the press "fake news" hmm where did they get that from. You might feel differently when this mentally unhinged piece of garbage starts a nuclear war lol. If you havent woken up yet, you never will. Ill smile a great big smile when hes impeached even though Pence is a fucking nut job too. I rest my case lol