Trump wins

I dont care if your white, black , blue , pink or purple....if you want to immigrate to the US from where ever your from we will accept you with open arms as long as you do it legally and go thru the process.

And yes if your A middle eastern man or someone from a terrorist sponsored state you should be looked at a little harder....sorry if thats profiling but thats the way it is.
yeah right..... more fairy tales.... just couldn't resist the first one above.... now you are trying to turn this into a cartoon.... come to think of it maybe that's what the election was
yeah right..... more fairy tales.... just couldn't resist the first one above.... now you are trying to turn this into a cartoon.... come to think of it maybe that's what the election was

I'm not certain if the election was a cartoon, but it was definitely animated. I think the incredible hulk is an excellent metaphor to Trump and black guys in general because we are judged for our appearance instead of the content of our character as Martin Luther King Jr stated. After this election, I see many unemployed pollsters and burning political science textbooks in fireplaces of many people's homes keeping them warm and toasty over the upcoming Christmas holidays as President Elect Donald J. Trump broke all the rules yet he won? Yes, Trump did say some fearsome things likewise the incredible hulk is a terrifying creature. But in the realm of comic books, the hulk is generally regarded as a super hero. Perhaps, in time Trump will be too? The hulk won various fights where his enemies teamed up against him. That sounds awfully similar to Trump besting his 16 other candidates to become the Republican nominee who not only had to defeat Hillary, but also the Republican party itself. Moreover, the hulk despite being treated badly by society (just as black guys are) he does the right thing in the end to earn the status of being referred to as a super hero. Time will tell if President Elect Donald J. Trump does so too, but he might be too busy help out the Avengers.
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How is it outdated? We live in a republic, not a democracy, presidents should not be elected because they win large vote tallies in major cities or a handful of populous states.
What disturbs me about the Electoral College is that they can vote any way they want. Granted the electors have never as far as I know ever reversed the will of the people. However just the fact that that the capability exists is bothersome to me. In the early days of the republic with the states stretched out along the eastern seaboard sending representatives made a certain amount of sense. A group of electors traveling together could provide security for one another and since the electors were chosen by the winning candidate there wasn't much chance of fraud. It would have been a good deal more secure than sending the election results

Today we have nearly instantaneous communication. The college doesn't serve any real purpose. The Electoral College is unique to the United States and I think no longer serves any necessary purpose. As far as I know no other government in the world that elects their president uses anything even remotely like the Electoral College and then seem to get the job done. I have over the last day or two read a couple of articles implying that there is an effort to get some electors to change their vote
where you been ? you haven't popped in for a while!

true majority wins.... and that's that!
but that damned map always pisses me off.... very deceiving!... for example... we have a famous ranch here that covers several hundred miles.... and the only thing that lives on it is cows!.... and they don't vote!... I'm guessing same would apply to texas and colo and a few others!

you get one person in that hundred mile sq area... and yes farmers and ranchers are pretty much republican... but that one person votes republican... and gets credit for a whole big red spot
where as a little blue dot in a city....might have several hundred voters!

Very true, just as Trump might have ******* several thousands of non-voting cows to vote for him, Hillary must likewise be enraged at the thought that millions of non-voting cockroaches and millions of non-voting rats from the big cities that didn't show up at the polls to try to vote for her too?
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It had everything to do with her being a shitty candidate, regardless of her gender.
Unfortunately in this election Trump really didn't win, Hillary lost. It could have gotten interesting if Gary Johnson had been allowed to participate in even one debate. His economic plan was at least viable and realistic.
Very true, just as Trump might have ******* several thousands of non-voting cows to vote for him, Hillary must likewise be enraged at the thought that millions of non-voting cockroaches from the big cities didn't show up at the polls to try to vote for her too?

you being from Canada and apparently just on here to stir *******....and apparently have no other life other than to get on here and stir ******* But I will tell you!

Hillary got 1.2 million more votes than Trump.... Trump got her on the electorate vote!... those people are supposed to vote according to their fellow voters wishes but it didn't happen.... just like with Bush and Gore... Gore won the popular vote... Bush won the electorate and we know how that turned out!

he has already had problems with his meeting with Japan... in a war of words with China and a couple other countries.... had meetings with investors that are building in other countries under his name... he is already making a ton of money off this so far.... I won't go into all the other shaky stuff... like wanting his ******* in law in on briefings... which could be a huge advantage in overseas in vestments

He appointed a general that during the RNC convention said Hillary should be in jail over her handling of classified info... yet he was reprimanded 2 times by the pentagon and eventually ****** into retirement over his giving classified info to middle east countries.... he appointed ag to a man that congress would not approve of 30 years ago because he was racial!... I could go on.... but like I said you being from Canada really have no idea.... and are just here stirring *******.... it will be a year or so before we really know if he is any good or not.... all your praise right now is just bullshit!
and trying to stir something up
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Unfortunately many politicians get elected for the wrong reasons. What is person being hired for? Can he/she do the job? It shouldn't matter if the person is an asshole as long as they can do the job. President Obama got elected because he was black. I made some calls and was universally told he had a huge ego, that he easily got vindictive when he didn't get his way, and tended to play the race card a little too much. There were a number of other points I won't go into here. I figured it was just some sour grapes over his rapid ascension and I voted for him the first time. It quickly became apparent that he had no real readership ability. His main talent was grabbing headlines and fomenting division and strive. Race relations are at their lowest level since I was a teen, there are less people working now than when he took office, our stature in the world is diminished, our economy has stagnated, and and business starts are at their lowest level decades. The Democratic Party has lost over 1,000 local, states and federal elected seats but President Obama remains very popular.

How will Trump do? Very hard to say. The Federal Government for all intents and purposes is the biggest business in the United States and he is a businessman. There seems to be a sense of optimism with the Russians and the Chinese, but only time will tell. His jobs goal is a realistic number if he can do it is another question. The big dollars in infrastructure I see as more of a band aid than a solution. The debt needs to be a priority. The country needs a good business person in the big chair, it remains to be seen if he has the chops to do what needs to be done
It quickly became apparent that he had no real readership ability.

His problem was the party of no!.... the right wants to look at Obama like some sour apple.. yet he is very popular.... but it was the right that got together 2 months before he was even sworn in and decided to be against or vote no for anything he tried to do.... you have a selective memory there!.... remember McConnell saying that it was their intention to make him a one term pres!.... they did everything they could... gov shut downs... voting no on diff bills that would have helped the economy and people..... but the blacks got out and supported him and he got re-elected..... now along comes Trump... people forget just who fucked things up and count on trump being the man on the white horse... and vote him in.... leaving the main problem with wash still there!
Race relations are at their lowest level since I was a teen
I will agree with that.... but I think blacks just expected him to do more for them... how can he?... pretty hard to do,,,just say I'm goin to create 1000 jobs just for blacks?... I think with him in there they expected more... and just doesn't work that way... it has to be for everyone!

there are less people working now than when he took office,

you being a numbers man can look at that anyway you want... facts are look at his record for job creation... without the help of congress it still beats most republicans!.... there is a problem with more people coming into the workforce than there are jobs being created.... and that IS AN ISSUE... the right would not give him the infrastructure that he asked for in his 2nd year in office... said no money... but now Trump is talking about it... lets see what they say!

The Federal Government for all intents and purposes is the biggest business in the United States and he is a businessman
7yes... hard to say.... but he has filed a lot of chapter 11's.... will have to wait and see... he has some that have done well... and still working on more... just like the secret little meeting he had with the 2 Indian biz men!

The country needs a good business person in the big chair, it remains to be seen if he has the chops to do what needs to be done
there again look at history!..... never NEVER has a republican biz man done anything for the economy... it has always done worse with a republican biz man.... you people just can't handle the money!

look at the 10 poorest states in the us... all in the south... and all republican led... and all drawing more in federal money that they pay in... that makes those republican states leaches off the rest of the us!
you being from Canada and apparently just on here to stir *******....and apparently have no other life other than to get on here and stir ******* But I will tell you!

Hillary got 1.2 million more votes than Trump.... Trump got her on the electorate vote!... those people are supposed to vote according to their fellow voters wishes but it didn't happen.... just like with Bush and Gore... Gore won the popular vote... Bush won the electorate and we know how that turned out!

he has already had problems with his meeting with Japan... in a war of words with China and a couple other countries.... had meetings with investors that are building in other countries under his name... he is already making a ton of money off this so far.... I won't go into all the other shaky stuff... like wanting his ******* in law in on briefings... which could be a huge advantage in overseas in vestments

He appointed a general that during the RNC convention said Hillary should be in jail over her handling of classified info... yet he was reprimanded 2 times by the pentagon and eventually ****** into retirement over his giving classified info to middle east countries.... he appointed ag to a man that congress would not approve of 30 years ago because he was racial!... I could go on.... but like I said you being from Canada really have no idea.... and are just here stirring *******.... it will be a year or so before we really know if he is any good or not.... all your praise right now is just bullshit!
and trying to stir something up

Hmmm. I could say the same of you. As you are here just to stir ******* and you too have no life other than to stir ******* as the election is over and even after Hillary threw in her towel in the fight, millions of her supporters like you are still disappointed, angry, protesting or vociferously protesting her loss ( which to me doesn't appear to be the action of a submissive hubby as your handle portrays, but looking at your profile you claim to be a die hard Democrat so I don't think you will ever change from that perspective no matter how convincing and argument is laid out for you to read and for you to connect the dots. ) But for the benefit of other open-minded individuals or if you were to prove me wrong, I will go further and not rely on a circular argument where we mud sling each other, but instead mention facts that anyone can look up, .... even @subhub174014.

Like it or protest it, Trump won. Trump has made mistakes, just as Hillary, Obama, Bush Jr., Bill Clinton, and all his other predecessors have. I make mistakes, you make mistakes. We all at some point screwed up, but the best we can do is to learn from them and progress as Trump might be doing behind the scenes and for all of you to support your President-Elect instead of crucifying him for any minor mistakes he makes, whereas if a private investigator recorded the mistakes of Trump's critics as well as their secret sins it would make the world blush. After all you, me, and those reading this are on a sex hookup site, so none of us are walking on water.

And really? Attacking where I live saying I have no idea how your nation functions? You might be oblivious to the fact that we communicate on an Internet, where if I wanted I could look up any of the details you cite on-line, otherwise I could ask someone. And the US has a media that broadcasts just about anything on-line. It may have escaped you, but there are such things as,, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, etc. And if I desired I could look up various minutiae from CSpan too. But being in the US, I guess you have no idea.

Moreover, Canada is home to the largest number of residents eligible to cast their ballot for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton during your election that just passed besides any country outside of the United States. But once again, being in the US, I guess you have no idea. As proof:

Another benefit that I have, that you have no idea living in the US, is On occasion there are some books that capture my interest and I'll tell you!

There is a book that shatters all of your arguments with Hillary and more so the Democratic Party historically in general. And yes, I am referring to the historic foundations of the Democrats that THEY want to keep buried about how Democrats treated blacks historically, yet blacks still vote Democratic? Fortunately, Dinesh D'Souza dug up these secret truths for the world to see. Because I doubt you would buy the book and read it for yourself, I'll share them for you and others to read too. I'll focus on what I deem to be the highlights that no one can defend, but if you can you are a genius and the DNC should hire you as their press secretary:

1) In 1857, a Democratically controlled Supreme Court delivered the Dred Scott decision, declaring that blacks were not persons or citizens but instead were property and therefore had no rights.

2) The 13th Amendment to abolish slavery was voted for by 100% of the Republicans in congress and by 23% of the Democrats in congress. Therefore, it is ironic for blacks support the Democratic Party with their votes.

3) Not one Democrat either in the House or the Senate voted for the 14th amendment declaring that former slaves were full citizens of the state in which they lived and were therefore entitled to all the rights and privileges of any other citizen in that state.

4) In 1866 Democrats formed the Ku Klux Klan to pave the way for Democrats to regain control in the elections where the KKK focused their terror tactics not on blacks but on white Republicans. And Republican crusader, Ida B. Wells, a black woman, sought to stop the practice of lynching, but she had mixed success because lynching was protected and promoted by the Democratic Party as a technique of keeping blacks down.

5) In the 19th century, Democrats prevented Black Americans from going to public school.

6) In the 20th and 21st century Democrats prevented Black Americans trapped in failing schools from choosing a better school. In fact Democrats voted against the bill by 99%.

7) Also, in Hillary's America it mentions how Planned Parenthood was formed to exterminate blacks through abortion and how it had backing of the Democrats. This last point would be of great consequence on a site where women and couples seek black guys so the black guy can breed the women. Thanks to the DNC, Hillary Clinton, and Margaret Sanger (the founder of Planned Parenthood who Hillary on many occasions pledged her allegiance towards and was quoted as doing so too during her third debate with Trump also too for both Sanger and Planned Parenthood. ) there are far fewer black guys in the world for white women to be with. To all submissive hubbies, cucks, and definitely white women out there that should be enough to leave the DNC entirely out of disgust!

Furthermore, D'Souza quotes Margaret Sanger from her book "The Pivot of Civilization" in chapter 5 of "Hillary's America", Margaret Sanger states: "We are paying for and even submitting to the dictates of an ever-increasing, unceasingly-spawning class of human beings who never have been born at all."

If the aforementioned are the foundational beliefs of the DNC and for those who have these beliefs of being a supporter of the DNC, you are now at a crossroads. You can reject the DNC and stay as a cuck, submissive hubby, and a horny white woman fucking us black guys rejecting the DNC ( As I mentioned earlier we all make mistakes (For those who are fans of older tv programs, even Archie Bunker from "All In The Family" can grow in character to no longer be a racist (I pray many follow that example) as I watched his spin-off series "Archie's Place" where he owned a bar and punched out a man who was racist.)). Otherwise, you can maintain your DNC ideals, perhaps even embrace these new foundational beliefs that I shared with you and quit this site because there would be a severe contradiction wanting to ******* off black guys yet wanting to fuck with us and wanting to be submissive to us? But if wish to maintain that contradiction, I'll allow you to make your psychologist(s) very rich.

For those who are black and as rigidly Democratic as @subhub174014 is. I also want to share with you the fact that blacks historically were almost, if not completely, Republicans. As proof look at:, or as an example.

It was only after LBJ that blacks largely switched to join the DNC that D'Souza describes in detail about that switch in Chapter 5 or "Hillary's America".

In addition, it's convenient that Democrats forget that when Bill and Hillary left the White House, Hillary famously quoted that they were "dead broke" (also near the bottom of the page of 235 in "Hillary's America"). So how did they get rich and eventually raise hundreds of millions of dollars in a variety of super-PACs for two failed attempts at presidency? To succinctly put it, as I typed a lot right now, I quote D'Souza on page 236, of "Hillary's America", where he states: " came from cronyism, corruption, and theft...".

So, @subhub174014 and any others adhering to his beliefs, if you read this far try to counter all these truths that I raised as you are just trying to give your President-Elect headaches and you are just stirring up ******* too and trying to cover up the aforementioned truths of the DNC's history that they never want aired for some reason. For if it was they'd disappear just as there are no American Whigs anymore:

To any other objective readers of what I wrote, I'll let you weigh my arguments and I'll allow you to reach your logical conclusions on your own as America is your nation (if you are American) and you are the ones to decide which direction you decide to go. I'm out for now...
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Like I said ... just a ******* stirrer!... look at the above posts... anything about Clinton losing.... no!... strictly politics!... just 2 people talking politics!

you are one of those that want to go on and gloat.... about someone you didn't even vote for.... and try to irritate the ones that didn't see the vote your way.... promoting the anger!

I could say a lot more but that's enough.... I don't see getting anything out of you except how great Trump is and how the losers should......... post all you want... but I won't respond to you

someone that wants to talk politics or something... yes.... but again since you didn't vote that would not apply to you

torp didn't vote for trump either so you can direct your conversation to him!
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Like I said ... just a ******* stirrer!... look at the above posts... anything about Clinton losing.... no!... strictly politics!... just 2 people talking politics!

And typically evading the facts that I discussed. I talk facts that you have great difficulty addressing as I stated above, and you continue to bitch and as you continue as you say "stir *******". Please re-read what I said and try to address any of the 7 historical truths the DNC tries to make people forget, if you can? I am the nightmare of the DNC and I hope there will be other nightmares (as I have opened the eyes of other DNC minded people) that follow after me while you throw your tantrums. How can you talk about being in a forest fire without wondering how it got started? And I am talking politics, just the historic politics of the DNC you cannot defend. I fear @subhub174014 that you will continue to stay closed minded about this, so what I write is for the benefit of those that can examine the facts I aforementioned. Peace.
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Like I said ... just a ******* stirrer!... look at the above posts... anything about Clinton losing.... no!... strictly politics!... just 2 people talking politics!

you are one of those that want to go on and gloat.... about someone you didn't even vote for.... and try to irritate the ones that didn't see the vote your way.... promoting the anger!

I could say a lot more but that's enough.... I don't see getting anything out of you except how great Trump is and how the losers should......... post all you want... but I won't respond to you

someone that wants to talk politics or something... yes.... but again since you didn't vote that would not apply to you

torp didn't vote for trump either so you can direct your conversation to him!

Again I didn't have to vote for Trump as over 600,000 Canadians could have done so (, and I didn't really focus too much on Trump, but I focused on the contradictions of the DNC claiming they support blacks versus what they did in the past. Calm down @subhub174014, I sense your ******* pressure is rising, lol! I'm dumping facts on you like Niagara Falls and you feel it's your duty to bring the water back up? Give up and stand down. You lost this debate. Anything more you say unless you refute my prior facts are baseless and you are continuing as you say "stirring (and more accurately "stewing in") your own *******" and you are embarrassing yourself. Enough! I can only imagine the hundreds of likes my posts will get because of your ongoing bitching.
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You are 100% right. Who would have thought it was a good idea to give 20 million people health insurance.

20 million out of 324 million is less than 5% of the total population. The United States was founded under the ideal that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. I hate to break it to you, but that 20 million are the few. Less than 5% getting health coverage shouldn't cost the average american up to 50% of their income while those insurance CEOs are making $65,000,000 salary a year from Obamacare. It was a scam from the start to let the rich insurance companies get richer while driving their competitors out of business. And its why people voted Republicans into majority in Congress the past two midterms and this election.