Trump Wins 2020 Presidential Election..... He Thanks BLM & Antifa?


Gold Member
With continued protests resulting in violence, death, destruction of businesses/private property will Donald Trump win a second term due to Antifa and BLM's approach to Police Violence by being violent or at minimum destructive?

Also, BLM's association with Antifa has that also, contributed to increasing numbers of American Blacks opposing BLM which, doesn't address Intra-racial violence within inner-cities such as New York or Chicago?
It is a risky political strategy to intentionally alienate the majority electorate; the "normies" who have jobs and families that would be ruined by anarchy in the streets, destroying commerce. Those normies are both rep and dem.

This burn, loot, riot action appeals only to those who have nothing to lose. Even a sympathetic dem in the gentrified neighborhoods, does not want to live in a war zone. But BLM and antifa are unwisely attacking them also. It appears the Establishment dems have lost control of their party. Easy enough to do when Creepy Joe can be distracted by a Girl Scout selling cookies.
^^ democrat operatives burn, loot and riot in deep democrat cities and then say "look what Trump made me do!"

I'll give you enough credit to presume that even you don't believe that hooey. Good luck selling that narrative to the electorate.
Kyle Rittenhouse is a "democratic operative" now? That's a new one. He seemed to pretty clearly support Trump.

He did the stuff you fantasized about doing on here in the past (murdering protestors exercising free speech). I'm worried that you're as sick as he is, and you need help.
Only radically indoctrinated Dems are blind to the fact that it’s the left committing the violence in this country. The leftists and marxists burn the cities and riot and then blame our President. Trouble for you cretins is that America sees what’s going on - how the left governed cities allow this behavior to the detriment of their citizens to try to make the President look bad.

”Murdering protestors exercising free speech” - thanks for showing either your ignorance of what happened or your inability to see anything but what your leftist brain allows you to.

Kyle Rittenhouse was clearly retreating - that is trying to get away - he was attacked from behind by a mob - he was knocked down - hit with skateboards - they tried to grab his gun - and one assailant was clearly lining up on him with a Glock *******.
He did not discharge his weapon until he was set upon by the mob. The 3 “peaceful” protestors shot - ALL were felons with violent criminal records. You people are incapable of seeing the truth of what transpires - only the media slanted lefty view - it’s REALLY sad !!!!
I've been marching at BLM protests in NYC. Nobody is burning anything down, as much as your violent fantasies and your far-right propaganda make you think they are.

Now you're defending someone who drove across state lines to ******* people, and insulting the character of the people he shot.

If America is too liberal for you with our values of free speech, might I recommend Saudi Arabia?
Might I suggest to HELL with you.

I know trying to reason with you is an impossibility but try to grasp this - it’s NOT ******* when you’re retreating - are attacked by multiple armed attackers from behind and ARE defending yourself.

It is a matter of FACT - that the three attackers were convicted felons all having been convicted of being involved in violent crimes.

Live in your Dem fantasy land - I choose to see WTF is REALLY going on.

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