Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

... and within the first 5 minutes, Trump is getting absolutely grilled, and she's interrupting his answers.
She wasn't INTERRUPTING, she was KEEPING THE PRESIDENT ON TOPIC so he didn't evade the questions ... there's a difference, you know. Wait, maybe you wouldn't know since you don't know the difference between FACTS & OPINIONS. Sorry .... forgot who I was addressing. LOL
You want a INTERRUPTION comparison, view the first Presidential debate ... Savannah Guthrie just denied Trump that option.

So, I guess that means NO MORE DEBATES & TOWN HALLS for the Trumpster. People are wising up to the LiarNChief.
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the claim was NBC to soft on trump last time and let him get away with ******* and not answering questions....not this time​

Savannah Guthrie Saves NBC News From Total Town Hall ...

5 hours ago · As puzzling as it was that NBC News scheduled its town hall with Donald Trump against ABC News and Joe Biden, credit is due to moderator Savannah Guthrie for …

Savannah Guthrie grilled Trump like few others have ...
6 hours ago · Savannah Guthrie grilled Trump like few others have, taking the heat off NBC for its town hall The network was criticized for accommodating Trump

Savannah Guthrie shines as moderator at the Trump town ...

5 hours ago · Savannah Guthrie is very good at interviewing Donald Trump. The Today show co-anchor tapped to moderate the president’s town hall on NBC Thursday faced …
since cain can't speak up about his regrets…..this will have to do....and I will bet trump still doesn't go along....curious as to what will be said between Christy and trump now

Chris Christie says he was in ICU for 7 days battling ...
16 hours ago · Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie on Thursday urged Americans to wear masks to fight the coronavirus, which put him in intensive care for …

Christie Says He Was ‘Wrong’ Not to Wear Masks at White ...
10 hours ago · Chris Christie, the former New Jersey governor who was recently battling a coronavirus infection, said on Thursday that he was “wrong” not to wear a mask
She wasn't INTERRUPTING, she was KEEPING THE PRESIDENT ON TOPIC so he didn't evade the questions ... there's a difference, you know. Wait, maybe you wouldn't know since you don't know the difference between FACTS & OPINIONS. Sorry .... forgot who I was addressing. LOL
You want a INTERRUPTION comparison, view the first Presidential debate ... Savannah Guthrie just denied Trump that option.

So, I guess that means NO MORE DEBATES & TOWN HALLS for the Trumpster. People are wising up to the LiarNChief.
Take a good look at this guy, everyone... this is a perfect example of someone who really & truly lives in a bizarro-world.... someone completely "indoctrinated" into a corrupt-socialist regime of pure-bred liars > the democrat party!... The "hate-filled" democrats have really gotten to you - to your brain - and to the core of your being.

It's all about perception - and the democrats cannot see two-inches before their faces - they "tell" you what to thing, Mac... they literally "tell" you how to think - who to dislike - and who to hate. They LAUGH at people like you (and how they can manipulate the people with their pure lies). I've seen it many times, and in person.

Let's see... what to the democrats hate?... answer: Everything - and especially America.

Democrats just "hate" ... that's all they do... Dems support killing millions of A/A babies each year (look up Margret Sanger). The Dems also hate the police - hate the military - hate lower taxes for people - hate God & country- hate the American flag - hate Patriotism (call it racist, haha what fools) - Dems hate prayer in schools (unless you're muslim, then it's okay, I know... I've seen it at the school my boys go to).... the Dems hate President Donald J. Trump - and hate everyone/ anyone who has another opinion other than your own... they will hurt you and even ******* you, if you disagree... yes, they will literally ATTACK you and threaten you for the crime of having another opinion, other than theirs.... they will ******* you for disagreeing w/ them.

That's who you support?... a crazy, lying Democrat Party who "was" historically responsible for slavery-practices - the KKK - Crow Laws and selling American jobs to foreign countries. The, on top of this... they lie to us.

Biden is a flat-out liar... Pelosi is a ding-bat liar - Schimer is a cry-baby liar - Schiff is slime-ball liar - 80% of the lying Dem party are playing you for a "fool"... the hugest liars - and many of the Dem Government hate the policies they are TOLD to support - just as YOU are told how to think... and you Obey....

... But, these Dem officials will go along and vote the way they are TOLD TO by Pelosi... otherwise, they will get no support during their reelection campaigns - and - they will NOT be selected to any committees or sub-committees (where they make most of their money). Yes, they are "*******" into voting for the "chosen position of the day" ... *******-******-blackmailed and threatened by the Dem leadership. < this is very true, btw.
And, now they TOLD YOU what to believe about our President - all lies - all of it... all distortions of the truth. They look at people like you and laugh at "how easy" it was to manipulate your brain ... and the lying fake news media knows it too... yes, they literally LAUGH at people like you, their own voters.... Just watch the faces of your dem leaders (aka your gods) and ask yourself, "why am I listening to these fools?" Answer: Because y'all were TOLD to... TOLD ow to think... and it's all based upon a foundation of pure lies.

And, Trump has caught them in a MULTITUDE of lies... still, you believe... cus' you hate the man so much.. hate his style... hate the way he expresses himself... but HE IS telling the truth about the corruption of your political party (aka your gods)... He has "exposed" them n' now y'all are running for the hills. Fools, every one. Wake Up, America... LOOK CLOSER... see the "real" truth and research it yourself... the Democrats are lying to you. I've learned a lot working in special high-level programs in the HC arena - and working directly with them, nearly 4 years -- and I am shocked to hear the things coming out of their mouths when their guard is down (and) they're NOT on TV.

The Democrats are biased - two-faced - manipulators - create double-standards ALL THE TIME - they are the most corrupt, evil and disgusting people in the world... and, it's so SAD that they can (and do) manipulate people like you... it's really sad - also pathetic, really. As I have said before... if YOU and your fries ever had a chance to hear and see 10% of what I have - and that goes for everyone - then I can totally guarantee that you would never vote for the "ugly" rotten to the core political party (dems) again - yes, I guarantee it!

President Trump will win (again)... and we will begin the process of convincing ALL of America that your "hold gods" in the Dem Party are false gods - fools - liars - manipulators and corrupt on an epic scale.

We will "show" y'all the "real" truth - not your CNN truths... haha... I mean, really... y'all have to be brain-dead to believe those people... seriously, it's scary to see just HOW MUCH the dems can get away with... and how much they can infiltrate the beaten-down, weakened brains of their disciples. It's CULT LIKE SCARY - the democrats are NOT real people... they're an evil cult "brainwashing" the minds of fools... and they're getting away w/ that too. #UglyDems ... #WalkAwayCampaign.
Bloomberg teams up with top Latino group for Florida ad buy

MIAMI — Latino Victory Fund and billionaire Mike Bloomberg are launching a $2.4 million digital ad campaign to get Florida Latinos out to the polls to defeat President Donald Trump in his must-win state.

Democrats have been scrambling in recent days to increase their neighborhood canvassing and get-out-the-vote efforts amid concerns from party strategists and officials in Florida about the absence of a Joe Biden ground game due to the pandemic. Against that backdrop, Florida Republicans have managed to cut into Democrats’ longtime statewide voter registration advantage this year.

While Democrats are still not out campaigning door-to-door to the same degree as the Trump campaign, the progressive PAC is aiming to use Bloomberg’s money to reach the state’s Latinos — who make up about 17 percent of the state’s electorate. The goal is to ensure they’ve either registered to vote by mail or know when and where they’ll be going to cast their vote. Early voting in Florida begins on Monday and runs until Nov. 1.

"Voter turnout among Latinos in Florida could mean the difference for a Biden-Harris win in Florida," Bloomberg said in a statement

but the trump administration is not racist

White VA employees twice as likely as Black workers to be promoted, union says

White workers were almost twice as likely as Black employees to be chosen for management positions at the Department of Veterans Affairs over the past three years, according to data released by an employee union.

got to censure what gets not want any bad matter how many lives it costs

WH puts ‘politicals’ at CDC to try to control info

The Trump White House has installed two political operatives at the nation’s top public health agency as the administration seeks to paint a positive outlook, sometimes at odds with the scientific evidence. (Oct. 16)

I see... Maybe It is a friend of Mike Pence... I recently learned that he was formerly governor of Indiana.
Never governor. He served in Congress as a Representative of Indiana and then Senator from Indiana. Pence did not win office until DQ was out of Indiana. By the way, DQ was actually raised in Arizona, and that's where he's lived since 1996.
So, all of this based on rumors?
They don't even know if the laptop exists?
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Yes? I said Dan Quayle was out of Indiana and in Arizona since 1996.
Pence was in Congress as a Representative from Indiana in 2009.
Again, DQ was out of Indiana by the time Pence started rising in politics.
Probably they must have had common political networks.