Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Now he gets balls!....naturally in time to fuck americans….something he has done his whole life

Stimulus update: McConnell nixes Trump 'big' proposal

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell appeared to put an end to any pre-election prospects for President Donald Trump's latest big stimulus proposal on Thursday, saying he had no plans to bring to the floor any package at $1.8 trillion or above.

Trump, just a few hours prior, claimed to Fox Business' Stuart Varney that he thought there was a chance a stimulus deal could pass before the election, despite the dwindling time and stalled talks.

Citing mounting pressure on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to secure a deal to help mitigate economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic, Trump said: "At some point, she might very well say, 'Hey, look I got to do this.' "

He acknowledged that so far, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has not been successful in convincing her to agree to the GOP-preferred piecemeal approach

But McConnell, reflecting his GOP members who recently ripped into White House officials over the size of their latest $1.8 trillion proposal, has been cool for more than a week to the stimulus approach Trump says he's interested in securing. He explicitly said Thursday he wouldn't put an agreement in the range of $1.8 to $2.2 trillion on the Senate floor.

Judge puts on hold Texas' limit on drop boxes for absentee ballots

(Reuters) - A Texas judge on Thursday lifted an order by Republican Governor Greg Abbott that limited counties to a single drop-off location for absentee ballots in the Nov. 3 presidential election, siding with Democrats who have denounced the limit as voter suppression

"The limitation to a single drop-off location for mail ballots would likely needlessly and unreasonably increase risks of exposure to COVID-19 infections, and needlessly and unreasonably substantially burden voters' constitutionally protected rights to vote," said state court judge Tim Sulak, who sits in Austin, in a short written order.

Abbott's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment but he was expected to appeal.

Texas is a longtime Republican stronghold but this year President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden are fighting a tight race for the state's electoral votes.

The bias media is doing everything in their power to push the Democrats back into the WH, President Trump went to a Town Hall debate, Biden went to a softball game, anyone that is blind to this handling of Biden with kid gloves is lying to themselves.
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word_Truth.jpg .......... word_OPPS.jpg NBC Savannah Guthrie makes Trump look like the "JERK" that he is at Town Hall meeting.

Guthrie corners Trump on his lying TWEETS ... Trump response "I just put 'em out there, I don't take a position" .... LOL Even LIES about LYING!
Even admits the Hunter Biden "disinformation campaign" is JUST OPINION & unverified.
Capture & killing of Osama Bin Laden "fake information" .... the President won't take blame for putting disinformation out to the public.

Trump can't say a two sentence comment without adding a LIE or EXAGGERATION to the comment. What does Trump say? "sad, so very sad".
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