Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

5G! What are the Q-Anons going to think about this?!?!

also isn't NSF funding established by Congress, and the research priority determined by the funding agency? Is this just typical Trump putting his stamp on things other people did?

Yeah, like building a strong economy? The Obama/Biden team did that after the Bush/Cheyney team fucked it up and ran it into the ground . . . kind of like Trump/Pence after they were given an economy that was repaired and in good shape . . . you think? Well, now we need to make an economic comeback again, and my confidence is in somebody who had to lead one for this country before starting as recently as late 2008 when he knew he was going to be VP. The job isn't for somebody with ZERO experience in government, as the last 3+ years have clearly proven.
The job isn't for somebody with ZERO experience in government, as the last 3+ years have clearly proven.

I looked it up, and there have been 5 previous presidents with no elected experience before entering office. The only ones that weren't total failures (Grant and Eisenhower) were former military commanders.

Hopefully we don't make this mistake again.
This guy drove across state lines to shoot people. Come the fuck on.
Maybe so but if the attitude of rioters keeps going in the direction it has been since the George Floyd death, there will be other loose cannons wanting to take part. Crossing state lines will not be a deterrent. As this 17 year old lives 20 miles away Antifa and BLM groups travel across state lines.
Maybe so but if the attitude of rioters keeps going in the direction it has been since the George Floyd death, there will be other loose cannons wanting to take part. Crossing state lines will not be a deterrent. As this 17 year old lives 20 miles away Antifa and BLM groups travel across state lines.
First dimwit, there is no maybe. He is being charge with coming across state lines with a weapon.
Fuck you again. How much bullshit do we have to take before something is done? People are fucking tired of this.
Just like when the Klan, mobs, and the police tried to stop protestors in the South, enough is enough, Black Lives Matter, they were not intimidated. Even more protests across the country last night.
As far as your loose cannon threat, shoot another person, and watch. I also noticed that with all of those adult white men with guns, they ran behind the police, only the stupid kid fired. Bunch of pussies. And the Queen pussy Pence was talking about law and order. None of this ******* was happening before Trump, who does nothing but fan the flames.
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Maybe so but if the attitude of rioters keeps going in the direction it has been since the George Floyd death, there will be other loose cannons wanting to take part. Crossing state lines will not be a deterrent. As this 17 year old lives 20 miles away Antifa and BLM groups travel across state lines.

This kid got radicalized in online "blue lives matter" groups and drove his way over to try to ******* people.

Defending a murderer terrorist is not a good look.
I looked it up, and there have been 5 previous presidents with no elected experience before entering office. The only ones that weren't total failures (Grant and Eisenhower) were former military commanders.

Hopefully we don't make this mistake again.

someone is not paying attention to history...…..and trying to repeat it again....willful destruction of America!....far worse than any rioter the people pushing this should know better but are only interested in what they themselves might get.....and they use the guise of change....change is what he is giving us....just not the kind they were expecting
Just a small sample of the outcome that's going to happen? Fuck you.
You think white people are the only ones with guns? You really threatening some bullshit like that? You should think about that dumbass statement.
When dealing with the police, supposedly professionals, EVERYTHING should not be a death sentence. I've seen people get arrested, and resist. Guess what dummy, they end up in jail without a bullet in them. Cops were trained how to take down people with their hands in different ways. When you have several of these trained professionals around, there is no need to ******* someone, you just want to talk to. Period.
There you go with name calling and vulgarity, I never said that this particular incident with the police shooting this man was the right thing to do, nor did I make a threat, Rioting is not the right way to solve anything either. Again I ask you. what did these regular citizens of Kenosha Wisconsin do to deserve having their businesses burned and damaged ? And your Statement that, do I think white people are the only ones with guns is foolishness. Because of all the violence happening in our country now, I imagine that police in areas where there are a larger amount of different races and nationalities are on high alert, any normal human being would be. Just from viewing that video alone we have no idea what was happening. We don't know what was being said or the actions that were in progress. I do agree with you that they had enough cops to sub do him, right there surrounding him were four cops. Why did he break away and go around that car with officers in pursuit, open that driver side door and reach down to pick up something from under the seat ?
This kid got radicalized in online "blue lives matter" groups and drove his way over to try to ******* people.

Defending a murderer terrorist is not a good look.
If I was defending a ******* terrorist of course it would not be a good look. I am defending none of this violence, I am trying to make sense out of it.
If I was defending a ******* terrorist of course it would not be a good look. I am defending none of this violence, I am trying to make sense out of it.

of course you are supporting it...….just like you are not a racists...and you do not support violence......but you support a man that pushes it so what does that make you....besides a fool

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I looked it up, and there have been 5 previous presidents with no elected experience before entering office. The only ones that weren't total failures (Grant and Eisenhower) were former military commanders.

Hopefully we don't make this mistake again.

Although not elected experience, military service certainly provides government experience, and that’s worth a lot if you’re going to occupy the White House.
Although not elected experience, military service certainly provides government experience, and that’s worth a lot if you’re going to occupy the White House.

what is funny "Ike" was a republican......and yet held them in check and the country prospered more under Ike than any other time....he taxed big biz 90%...… either put money back into your company or it's employees or invested in more US companies....or you paid it in taxes!

You tout this funding for nonsense, Artificial intelligence and things that should only be done when you have extra funds. Besides he had nothing to do with it, he only signed the legislation. Your hero CLOSED the five labs located around the globe to detect and get out in front of things like this virus that's killing millions . Done to accumulate funds for the dam wall, WAS IT WORTH IT ! One of those was within two miles of the first case reported in CHINA. Granted we may not have been able to stop it but we would have had first hand warning to get out in front. That program he thought was a Obama thing so he wanted to end it anyway. Too stupid to read the facts as it was started by BUSH in his first term. Eight years before Obama, that administration kept it going because they too read the science behind it. When they tried to brief Trumps bunch they blew it off. Those present said Donald said that can't happen here. Wrong. The cost of ten years of that program would build about a mile of that wall. But hell you probably believe Donald is all knowing and so wise. I wonder how anyone can still think that. The man has replaced nearly a hundred of his best person for the job picks.
I am a republican, and i sat through his rally in Tucson. I heard him spout hate towards different groups. I saw a black man beaten and forcefully removed along with the man who assaulted him. I heard the crowd cheer, the N word used by more than one. They thought because of his color he was trying to get closer to protest. Trump said to the crowd he'd pay the lawyer fees for the assailant, many cheered. Turned out the black man was a republican who supported Trump just trying to get closer. Trump acted like a racist, urged those who were shouting Evin ******* the N. He never tried to calm or tone down the hate in that building. Hate built on a wrong assumption that the guy was there to demonstrate against him. Presidents are sworn to the oath of office, they swear to represent all the people. Trump has many times withheld funds and even needed medical supplies from states that did not vote Trump. So ignorant that he's not able to comprehend that in every one of them there were hundreds of thousands who did vote for him, simply not the majority. But he punishes every one for his failure to do the work and win the state.
Personally i think he's a compulsive liar or a fool. Only a fool spouts facts, figures, historical events or anything he knows nothing about. Then gets offended when people bother to check his words. President's words have always been verified, it's a fact but he whines there just out to get me. He's a deadbeat i say this because he's bragged at several rallies after election about his huge war chest to run this time. That was astounding because the thousands of dollars owed for the rally i attended were never paid. The last time a article ran about that was over two years after election. It was mentioned they were going to write it off. Most of us would be in jail for that like the concert promoter who was convicted for failure to pay the cost for the same community center.
I truly believe those who still believe Trumps BS would have drank the kool-aid Reverand Jones gave those fools who bought his crap. They all died, i only point that out because I'm sure many of Trumps supporters have no idea of what that's about.
what is funny "Ike" was a republican......and yet held them in check and the country prospered more under Ike than any other time....he taxed big biz 90%...… either put money back into your company or it's employees or invested in more US companies....or you paid it in taxes!

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I'm not a big Eisenhower fan, because he authorized the overthrow of democratic governments in Iran and Guatemala for purely business interests. Those countries have been shattered for decades since.

He was the one warning about the military-industrial-complex though
I'm not a big Eisenhower fan, because he authorized the overthrow of democratic governments in Iran and Guatemala for purely business interests. Those countries have been shattered for decades since.

He was the one warning about the military-industrial-complex though

even though a highly respected and family guy and typical republican....he was fucking his aid for several years...even brought her to the white house...all very quiet.....but he did keep big biz in check and the country prospered
I'm not a big Eisenhower fan, because he authorized the overthrow of democratic governments in Iran and Guatemala for purely business interests. Those countries have been shattered for decades since.

He was the one warning about the military-industrial-complex though
I'm amazed that you know about his warning in his exit speech. It has been proven to be a reality I'm thinking. Powerful corporations pushed for the Vietnam war. Those who make weapons and all manner of supplies needed when at war. Kennedy signed a bill to bring all the troops home and only a few months later was assassinated. They told us a lone shooter, decades later admit there were multiple shooters. The truth was to be reviled after a long period of time just before that date it was extended. Did the military-industrial- complex ******* Kennedy, there was vast amounts of money being made just as Ike warned. Thousands of jobs at stake. We invaded Iraq because of weapons of mass destruction, none found but it did keep the cash flowing to the plants and military. One place after the other. Korea, south America, golf war, then Iraq and Afghanistan. Like he said " They will keep us forever at war".
You tout this funding for nonsense, Artificial intelligence and things that should only be done when you have extra funds.
Your party is the King, Queen, Emperor and Supreme Being of spending money on things that should only be funded when you have extra funds.
Even the last COVID recovery bill had hundreds of millions of dollars on things Trump cut in his first year in office.

I'm amazed that you know about his warning in his exit speech. It has been proven to be a reality I'm thinking. Powerful corporations pushed for the Vietnam war. Those who make weapons and all manner of supplies needed when at war. Kennedy signed a bill to bring all the troops home and only a few months later was assassinated. They told us a lone shooter, decades later admit there were multiple shooters. The truth was to be reviled after a long period of time just before that date it was extended. Did the military-industrial- complex ******* Kennedy, there was vast amounts of money being made just as Ike warned. Thousands of jobs at stake. We invaded Iraq because of weapons of mass destruction, none found but it did keep the cash flowing to the plants and military. One place after the other. Korea, south America, golf war, then Iraq and Afghanistan. Like he said " They will keep us forever at war".
I agree but, I also believe the speech was also to warn against the co mingling of the military's interests with our national, economic and international political interests. Whoops. Look at us today, a standing military budget that is the biggest part of the US Budget. The politics behind is so strong that even modernization of the military is a bad thing if it means a leaner and meaner military. Remember when Jeb Bush said the Obama administration has “gutted” every weapons system in the U.S. military’s inventory? Trump said the military is a “disaster.” Rubio said that President Barack Obama was more interested in providing money to Planned Parenthood than for the nation’s armed forces.
WTF?!? The government spent literally 1,000 times more on the armed forces than on Planned Parenthood, and Rubio knew that was bullshit. Money spent on weapons modernization was at the same level with the previous administration. The military cuts they were complaining about were approved by Republicans and Democrats, including Rubio! The military budget was being squeezed by the insistence of politicians in both parties that money be spent on bases and equipment that the Pentagon says it doesn’t need, but were in their districts.
That's the domestic side of the military industrial complex we were warned about.
This does not mean to ignore the toppling of governments and regimes in Korea, Iran, Egypt, Cuba, Philippines, Guatemala, Indonesia, Lebanon, Iraq, Congo, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Ethiopia, Zaire, Syria, and pretty much the rest of Central and South America through the 1990s.
But, point that out in the wrong company, and you're unAmerican. Point out that there is serious reason certain countries hate us, we supposedly hate America.
I think the real problem is we let the simps and pea brains define patriotism and draw the parameters around what can be discussed.
Your party is the King, Queen, Emperor and Supreme Being of spending money on things that should only be funded when you have extra funds.
Even the last COVID recovery bill had hundreds of millions of dollars on things Trump cut in his first year in office.

wrong again there cum breath

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I really envy the people who don't know you
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