Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

C-Span had a call in after each night of the RNC convention. They give out 3 numbers to call - one if you support President Trump - one to show support for Joe Biden - and one to support others. Not looking good for Uncle Joe - overwhelmingly support was for our President and surprisingly more than you woulda thought came from Democrats.
C-Span had a call in after each night of the RNC convention. They give out 3 numbers to call - one if you support President Trump - one to show support for Joe Biden - and one to support others. Not looking good for Uncle Joe - overwhelmingly support was for our President and surprisingly more than you woulda thought came from Democrats.

you are delusional...…..first off what democrat is even going to be interested in the lies the right puts out
Attilla the None likes to paint himself the law and order pres...…..and yet who is in charge during all of this?.....and who wants to use our own military against it's citizens....other than several other banana republics

a leader would have talked to people...found out their concerns and acted accordingly...…...not tear gassed peaceful protestors for a photo op

that is just PART of the reason the US has a leadership void right now
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Genghis Conn...…...likes to say we are at war and he is our leader.....and yet look at how many lives he has lost.....a lot more than a lot of wars...…………………….making him a total failure

people want to hear from a winner....AND....the next pres of the US

why would anyone want to tune in for more lies and misconception
you are delusional...…..first off what democrat is even going to be interested in the lies the right puts out

Just stating what I observed - naturally because it goes against the Dem narrative you would accuse me of being delusional. I watched the segment - many Democrats called in and said they were voting for Trump - no Republicans called in and said they were voting for Biden. Many Independents said they were going Trump as well. You can call me delusional all ya want doesn’t change what happened. I’m sure if you’re interested enough you can find the C-Span segment that aired right after the convention.

O and apparently quite a few Dems ARE interested in what the President has to say - seems that - like me - they’re sick of the Dem leadership letting their cities be overrun by thugs.
Just stating what I observed - naturally because it goes against the Dem narrative you would accuse me of being delusional. I watched the segment - many Democrats called in and said they were voting for Trump - no Republicans called in and said they were voting for Biden. Many Independents said they were going Trump as well. You can call me delusional all ya want doesn’t change what happened. I’m sure if you’re interested enough you can find the C-Span segment that aired right after the convention.

O and apparently quite a few Dems ARE interested in what the President has to say - seems that - like me - they’re sick of the Dem leadership letting their cities be overrun by thugs.

Now why would you think I am accusing you of being delusional.....facts are.....probably not a lot of Dems watching the RNC....numbers are out that show that makes trump mad also!

and I'm sure some right winger is trying to put a good spin on things......after the DNC had so many former republicans now endorsing Biden..….and I see today a lot of the religious right going for a religious he has the church...he has the women...he has the blacks...he has the middle class...…..I really doubt anyone in science or health care will support trump.....trump has what is left and that ain't saying much!

BTW...I see a lot of big biz not going for Rump either
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Only way Biden has ANY chance at all is if China pulls out all stops to get their puppet in and I think Americans are seeing what’s going on in your party now.
Letting the cities get torn up is killing you guys now.

you have spent to much time listening to your "law and order" candidate...…...tell me who is in charge of all this?....the guy at the top right now?.........and just one more item the bloated pumpkin can not handle!....but he is law and order

once again running on something he can not handle nor knows nothing about.....yet he has convinced people like you he will stop/prevent all this....why isn't he doing so now?...… many blacks has he talked to?....has he set up any kind of commission or anything to look into all of this?...…..tell me just what your law and order pres has done to handle this?....outside of wanting to turn our own troops on it's people......he would not make a grade school hall monitor......let alone handle serious issues for the country
you have spent to much time listening to your "law and order" candidate...…...tell me who is in charge of all this?....the guy at the top right now?.........and just one more item the bloated pumpkin can not handle!....but he is law and order

once again running on something he can not handle nor knows nothing about.....yet he has convinced people like you he will stop/prevent all this....why isn't he doing so now?...… many blacks has he talked to?....has he set up any kind of commission or anything to look into all of this?...…..tell me just what your law and order pres has done to handle this?....outside of wanting to turn our own troops on it's people......he would not make a grade school hall monitor......let alone handle serious issues for the country

Talk about being delusional !!!!
Every time you think you've seen and heard it all from this corrupt administration, it just sinks to a new low!

Talk about being delusional !!!!

you just refuse to admit I am right!

besides…..your man either refuses to do anything...say anything...or respond to the Russian military doing drills with subs....destroyers and aircraft off the coast of Alaska...…...he is worried about representing p.utin for the next 4 years....American security be damned....besides we all knowmost of the republican party is drawing funds from Russia to begin with....

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