TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

And now back to our regularly schedule program "RepTards in the News!". Today, RepTard Lieutenant, Floriduh Govenor, DuhSantis' self-appointed Commissioner and honorary RepTard, Jeffery Moore is on his way back to the dumpster. No one is surprised. :devilish:


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Nonetheless, one does see, in 2022, a pivot among some Republicans in swing states and swing districts; now that they’re in the general election, they are trying to downplay how pro-Donald Trump and anti-abortion they were in their primaries. And according to the Daily Beast’s Sam Brodey, it’s no coincidence that pro-MAGA and anti-abortion messages have disappeared from their websites.​
One of them is Bo Hines, a former college football player who is running for a U.S. House of Representatives seat in North Carolina’s 13th Congressional District. “Right after Bo Hines won a crowded primary for Congress in North Carolina, a visitor to the Republican hopeful’s campaign website would immediately find his declaration that he was ‘100 percent Pro-Life’ and ‘100 percent Pro-Trump,’” Brodey explains. “Just a click away was a section focused on ‘life and family’ issues, which professed Hines’ position that ‘life begins at conception’ and his commitment to ‘protect the rights of the unborn.’ Naturally, the first thing greeting any visitor to the site was the grinning face of Donald Trump — and his endorsement of Hines’ campaign. Today, all of that is gone.”​
“Trump remains as popular as ever among the GOP base and is as unpopular as ever outside of it,” Brodey observes. “The Supreme Court’s move in June to overturn abortion rights is a dream come true in the GOP base — but a nightmare to many more outside it. Stuck between their past posturing and their current campaigning, a growing cohort of Republican candidates have turned to a simple solution for reconciling it all: just delete it.”​
See LINK to continue READING ... I have tears in my eyes from laughing at these idiots ... the Trump believers, not the candidates. LOL​

Here in NC they've begun scrubbing their websites of any mention of abortion and when asked, their responses are that they've always supported abortion for *******, ******* & threat to mom's life. And on top of THAT, to avoid having to explain their NEW positions on abortion, they're refusing to debate the Democratic candidates. And NOW they're dropping Trump because of his support & association to QAnon ... and you Trumptards just keep on believing. You folks are a riot!

Anything to WIN ... that's the new Republican Party's entire platform ... ANYTHING to WIN!

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'Incredibly alarming': Republican poll worker in Michigan charged with tampering with voting equipment​

A Michigan poll worker has been charged after a witness saw him inserting a USB drive into an electronic poll book after the Aug. 2 statewide primary, the Detroit Free Press reports.

James Holkeboer, an election inspector at the Gaines Township 8th Precinct, has been charged with falsifying records under election law and using a computer to commit a crime.

As Detroit Free Press points out, poll books contain voter registration data that includes personal and confidential information that election workers use to oversee elections at their precincts.

Holkeboer registered with the county as a Republican, according to Michigan Radio. Detroit Free Press reported that "an individual with the same name served as an alternate delegate for the 3rd Congressional District at the Michigan Republican Party's State Endorsement Convention earlier this year."

Kent County Clerk Lisa Posthumus Lyons says the incident did not result in any unwarranted access to voting machines or election results.

"(T)his incident is extremely egregious and incredibly alarming. Not only is it a violation of Michigan law, but it is a violation of public trust and of the oath all election workers are required to take," Posthumus Lyons said.

"Let me be very clear: voter fraud and illegal election activity in Kent County will not be tolerated. Our citizens deserve to have faith in their elections and in those who work them. I will do everything possible to keep Kent County’s elections secure, transparent, fair, and accurate. If someone or something threatens that, we will take aggressive action to protect our elections and hold those responsible accountable."

Maddow Blog | As Supreme Court’s standing falters, Alito pushes flawed defense​

When it comes to the U.S. Supreme Court’s institutional credibility, center-left justices have been unsubtle in their warnings. For example, in December 2021, during oral arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization — the case that would ultimately serve as a vehicle to overturn Roe v. Wade — Justice Sonia Sotomayor asked a memorable rhetorical question.

“Will this institution survive the stench that this creates in the public perception that the Constitution and its reading are just political acts?she asked. “I don’t see how it is possible.”

Six months later, when the Dobbs ruling was formally released, Sotomayor joined with Justices Stephen Breyer and Elana Kagan, writing in a dissent that the decision “undermines the Court’s legitimacy.”

As we’ve discussed, it’s a word that’s come up quite a bit in recent months. With the institution being pushed dramatically to the right by Republican-appointed justices — this is, by some measures, the most conservative court since the early 1930s critics of the court’s direction haven’t just questioned the majority’s judgment, they’ve also raised concerns about the toll on the branch’s legitimacy.

A couple of weeks ago, Kagan advanced the conversation during remarks at Northwestern University School of Law. “When courts become extensions of the political process, when people see them as extensions of the political process, when people see them as trying just to impose personal preferences on a society irrespective of the law, that’s when there’s a problem — and that’s when there ought to be a problem,
Kagan said.

Justice Samuel Alito, the author of the Dobbs ruling, has heard the concerns — and he clearly has a problem with them. The Wall Street Journal reported:

The article did not quote the far-right jurist further — I suspect he didn’t elaborate — though the ambiguity leaves some unanswered questions. If Kagan and others have crossed “an important line,” what exactly does Alito see as the appropriate consequence? Is he of the opinion that people are free to disagree with the high court, but not question its legitimacy?

what’s more, Alito hasn’t exactly presented a defense of the institution. Indeed, in his comments to the Wall Street Journal, he didn’t even make an argument, per se. The justice’s pitch, in effect, is that people shouldn’t question the integrity of the court or its members because, well, just because.

This dovetails with Chief Justice John Roberts’ recent rhetoric, in which he suggested that the court’s critics are calling the legitimacy of the Supreme Court into question simply because they’re upset with a provocative ruling.

But circling back to our coverage that followed the chief justice’s remarks, both Alito and Roberts appear unaware of the developments that brought us to this point.

Some of the blame should be directed at Senate Republicans, many of whom launched a deliberate, years-long campaign to politicize the federal judiciary. The developments are still fresh in our minds: In early 2016, GOP senators refused to consider Merrick Garland’s nomination. In late 2016, several Senate Republicans said they would simply refuse, indefinitely, to confirm a Democratic president’s Supreme Court nominees, regardless of election results, and regardless of prospective nominees’ merits.

In early 2017, GOP senators completed the theft of a seat on the high court.
In 2018, those same senators confirmed a tarnished nominee with damaged credibility. In late 2020, ignoring the principles they pretended to take seriously four years earlier, Republicans confirmed another nominee while early voting was underway.

The message couldn’t have been clearer: GOP senators don’t see the Supreme Court as a politically independent institution worthy of broad respect, so the public shouldn’t either.

But as The Washington Post’s Ruth Marcus explained in a recent column, the justices’ own rulings have been every bit as important.

When Republican-appointed justices ignore precedents they’d previously said they’d uphold, it undermines the court’s legitimacy. When Republican-appointed justices deliver overtly political speeches, it undermines the court’s legitimacy. When Republican-appointed justices take aim at fundamental American principles, such as the separation of church and state, in displays of raw power, it undermines the court’s legitimacy.

Alito is apparently of the opinion that the current court’s critics have crossed an important line. But in reality, if anyone’s gone too far in an irresponsible direction, it’s Alito.
You do realized that has nothing to do with what I said ? It's always somebody else fault with you guys ...always's always some reason besides the fact that Republicans simply don't vote for their own interests 💯 yall vote for what rich ppl tell you should vote for ...why would you care about central bankers when yall don't want a form of students loan forgiveness 🤔 who tf you think owns these loans ..duh ..yall play into these types of scam regularly and its the democratic fault its doesn't work out ..that is your tic for tac in a nut shell
why talk politics with this asshole....he can't vote....he has no say....he just likes to ridicule.....and some let it bother them...............ignore the MF ......just an overseas trumptard and that should say enough.......instead of lebain or whatever he is......should be lamebrain
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I believe ya !!!!! Typical Dem behavior specially sportin :cold: :cold:
Lol 😆 🤣 you love handling other men ball took that whole biden balls In your mouth look at you ..commander and chief to all the balls 🤦🏾 cuck of all balls Duke of dicks and the president of Penis be worried about blue balls as much as elections in states you don't live in have talks about men's balls more then a ig model that date basketball players serious you and Jeffery damher are the only two white men who go crazy over blk men balls 😒
Now for the 17th time TardnConfused - you have hidden from calls, Facetime, and in person wimp exposure (go back and count and/or try to have me suspended from the string again). I'll add others from here to the call, so we can settle your lil pansy problem with women. "duh, imma hidin' right here in ole' Mizzou ...". Say when ignorant one ... lol. :devilish:
I've hidden from no such thing... You should stop pretending to be a woman. Btw, if you got suspended from the thread, it was probably for a frivolous threat of violence against people who choose not to wear a placebo rag (mask)...
Yeah well I’m the number one cunt round these here parts da Dick Dribbler has spoken 😁
Samuel L Jackson Reaction GIF by Coming to America

You're still too stupid to spell pussy!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Excuse Me Wow GIF by Mashable