TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

I saw a clip of her saying she stood for God, Country and Family - good enough for me and apparently the MAJORITY of Italians !!!!
You miss the part about her joining a neo fascist group as a teen and grew up in the party shaping and changing it, running from the Fascism tag, but sticking to the teaching of Mussolini.
Now, you have to stand behind her, she's already been the keynote at CPAC earlier this year and embraced by the Cons for her nationalism.
So, say that. Don't open your ratchet trap about the people of Italy and the elections - it's not like here and her party received 26 percent. So she goes on stage with Mussolini's granddaughter and convicted thief and molester former PM Berlusconi.
She is definitely one of yours.
You miss the part about her joining a neo fascist group as a teen and grew up in the party shaping and changing it, running from the Fascism tag, but sticking to the teaching of Mussolini.
Now, you have to stand behind her, she's already been the keynote at CPAC earlier this year and embraced by the Cons for her nationalism.
So, say that. Don't open your ratchet trap about the people of Italy and the elections - it's not like here and her party received 26 percent. So she goes on stage with Mussolini's granddaughter and convicted thief and molester former PM Berlusconi.
She is definitely one of yours.

All Dems do is attack - I watched her speak and liked what she had to say - you guys waste NO time trying to dredge up shite to go after her with - be interesting to see if Italy likes her - hoping they do 👍👍
All Dems do is attack - I watched her speak and liked what she had to say - you guys waste NO time trying to dredge up shite to go after her with - be interesting to see if Italy likes her - hoping they do 👍👍
You must be new to Italian politics - which I why I wonder why you think you can even discuss this with me let alone have an opinion. The audacity!
She is not new to politics, her party being the same of Mussolini is not new, their attempts to mainstream has been recent and of course, ignorant Americans, Cons, line up behind her.
Promote the haters. Again, she was like a minister almost 15 years ago, you're kind of late.
You must be new to Italian politics - which I why I wonder why you think you can even discuss this with me let alone have an opinion. The audacity!
She is not new to politics, her party being the same of Mussolini is not new, their attempts to mainstream has been recent and of course, ignorant Americans, Cons, line up behind her.
Promote the haters. Again, she was like a minister almost 15 years ago, you're kind of late.

Still entitled to LIKE her - talk bout AUDACITY 🤨

NOT everyone thinks like you - THANK GOD
Still entitled to LIKE her - talk bout AUDACITY 🤨

NOT everyone thinks like you - THANK GOD
I would think being an American there are some basic values on governing that we try to shine across the world. At least we used to.
She doesn't represent those values. You falling for her, makes me wonder if you even know those values anymore. Cons, are so in the moment, there is not any underlying united values except, Trump is all good and standing against him is bad.
I have no real opinion on Herschel Walker but I hope he wins. Gotta curb Dem ambitions of grandeur 🤨
AND before I can even finish the last post about American values, you throw your support behind a man who admittedly beats, and chokes women, fathers children out of wedlock and deny paternity, and once held a gun to his own wife's head and told her she's dead. Not to mention a brain that a Schumer could easily manipulate.
That's what think should be representing American values and the Republican Party. A wife beating, abusive, ignorant, god-less man?
OK, it's official, you're a fascist traitor that only cares about the failure of America.
An man of such low morals and intellect should be the standard bearer for Republicans?
wtf GIF
I would think being an American there are some basic values on governing that we try to shine across the world. At least we used to.
She doesn't represent those values. You falling for her, makes me wonder if you even know those values anymore. Cons, are so in the moment, there is not any underlying united values except, Trump is all good and standing against him is bad.
I forgot to add another gem out of Chicago...Good Ole Wax Trax! Records...Some of the best Industrial music ever! I had a couple of D.J. friends in Texas who where influenced by both the House Movement and Industrial scene out of Chi-town...;)

AND before I can even finish the last post about American values, you throw your support behind a man who admittedly beats, and chokes women, fathers children out of wedlock and deny paternity, and once held a gun to his own wife's head and told her she's dead. Not to mention a brain that a Schumer could easily manipulate.
That's what think should be representing American values and the Republican Party. A wife beating, abusive, ignorant, god-less man?
OK, it's official, you're a fascist traitor that only cares about the failure of America.
An man of such low morals and intellect should be the standard bearer for Republicans?
wtf GIF

That all ya got ????!!

Was he convicted of said crimes ???

He go to jail or are ya just slinging shite as Dems are want to do.