TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

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baby, please! Go back to your prayer meeting.
See, here's the problem, people like you believe that those of us who support Trump engage in some kind of religious worship of him... When you start that, you expose yourselves for the closed minded fools you really are... Keep up the good work, every time you Karen, you enhance our position, and diminish yours! 😎😎
See, here's the problem, people like you believe that those of us who support Trump engage in some kind of religious worship of him... When you start that, you expose yourselves for the closed minded fools you really are... Keep up the good work, every time you Karen, you enhance our position, and diminish yours! 😎😎
Lmfao ..what? Lol bro at least deny it first 😂 it's sound like you calling ppl closed minded because they don't want to worship trump with you
....but OK BUD LIGHT
Lmfao what pressure? Regardless who wins the mid terms democrats still hold the presidential office ...and yall can't stand it lmfao ..pressure is ron DeSantis wondering how a state of emergency after getting sued and spending all the money on plan tickets lol I bet he ask biden for help lol