TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

Take it from the source my friend, sorry to hear that your mot-her died when you was so young. Don't waste details of your personal life with on them it will be wasted an used as a weapon against us. 99.999 % of what of everything these so called progressive liberal think, believe and what comes out their mouths is garbage and here the truth.

ā€œWe know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.ā€ - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

All human action is purposeful behavior. Every action that we choose to make is an attempt to achieve a goal that we've set for ourselves.

In addition to choosing the goal, we also choose the means that we believe will achieve that goal.

Purposeful behavior. Chosen goal. Chosen means.

So when you look out at 7+ billion people in our world, all hustling and bustling about, what you are seeing is human action. Purposeful behavior; with each behavior being chosen at that moment by that individual.

The ideas of Liberty preach that one should "pursue one's own happiness" (i.e., choose the goals that make you happy) but make sure that you do not harm another person (or their property) when you do so. Make sure that the means that you choose, and the end that you choose, do not aggress against anyone else.

These are the natural limits to your Liberty. Your Liberty extends to person and property of others. Likewise, their Liberty extends to your person and your property. They are not to aggress against either one.

Many choose to achieve their goals by harming others, and either taking or destroying their property. These individuals reject the natural limits of the Liberty and property of others. They want what they want, and will use whatever means they think will achieve their goal - even if the means are aggression.

It's no surprise then that lies are a very popular means that are used to achieve ends. Truth and lies are interchangeable for these individuals. One is not "good" or "bad" in their value system. They just use the one that they think will "work" in that moment.

So, in a world of human actions, where one can always choose to act in a non-libertarian way, lies will always be a popular option. In other words, lies will always with us in this world. We will always be faced with them, and will always be ****** to choose whether or not to believe them.

In addition to the nature of human action, lies exist because of the nature of the human mind as well.

No man is all-knowing. We are all ignorant. We will all remain ignorant for the rest of our lives.

Since we are ignorant, we will frequently be presented with ideas that are untrue. Those ideas come from the mouths of other ignorant individuals.

That doesn't mean that the false ideas that come from others always come with malicious intent. When it comes to people in power, it almost always is, but let's say a family member comes over and starts talking about a certain subject. What he says may be laced with lies, but he doesn't know it. He's not looking to harm you, or fool you, or capitalize on your ignorance. He's simply talking as honestly as he can.

So lies are not always presented with the intent of duping you.

Again, when it comes to people in power, you always have to assume first that what's being said is intended to dupe you. It's a shame that it has to be that way, but power is the opposite of Liberty, so it can't be any other way. When it comes to power, you must verify first, and trust second.

Whether or not the lies that we're presented with on a daily basis are malicious or simply out of ignorance, we each have a monumental choice that must constantly be made.

Do we choose to believe it? Or not?

Each of us is responsible for choosing which ideas to accept and believe, and which to reject.

If we choose to believe it, we will be met with a certain set of circumstances.

If we choose not to believe it, we will be met with a different set of circumstances.

Whatever we choose, we will get the results.

There can be no complaining afterwards. Actually, you can complain, but it's too late.

You can say "Well, they lied to me! It's not my fault!"

Yes, they did lie to you.

But you're ultimately responsible because you chose to believe them. You didn't have to believe them. You're not a robot. You chose.

And that is always the beginning and end of the human story ... We're each responsible for our choices and our lives.

We're each responsible for choosing our goals.

We're each responsible for choosing the means that we believe will attain those goals.

We're each responsible for choosing whether to adhere to the principles of Liberty or to power.

We're each responsible for telling the truth or telling lies.

We're each responsible of choosing what to believe and what to reject.

We each have individual Liberty, which necessarily means we are each responsible.
Anyone who supports Trump cannot believe the above.
Who wrote this for you Stanley?
Dems think itā€™s ok to m.urder people that they disagree with politically - trouble is that can go both ways - better hope it doesnā€™t.

Dems also LUV to believe the spin

Biden set this in motion

The ā€œGreat Uniterā€ me rosy red arse šŸ‘ŽšŸ‘Ž

Dems think itā€™s ok to m.urder people that they disagree with politically - trouble is that can go both ways - better hope it doesnā€™t.

Delusional old fuck.
There's many reasons why you get the sore thumb... Usually because of the hateful overtones of your EVERY post... Look at the bright side, at least 1 haven't followed you into the bisexual threads to give you sore thumbs!
If I am correct you always give the thumbs down because they always post negative foolishness, Ed continues to stick his red thumps down in all my posts and I am ignoring his useless posts. I could care less what these picked on unfortunate Black men complain about when us horrible White men have always had White Privilege. As far as I know all people were created at the same time and were equal, I have no doubt that Privilege exists everywhere in our world in one form or another, the only Privilege I have ever had to deal with has been some white people looking down on other white people mostly because of financial status. It is not our fault that we were born white anymore than it being blacks fault for being born black.
If I am correct you always give the thumbs down because they always post negative foolishness, Ed continues to stick his red thumps down in all my posts and I am ignoring his useless posts. I could care less what these picked on unfortunate Black men complain about when us horrible White men have always had White Privilege. As far as I know all people were created at the same time and were equal, I have no doubt that Privilege exists everywhere in our world in one form or another, the only Privilege I have ever had to deal with has been some white people looking down on other white people mostly because of financial status. It is not our fault that we were born white anymore than it being blacks fault for being born black.
Absolutely correct on all points, Stanley!
stop defending conservative capitalism, then. it made you poor. what's to like there?
Breaking news from Florida...Good Ole Ron is now sending migrants to the homes of Ridgelyfan, Ed4mwf, Subhub, MacnCheese, Satanic Cap, and my favorite Ole Morty from Ohio...As a message was sent directly to him from the B2W website stating that we fellow Democrats feel itĀ“s our Patriotic Duty to support these folks with our own money and we open our doors to them and look forward to Many Cuckold sessions with our immigrant brothers and sisters...;):ROFLMAO:šŸ„³:balanced::qos:

HEY ya hear California is trying to ban diesel trucks in their state cause theyā€™re - - - racist - ya just canā€™t make this stuff up - although the Dems will accuse me of it til they find out itā€™s true.

AMAZES me how they are trying to destroy their own state - Newsom wants to bring the same destruction to the good ole USA in 2024 - DONā€™T LET HIM

Why are they saying Donny is a fraud, and cheater, could that be true and were to dumb to see it.