TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

Nope, said nothing of the kind. I think Alec has just as much right as everyone else to bear arms. He also has the same level of responsibility for his actions when bearing arms as everyone else. His lies of not pulling the trigger are ridiculous.
But I honestly respect your answer 💯 but personally feel like it's wasn't necessarily that fact he pull the trigger but the fact that the gun was miss handle wasn't checked and had live round in it .ppl have been killed on movie set even with dummy rounds if it not the guns fault what should be done to provide safer movie sets?
The judicial harassment Trump is facing has one objective: to ban him from running for the presidency in 2024.
And this is manoeuver is not good at all. It will simply exacerbate the tensions inside the country.
These are the warning signs of a civil war
Civil War? Against who my thing is yall say democrats are dictator and tyrants and it's going to be a civil war but what's stopping them from opening prisons arming inmates and calling them "special police " lol that's what dictators do ..and yall planning to go to war when you can even beat these ppl in a election lmfaoo...seriously I don't think that's a smart idea lol unless you want the government to actually take you guns
Civil War? Against who my thing is yall say democrats are dictator and tyrants and it's going to be a civil war but what's stopping them from opening prisons arming inmates and calling them "special police " lol that's what dictators do ..and yall planning to go to war when you can even beat these ppl in a election lmfaoo...seriously I don't think that's a smart idea lol unless you want the government to actually take you guns

Y’all got the FBI and DOJ for your goon squads - soon to enlist 87,000 more IRS agents - wonder if they’ll wear brown shirts - I wonder 🤔
All these physical threats getting thrown around. Please stop. It doesn't matter who is the real fighter, or who would kick someone else's ass - it doesn't make your arguments right.

That said, people tend to talk smack in here that they wouldn't in real life, so I understand the impulse.

This thread NEEDED new intelligent input - thank you for contributing to the dialog 👍👍
He absolutely does - anyone that disagrees with him - he calls a liar - most of the time while he’s spinning Dem propaganda like a top.
I haven't sifted through the trillion words contributed to this thread. Very little of it seems original. This paragraph I am writing now might be boring, but at least I am writing it - not cut and pasting propaganda. They wonder why we don't read it!
I haven't sifted through the trillion words contributed to this thread. Very little of it seems original. This paragraph I am writing now might be boring, but at least I am writing it - not cut and pasting propaganda. They wonder why we don't read it!

Yup mostly boring Dem propaganda or insults being hurled - they really don’t want dialog - hard to defend what they’re doing to the good ole USA.
I haven't sifted through the trillion words contributed to this thread. Very little of it seems original. This paragraph I am writing now might be boring, but at least I am writing it - not cut and pasting propaganda. They wonder why we don't read it!
Oh, we don't wonder why you don't read. It's not a surprise at all.