TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

Good, the only country in the
Middle East that has a democratically elected government where regardless of religion or race there is freedom for all.

TBF, Lebanon would have a stronger democracy without Israel having caused multiple civil wars within Lebanon via refugee crises they instigated.

not sure Israel is all that "democratic" when it's an apartheid state though. "Freedom for all" and roadblocks and checkpoints and movement restriction doesn't really add up
they did start a genocide.

but I understand how that's actually not a problem for you

So do tell, why you think the attempted eradication of native Americans isn’t an issue, for me? Obviously I’m not in favor of any genocide. Furthermore, how many people were murdered in the name of any religion?
Because life in Israel is harder than it is here. Not the terrorism that befalls Israeli citizens , but the overcrowding and my horrible Hebrew. I was raised with Yiddish. Why do you not think I’m a loyal US citizen? Contrary to your belief, I am. My dad is a Korean War vet; We are a Navy family. Being a Zionist doesn’t defer my loyalty, not a bit.

if you vote not to improve the US, but only to influence our foreign policy to support an apartheid foreign regime, I would not consider that "loyal", no
Probably because Pilgrims and Quakers never did burn witches. The Puritan’s hung some but actual witch burning was Scotland’s thing. ( only because I went to the museum in Peabody MA. ) The thing I will accuse Puritans of is 1) being Puritanical & 2) really ugly ,per their own depiction of themselves, and their portraits. Beyond homely!
What does that have to do with misjudged ppl ..once again you took the example and create a totally different topic without answering the main question
So do tell, why you think the attempted eradication of native Americans isn’t an issue, for me? Obviously I’m not in favor of any genocide. Furthermore, how many people were murdered in the name of any religion?
did you just ask me to add up the deaths of everyone killed due to religion? the fuck?
TBF, Lebanon would have a stronger democracy without Israel having caused multiple civil wars within Lebanon via refugee crises they instigated.

not sure Israel is all that "democratic" when it's an apartheid state though. "Freedom for all" and roadblocks and checkpoints and movement restriction doesn't really add up
Here we go buddy. I want you to define Apartheid.
TBF, Lebanon would have a stronger democracy without Israel having caused multiple civil wars within Lebanon via refugee crises they instigated.

not sure Israel is all that "democratic" when it's an apartheid state though. "Freedom for all" and roadblocks and checkpoints and movement restriction doesn't really add up
Would Lebanon have a stronger democracy? Plus , TBF, again I’m clueless per your acronyms.
or do you just want to stick with the systematic land theft, movement restrictions, and other acts which israel does regularly that conform to the ICC definition of "inhumane acts such as *******, *******, forcible transfer, imprisonment, or persecution of an identifiable group on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, or other grounds, committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime"
lol, you want to go into a deep dive of israel's support of apartheid south africa, or how they got the yellow cake for their not-so-secret nukes?
That wouldn’t be a problem for me. I can battle those that think Israel is Apartheid. As far as nukes, my reply -,suck it!
I never claimed to be a registered Independent . I am not. I may have mentioned this a time or two- I vote for the candidate that favors Israel.
And secondly if you are pro Israel ..why slander American politics and election?
Close. Financially, the most highly successful Persian Jewish family , lived in Riverdale, NY. One of the *******, Hollywood, FL.
The remaining Jews that live in Iran, number ( yes , directly from Google) 9,000. In a country of , wait for it, 85 million Muslims.
It's most be two different googles now huh?
Lol. You tell me. Supposedly in exchange for closely monitored Plutonium development. You know, the material used in nuclear weapons. Since the Iranian government is so trustworthy, why would they even need monitoring. Sort of like , the Red Cross monitoring the extermination camps. We know how that went.
You don't need trust, when we were walking in facilities and inspecting anytime we wanted.
or do you just want to stick with the systematic land theft, movement restrictions, and other acts which israel does regularly that conform to the ICC definition of "inhumane acts such as *******, *******, forcible transfer, imprisonment, or persecution of an identifiable group on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, or other grounds, committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime"
Let’s start with the Israeli population. Not all Jews. 24 % Muslim, about 65 % Jewish., rest Christian, Ba’hai, Druze, etc. so many Jews came from Arab countries, considering they were expelled from aforementioned countries, with only the clothes on their back. Their homes, and possessions stolen by the Arab governments. I also think that so many have an issue because of the “Jewish” part.
Land theft? Hard to take back that which was won in a war and/or bought with money. You are quite reverent to the cause of Native Americans. Are you giving your home back?
Movement restrictions? Not for Israelis! Oh I’m guessing you mean the Gazans, and residents of Judea-Samaria. I can write a book on that issue.
As far as your Apartheid cry: Amnesty International and UN , changed their definition of Apartheid to fit Israel. Go on , look up apartheid. There are Arab judges on the high court of Israel. No separate restaurants, hmm- no separate water fountains, no separate bus, no separate beaches, no separate ANYTHING for Israelis citizens.
To which racial group are you referring, considering Israelis are of various colors? Particularly because Ashkenazi Jews aren’t the majority any more.
Any Arabs, in Palestine, during the British Mandate, became citizens. As their children and grandchildren.
The Jews from Persia can’t visit their family, in Iran. No Israelis are allowed. In fact look up how many Jews are in Gaza. Nah, don’t bother, none are. The Jews aren’t allowed in. Unfortunately the Jews were ****** out of Gaza so the current residents could move in. The current residents , tore down the profitable greenhouses, ending the flower trade. After all, why work, when the UN supports you. ( or at least makes their leaders, wealthy.)
Apparently, you have taken a giant swig of the kool aid, propaganda!!! Enjoy your Gaza Times and Al- Jazeera. It’s clearly where your “facts” are derived.
Oh , I could play this all night. I just began. But I know , you will come back with - not terrorists supported as a proxy, by Iran. You will call them Freedom Fighters. Yet, they do need freedom , from Hamas and UNWRA schools.