TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

Why should they - their base thinks it’s fine unfortunately - times like this I wonder how America got to where it is today.
with people like you sitting at home complaining while the rest were out defending and taking care of biz.....never heard the term the sky is falling until you people came along with your signs
with people like you sitting at home complaining while the rest were out defending and taking care of biz.....never heard the term the sky is falling until you people came along with your signs

Defending ????!! Is that what ya call letting China gather intel over our most sensitive military installations - DEFENDING ?????!!
My da served in the Third Army under Patton in WW2 - he told me his men would have followed him into hell - one of America’s greatest military minds - not interested in ANY of the mud ya wanna sling - all Dems are good for is flinging shite at greatness - makes me kinda sick.
So how come you didn't go to Vietnam? You and Muley are always carping but did nothing for your country.
Defending ????!! Is that what ya call letting China gather intel over our most sensitive military installations - DEFENDING ?????!!
So how come you didn't go to Vietnam? You and Muley are always carping but did nothing for your country.

I was in my sophomore year of College and was deferred - Freshman were drafted out beneath me - I was the last year to get a College deferment - my draft number was 9 and they drafted up to 125 in the lottery at the time - I was ready to go after finishing school but Nixon ended the war and I was never drafted - that’s why.
I was in my sophomore year of College and was deferred - Freshman were drafted out beneath me - I was the last year to get a College deferment - my draft number was 9 and they drafted up to 125 in the lottery at the time - I was ready to go after finishing school but Nixon ended the war and I was never drafted - that’s why.

if you believe that sort of thing
You're actually a traitor, and you have the nerve to lecture someone else about "trashing the country"? If anyone is trashing the country, it's you and your dumbass ilk, Sparkles.
You're not even a side line reporter...
You're actually a traitor, and you have the nerve to lecture someone else about "trashing the country"? If anyone is trashing the country, it's you and your dumbass ilk, Sparkles.