TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

I never said it was, TnC. Just remember it was Republicans who started this radical deficit spending with huge tax cuts that weren't offset with spending cuts. All those tax cuts and Republicans claimed those "paid for themselves" which they never did. Republicans never tried to justify their tax cuts or plan on how they'd pay for their tax cuts. Not saying Democrats weren't guilty, but you have to admit Bush & Cheney pushed it to the limits which is why Reagan & Bushes created most all of the first $10 trillion of Nat'l Debt and handed to Obama along with a crashing economy. Then, along comes Donald Trump and exceeded everyone else's deficite spending in his very first year. At least Obama had the deficit spending headed in the other direction (shrinking) ... Republican Presidents always tend to spend more and offset less.

It's why it is so important that "both parties" come to the table of negotiations instead of taking the "my way or the highway" deals. Once Newt Gingrich and his thugs started pushing their "no tax increases" deals and the Tea Party came in and run the moderate Republicans out of office, negotiations between parties stopped. Then along comes Trump and totally splits the nation in half and we got a "parties war" that won't go away.

If we could have term limits and age limits with congress I think much of these "overspending" problems would go away. But I agree with most, this over-spending and then using the excuse of "its now money we owe" so we MUST pay it is a crock of CRAP. Still, it is currently the corrupt Republicans that are sabotaging this country. Until good Republicans start admitting that, I guess we'll continue to see this "split party system" that is killing the country.
There's a flaw in your thinking.... You really believe that tax cuts need to be "paid for"? In order to think that, you need to believe that all money belongs to the government, and they allow us to have a little...

I am equally as disgusted with the Republicans that have participated in the deficit as I am with the Democrats... In Missouri, for the first time in anyone's lifetime, we finally have 2 constitutionally minded senators... The only way to curb inflation is to CUT spending. Tax cuts also will help in boosting revenues.... The elimination of the income tax would cause an explosion of revenues, the likes no one has ever seen.


5 Coward Conservatives Who Handed the GOP to Donald Trump​

How Donald Trump Conquered the GOP: Donald Trump’s rise within, and subsequent takeover of, the GOP was a uniquely comprehensive political conquest.

When Trump first declared his candidacy in the 2016 GOP primary, he was dismissed as a joke.

Established GOP figures, like Mitt Romney, Ted Cruz, and Paul Ryan, took one sideways glance at Trump – noted his orange skin, hanging gut, grating accent, and complete void of political experience – and discredited him out of hand.

Who did this guy think he was? Donald Trump was out of his depth in a crowded GOP field, they said; he was burning up valuable airtime and headline space from actually viable candidates – guys like Marco Rubio, poised to help the GOP compete with the Democrats for the increasingly crucial Hispanic vote, or John Kasich, a broadly appealing midwestern moderate, or even the favored upstart, the soft-spoken and cerebral Ben Carson. Besides, everyone knew it was Jeb Bush’s turn– he was next in line to inherit the presidency, after waiting patiently for the Bush succession.

So, the GOP field-at-large denounced Donald Trump, vocally, forcefully, and unequivocally – so as to signal clearly to the general population: Trump is not representative of us or our values.

The GOP Begins to Shift: Christie the Coward​

The general public, on the other hand, the people who actually determine election outcomes, felt that Trump was absolutely representative of their values. The GOP, lulled to sleep through decades of complacent, predetermined power transfers, had miscalculated Trump’s appeal.

Heartland America loved him.

As Donald Trump gained traction in the primary, the criticisms that establishment figures had heaped on Trump – criticisms that seemed politically prescient at the moment – were suddenly threatening to become a political liability.

The first sign of what was coming, the trembling capitulations, was Chris Christie’s about-face. Christie, then the governor of New Jersey, was once considered a star of the GOP; he entered the GOP primaries with considerably more legitimacy than Trump. Accordingly, Christie warned voters eyeing Trump that the election was not a “game.” “We do not need reality TV in the Oval Office right now,” Christie said, “President of the United States is not a place for an entertainer.” Trump was like a “13-year-old” who “sits in his jammies in Trump Tower,” Christie said. “I just don’t think that he’s suited to be president.”

Ted Cruz Jumps on the Trump Train​

The last man standing against Donald Trump in the 2016 primary, the last establishment bulwark against a Donald Trump presidency, was Ted Cruz.

Understandably, Cruz was tactically critical of Trump. Cruz, during one memorable news conference, called Trump “utterly amoral,” a “serial philanderer,” a “pathological liar,” and “a narcissist at a level I don’t think this country’s ever seen.”

The venom with which Cruz attacked Trump was distinct – and almost certainly personally motivated; Trump had criticized first Cruz’s ******* and then Cruz’s wife. According to Trump, Cruz’s ******* was “with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald’s, you know, being shot.” Perhaps more insulting still, Trump also retweeted a picture implying that his wife, ex-model Melania, was more attractive than Cruz’s wife, Heidi.

The moment Cruz capitulated to Trump, bending a knee and kissing the ring, it was clearly over; the GOP was Trump’s. Donald Trump had called Cruz’s wife ugly; Trump had accused Cruz’s ******* of assisting in the greatest conspiracy in the entire 20th century. And still, Cruz – a sitting US Senator and once-GOP-kingpin – tucked his tail between his legs and pledged fealty. “After many months of careful consideration, of prayer and searching my own conscience, I have decided that on Election Day, I will vote for the Republican nominee, Donald Trump,” Cruz said in a statement released to The Texas Tribune.

Enter Lindsay Graham​

Once Trump assumed control of the GOP, he demanded absolute loyalty. Rather than stand up to Donald Trump – and face existential consequences – Republican leaders mostly got in line; many with shameful, hard-to-watch-I’m-embarrassed-for-you cowardice.

Like Lindsay Graham. The former Air ******* JAG officer turned Senator from South Carolina was once a vocal critic of Trump. “Any doubt left Trump is completely unhinged?” Graham once tweeted. “We should have basically kicked out of the party,” Graham said. “The more you know about Donald Trump, the less likely you are to vote for him. The more you know about his business enterprises, the less successful he looks. The more you know about his political giving, the less Republican he looks.”

Elise Stefanik Changes Her Tune​

Examples of similar behavior are easy to find. Representative Elise Stefanik criticized Trump during 2016 for his “comments about Muslims and women,” and “his signature policy positions, such as reforming NATO, building a US-Mexico border wall and having stronger cooperation with Russia.” Stefanik was very clear with respect to Trump: “I think we should expect more substance out of our candidates.”

When Trump was elected Stefanik quickly got to work revising her position. “The energy was just palpable. Anyone on the ground or who was knocking on doors, talking to voters, understood that it was going to be a historic election,” Stefanik said in reference to 2016. “The media didn’t get it. The establishment didn’t get it.” Stefanik got it, apparently. “I was proud to be a part of it. And I was proud to be on that ticket and to win by a huge, huge margin as well as President Trump's huge double-digit victory in my district.”

Rick Perry: A Donald Trump Supporter​

Former Texas governor Rick Perry called Trump’s campaign a “cancer on conservatism” “that will lead the Republican Party to perdition.”

You know where I’m going with this. When Donald Trump emerged as the front-runner, Perry endorsed the carcinogenic candidate. “ is not a perfect man,” Perry told CNN. “But what I do believe is that he loves this country and he will surround himself with capable, experienced people and he will listen to them.”

Perry wasn’t just trying to save his career – he was trying to join the ticket with Trump, as the vice presidential nominee. Ultimately, Perry was named Trump’s Secretary of Energy, demonstrating that fealty could have its rewards.

Can the GOP Move Away from Donald Trump?​

Trump’s dominance over the GOP seems to be waning. Now might be an appropriate time for Republican sycophants to finally thwart Trump and reclaim what personal dignity they can still salvage.


5 Coward Conservatives Who Handed the GOP to Donald Trump​

How Donald Trump Conquered the GOP: Donald Trump’s rise within, and subsequent takeover of, the GOP was a uniquely comprehensive political conquest.

When Trump first declared his candidacy in the 2016 GOP primary, he was dismissed as a joke.

Established GOP figures, like Mitt Romney, Ted Cruz, and Paul Ryan, took one sideways glance at Trump – noted his orange skin, hanging gut, grating accent, and complete void of political experience – and discredited him out of hand.

Who did this guy think he was? Donald Trump was out of his depth in a crowded GOP field, they said; he was burning up valuable airtime and headline space from actually viable candidates – guys like Marco Rubio, poised to help the GOP compete with the Democrats for the increasingly crucial Hispanic vote, or John Kasich, a broadly appealing midwestern moderate, or even the favored upstart, the soft-spoken and cerebral Ben Carson. Besides, everyone knew it was Jeb Bush’s turn– he was next in line to inherit the presidency, after waiting patiently for the Bush succession.

So, the GOP field-at-large denounced Donald Trump, vocally, forcefully, and unequivocally – so as to signal clearly to the general population: Trump is not representative of us or our values.

The GOP Begins to Shift: Christie the Coward​

The general public, on the other hand, the people who actually determine election outcomes, felt that Trump was absolutely representative of their values. The GOP, lulled to ******* through decades of complacent, predetermined power transfers, had miscalculated Trump’s appeal.

Heartland America loved him.

As Donald Trump gained traction in the primary, the criticisms that establishment figures had heaped on Trump – criticisms that seemed politically prescient at the moment – were suddenly threatening to become a political liability.

The first sign of what was coming, the trembling capitulations, was Chris Christie’s about-face. Christie, then the governor of New Jersey, was once considered a star of the GOP; he entered the GOP primaries with considerably more legitimacy than Trump. Accordingly, Christie warned voters eyeing Trump that the election was not a “game.” “We do not need reality TV in the Oval Office right now,” Christie said, “President of the United States is not a place for an entertainer.” Trump was like a “13-year-old” who “sits in his jammies in Trump Tower,” Christie said. “I just don’t think that he’s suited to be president.”

Ted Cruz Jumps on the Trump Train​

The last man standing against Donald Trump in the 2016 primary, the last establishment bulwark against a Donald Trump presidency, was Ted Cruz.

Understandably, Cruz was tactically critical of Trump. Cruz, during one memorable news conference, called Trump “utterly amoral,” a “serial philanderer,” a “pathological liar,” and “a narcissist at a level I don’t think this country’s ever seen.”

The venom with which Cruz attacked Trump was distinct – and almost certainly personally motivated; Trump had criticized first Cruz’s ******* and then Cruz’s wife. According to Trump, Cruz’s ******* was “with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald’s, you know, being shot.” Perhaps more insulting still, Trump also retweeted a picture implying that his wife, ex-model Melania, was more attractive than Cruz’s wife, Heidi.

The moment Cruz capitulated to Trump, bending a knee and kissing the ring, it was clearly over; the GOP was Trump’s. Donald Trump had called Cruz’s wife ugly; Trump had accused Cruz’s ******* of assisting in the greatest conspiracy in the entire 20th century. And still, Cruz – a sitting US Senator and once-GOP-kingpin – tucked his tail between his legs and pledged fealty. “After many months of careful consideration, of prayer and searching my own conscience, I have decided that on Election Day, I will vote for the Republican nominee, Donald Trump,” Cruz said in a statement released to The Texas Tribune.

Enter Lindsay Graham​

Once Trump assumed control of the GOP, he demanded absolute loyalty. Rather than stand up to Donald Trump – and face existential consequences – Republican leaders mostly got in line; many with shameful, hard-to-watch-I’m-embarrassed-for-you cowardice.

Like Lindsay Graham. The former Air ******* JAG officer turned Senator from South Carolina was once a vocal critic of Trump. “Any doubt left Trump is completely unhinged?” Graham once tweeted. “We should have basically kicked out of the party,” Graham said. “The more you know about Donald Trump, the less likely you are to vote for him. The more you know about his business enterprises, the less successful he looks. The more you know about his political giving, the less Republican he looks.”

Elise Stefanik Changes Her Tune​

Examples of similar behavior are easy to find. Representative Elise Stefanik criticized Trump during 2016 for his “comments about Muslims and women,” and “his signature policy positions, such as reforming NATO, building a US-Mexico border wall and having stronger cooperation with Russia.” Stefanik was very clear with respect to Trump: “I think we should expect more substance out of our candidates.”

When Trump was elected Stefanik quickly got to work revising her position. “The energy was just palpable. Anyone on the ground or who was knocking on doors, talking to voters, understood that it was going to be a historic election,” Stefanik said in reference to 2016. “The media didn’t get it. The establishment didn’t get it.” Stefanik got it, apparently. “I was proud to be a part of it. And I was proud to be on that ticket and to win by a huge, huge margin as well as President Trump's huge double-digit victory in my district.”

Rick Perry: A Donald Trump Supporter​

Former Texas governor Rick Perry called Trump’s campaign a “cancer on conservatism” “that will lead the Republican Party to perdition.”

You know where I’m going with this. When Donald Trump emerged as the front-runner, Perry endorsed the carcinogenic candidate. “ is not a perfect man,” Perry told CNN. “But what I do believe is that he loves this country and he will surround himself with capable, experienced people and he will listen to them.”

Perry wasn’t just trying to save his career – he was trying to join the ticket with Trump, as the vice presidential nominee. Ultimately, Perry was named Trump’s Secretary of Energy, demonstrating that fealty could have its rewards.

Can the GOP Move Away from Donald Trump?​

Trump’s dominance over the GOP seems to be waning. Now might be an appropriate time for Republican sycophants to finally thwart Trump and reclaim what personal dignity they can still salvage.

You truly are incapable of seeing the big picture, aren't you? No one has "handed the GOP over" to Trump or anyone else... Your TDS is on full display.

Show your best side to the CCP

Give an American hello to Xi 😉
Like this?


and I'm sure the RNC will want to give it's regards......

There's a flaw in your thinking.... You really believe that tax cuts need to be "paid for"? In order to think that, you need to believe that all money belongs to the government, and they allow us to have a little...

I am equally as disgusted with the Republicans that have participated in the deficit as I am with the Democrats... In Missouri, for the first time in anyone's lifetime, we finally have 2 constitutionally minded senators... The only way to curb inflation is to CUT spending. Tax cuts also will help in boosting revenues.... The elimination of the income tax would cause an explosion of revenues, the likes no one has ever seen.

You have traitor for a senator in misery.
You have traitor for a senator in misery.
you must be refering to Run Josh Run Howley......

Jan. 6 clip of Josh Hawley fleeing from Capitol rioters proves that …

WebJul 23, 2022 · Video of Josh Hawley fleeing from Capitol rioters proves that he's an opportunist A few short seconds during the Jan. 6 hearing accomplished what Hawley's …

  1. Josh Hawley HUMILIATED by Footage of Him FLEEING …

    WebJul 22, 2022 · Republican Senator Josh Hawley, who infamously raised his fist and riled up the insurrectionists on January 6, was caught on camera fleeing the Capitol like a coward …
you must be refering to Run Josh Run Howley......

Jan. 6 clip of Josh Hawley fleeing from Capitol rioters proves that …

WebJul 23, 2022 · Video of Josh Hawley fleeing from Capitol rioters proves that he's an opportunist A few short seconds during the Jan. 6 hearing accomplished what Hawley's …
NBC news? It's already been established that NBC is dishonest.... Secondly, how about we talk about people threatening Josh's family at their home... People like you, who crave violence? Have you met Josh?
Yes the manly Josh Hawley. He ran like a like a little girl.
Regardless of what was perceived, he's STILL more constitutionally minded than any Democrat... You poor leftists, you keep grasping at straws, you're like Charlie Brown, trying to kick the football, once again, I've pulled the football out of the way! :ROFLMAO:
AND tnc says he is a friend of his!......both from the same fighting stock
Are we? Have you met me? You don't know anything about me, you think I'm an "asshole" because I have a different political ideology than you do. Or is it because you can't handle your dumbass being laughed at?

Josh Hawley loves to tout his Missouri …

WebJan 17, 2021 · Revulsion for Hawley, the junior Missouri senator who continues to be castigated nationwide for his leading role on

I think this would be better it.....or run for your life!

Sen. Hawley Introduces Bill to Promote Patriotism, Love …

WebJul 26, 2021 · U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) will introduce the Love America Act, new legislation to promote patriotism in education and fight back against the spread of anti …

Josh Hawley loves to tout his Missouri …

WebJan 17, 2021 · Revulsion for Hawley, the junior Missouri senator who continues to be castigated nationwide for his leading role on

I think this would be better it.....or run for your life!

Sen. Hawley Introduces Bill to Promote Patriotism, Love …

WebJul 26, 2021 · U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) will introduce the Love America Act, new legislation to promote patriotism in education and fight back against the spread of anti …
The federal dept of education is the biggest waste of space in history, it should be disbanded, along with the IRS... You're done.
Poor sub, we all know you're jealous of what we have here in Missouri, you're so obsessed with me, just like Ed, and the rest of them.