TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

.... and look at THIS! How many times have we heard the repeated Republican charges regarding the thousands of classified Hillary Clinton e-mals repeated over and over and over.
Republicans have proven many times the more often you repeat a lie the more acceptable that lie becomes the truth. READ ON!

As we now know from Mr. Trump’s own admission, he knew documents he took to Mar-a-Lago were classified because, he said, he had the right to declassify them. And unlike Mr. Biden and Mr. Pence, who immediately notified the Department of Justice and the National Archives when they found the documents and have fully cooperated since, Mr. Trump resisted and ****** a federal judge to issue a search warrant to retrieve dozens of conspicuously marked classified documents. ​
Recently, pro-Trump/MAGA Republicans and even many in the mainstream media have inaccurately reported that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton transferred identifiable classified information in her emails to her private server. This is false. Indeed, former FBI Director James Comey, not exactly remembered as helpful to Clinton, confirmed this in congressional testimony.  
On July 7, 2016, Comey testified before the House Oversight Committee. He agreed under questioning that the FBI, after reviewing individually the 33,000 Clinton emails in the spring and early summer of 2016, found only three e-mails that had any identifiable classified marking at all. Comey told Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-Pa.) that only three e-mails contained a lower-case “c” in the middle of a paragraph. (Shortly after the hearing, the actual number was corrected from three to one.) And he stated that even classification experts would not recognize that little “c” as a classified marking.  
Asked Cartwright: “So if Secretary Clinton really were an expert at what’s classified and what’s not classified and were following the [Classified Requirements] manual, the absence of a header would tell her immediately that those three documents were not classified. Am I correct in that?” ​

That’s right:  James Comey said "under oath that not even one out of 33,000 Hillary Clinton emails would be recognized by a classification expert as classified".     
After all this time of purposely misreporting in the media, we need a reminder that, in fact, the FBI found that not one of Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 emails they reviewed contained any recognizable classified information marking.   It would be nice if members of the mainstream media, who have recently referred to Secretary Hillary Clinton’s emails as including marked classified information, would correct the record and apologize. But, don’t hold your breath. ​
About the author of this article: Lanny Davis served as a special counsel to President Bill Clinton in 1996-98 and on a post-9/11 privacy and civil liberties panel appointed by President George W. Bush. He is a co-founder of the Washington law firm Davis Goldberg Galper PLLC, specializing in legal crisis management in support of litigation and other legal issues and Trident DMG, a public relations and strategic communications firm.  His most recent book, published in 2018, was “The Unmaking of the President 2016 — How FBI Director James Comey Cost Hillary Clinton the Presidency” (Simon & Schuster)
Fascist governments have many characteristics in common, including (1) extreme militaristic nationalism, (2) contempt for electoral democracy and political and cultural liberalism, (3) a belief in natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites, and (4) the desire to create a Volksgemeinschaft (German: “people’s community”), in which individual interests would be subordinated to the good of the nation.
Fascism is a form of extreme right-wing ideology that celebrates the nation or the race as an organic community transcending all other loyalties. It emphasizes a myth of national or racial rebirth after a period of decline or destruction.
NOW, until the 2024 Presidential Election Democrats need to be bringing this conspiracy of government to the attention of the US citizens. We've had enough of the FALSE STATEMENTS & CLAIMS Republicans are using to confuse the people.
Here's some facts, something you're allergic to... Trump was COOPERATING... They asked Trump to secure them, and they were SECURE, with guards nonetheless...

Biden left them everywhere, and he wasn't supposed to have access to them to begin with... Nothing you can say, no opinion piece you can quote, will make Biden less of a criminal...

Try looking at the FACTS for a change.
just use this

Mine's bad, as you continue to be obsessed with me.
You find your evidence to finally condemn the cops in Memphis, or still waiting for more evidence?

I‘ll let a judge or jury condemn them - not my place - the entire incident makes no sense to me. Can’t understand what that kid could have possibly done to bring that treatment down on him - they’re not showing what started it all. No matter what he did he didn’t deserve what happened to him. I understand 3 more people are being charged with something - think they’re medics. All the facts of the case will inevitably be released.
your originality and your quality responses....must have you at the top of your donkey school class....but can not expect to much from a Mo. barnyard parolee......still wanting to learn politics and struggling at that
Look, I know you're jealous of my ability to turn things around on you, I've got a lot of experience doing just that... The problem is that you don't talk politics... All you've ever done is throw schoolyard insults... If you want to talk politics, I can sure do that, but if you want to throw insults, I can certainly oblige you in that field... YOU chose this, not me.

People like you are unable to draw a line between politics and personal attacks... Me, I can be friends and get along with anyone, regardless of their political ideology.
Eric Adams the Mayor of NYC says the 46,000 migrants that have flooded into his city thanks to Debacle Joe are gonna cost the city 2 billion dollars and he wants help from the Federal government - ole Debacle Joe is there today and like he does most things he’s just ignoring the situation he created. My question is if 46,000 illegals are gonna cost NYC 2 billion dollars - how much are the millions surging in across an open border gonna cost the American taxpayers ?????!!
I’d really like to know 🤔
Got my electric bill the other day - highest electric bill I have ever gotten - even more than any electric bill when running my AC hard during the summer - wasn’t quite double what I’m used to paying but close. So with the cost of electricity going up so fast question how that would be impacted by charging electric vehicles - thanks Debacle Joe. Gasoline costs have been going up here for a month moving fast towards $4 per gallon. Ole Joe seems oblivious to how his idiotic policies are impacting on the average American - or - he just doesn’t give a shite.
WTF - all that good humor - GONE - not even in A lil humor today !

Thanks for posting it Sub was GOOD stuff too 👍👍