TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

Tell us, sparkles, what are the repercussions of cutting unnecessary regulations? Cutting taxes for the lower/middle class? Why can't Democrats cut unnecessary spending? Why can't they follow the constitution?
You need an explanation on why this dumb ******* doesn't work and you're not reading the right Constitution?
Go talk to the SCOTUS.
Sinema dumps the Dems 👍👍
Not really.
Voted with Biden over 90% of the time.
Will caucus with Democrats like two other independents - Sanders and King.
Will Vote for Schumer to be Majority Leader
Still strong supporter of abortion rights, immigration, and Biden's infrastructure plan.
Republicans gain nothing.
Sinema dumps the Dems 👍👍
she is grasping at straws......she has made millions in her first term.....fucking the people that supported her....she is out and knows it.....thinks this will help.....she is corrupt enough to be a republican

Polling reflects Sinema’s unpopularity

  • Among all Arizona voters, Sinema dropped net -17% in favorability. She went from 41% favorable, 35% unfavorable prior to February, to 29% favorable, 40% unfavorable.

Poll shows Sinema's popularity dropping further …

WebNov 22, 2021 · Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) could be in serious trouble with Democratic voters when she goes up for reelection in 2024. A new Arizona Public Opinion Pulse conducted by Phoenix-based OH Predictive...

Who is Senator Kyrsten Sinema, and where did her wealth …

WebOct 27, 2021 · Sinema was elected in 2019 to represent Arizona, and has her money grow since then. Where is it coming from? Sinema’s net worth went from $32,500 in 2018, to $1 …
“Merchant of Death” for a basket ball player - Putin is playing against the JV.

That being said glad she’s back - wish they coulda got the marine back too though.
The power of Celebrity. The marine- who probably was on mission - was relatively unknown until they latched him to her. You still aren't sure of his name.

Paul Whelan was taken from his Moscow hotel room in 2018 and found guilty of spying.
Truth is, he probably was, but so what. Trump should have brought him home while he was kissing Pvtin's ass. As a matter of fact, none of you can recall any negotiations by Trump's administration for him. Trump was taking the word of Russia over our own intelligence on the international stage. He already said he didn't like those who were captured.
So, this guy was relatively in obscurity under Trump, YOUR guy. North Korea returned a student that Trump ask for and they killed him.
Fuck off and back off about this. It's above your head
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HORSESHITE - Dems believe that is good for America!!!!! ☝️

Only lying is that the shite you listed is GOOD for America.

Most of it is INFLATION increasing - not REDUCING ya mouthy Dem dolt.

AFGHANISTAN - biggest American DEBACLE in my lifetime - and - I’ve been around for a long time.
Ummm, dickhead - you are whining is that "duh, no one can post something about Biden without mentioning Trump". F*cking liar - Check. Secondly, because you can't read, you have no idea (or its RepTard dementia again) about any of the Biden accomplishments - Check. Third, you open your piehole about "Wred Wave and wait till the Mid-terms" where you were wrong on every issue and got your ass kicked around the block - Check. Lastly, you are clearly a world class asswipe and poster-boi passive aggressive pansy - Check.

Now go laydown somewhere. Dope. :devilish:


  • buttdlurp Magic.gif
    buttdlurp Magic.gif
    1.9 MB · Views: 0
They say this guy could have implications regarding Ukraine - known supplier of weaponry to terrorists - looked like Putin needed him.
Naw, after 11 years of 'intense' interrogation, we found his breaking point long long time ago and ******* him dry of intelligence and contacts. Read the story. Plus, he only had a few more years to serve before being released on good behavior. It wasn't a lifetime sentence. At this point, the merchant of death is story of the past and not a threat today.
Being out of the business for over a decade and having been captured and interrogated for 11 years make him out of the loop and untrustworthy in the underground world of gun running.
He is nothing more than symbolic for the Russians, and apparently the Republicans.
Ummm, dickhead - you are whining is that "duh, no one can post something about Biden without mentioning Trump". F*cking liar - Check. Secondly, because you can't read, you have no idea (or its RepTard dementia again) about any of the Biden accomplishments - Check. Third, you open your piehole about "Wred Wave and wait till the Mid-terms" where you were wrong on every issue and got your ass kicked around the block - Check. Lastly, you are clearly a world class asswipe and poster-boi passive aggressive pansy - Check.

Now go laydown somewhere. Dope. :devilish:

blah blah blah GIF

I know this is more of CJ's territory but there are enough memes, representing the Cons intellect, to go around.
So does the American people. Fact is, it's true and Americans like it. You don't like it. You'll just have to get over it.


There you are! When you can't dispute the facts, just lie.
You Cons can't handle the fact that America is done with you, so you insult Democrats who win their elections, and downplay legislation that successfully passed.

Really? Maybe you've been around too long because I can think of a few bigger debacles than that mission.
Since you've been around:
Korean War
Operation Ajax in Persia
Vietnam War
Tet Offensive during the Vietnam War
Watergate Coverup
The Federal Reserve and Presidents Nixon and Ford bungling of inflation that led to stagflation and President Carter
Iran Contra
War on *******
Response to the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marines in Beirut.
Gulf War (fuck Kuwait)
Invading Iraq after 9/11
Deciding to build a government and military in Afghanistan after pushing the terror cells out 15 years ago!

But yes, you let a voluntary extraction plan where people decided way too late after having a year to make a move, be your whining point. You even ignore the fuck ups that led to that like announcing the withdrawal, releasing over 5000 enemy combatants before we got out, and diminishing the intelligence presence over the last few years.
It's a sign of how weak your statement and position is.
You remember any of these fuck ups?
Lmfao .. wait biden played professional sports? Lmfao or are we talking about world trades? Who put this ol re re tard meme together and thought it made sense🤣🤣

As much as I Crack jokes and clown yall ,you would think ya knew how to put a joke that actually made sense together by now but ...biden and Ruth bad sports trade 😐
Not surprising that you don't understand 🤣🤣🤣
Lmfao .. wait biden played professional sports? Lmfao or are we talking about world trades? Who put this ol re re tard meme together and thought it made sense🤣🤣

As much as I Crack jokes and clown yall ,you would think ya knew how to put a joke that actually made sense together by now but ...biden and Ruth bad sports trade 😐
Lmfao. Holy ******* I see the new guy is as dumb as the rest.

Satanic crap, You have to be kidding, no one is that stupid. not even stubby or Ed

What does brandon playing professional sports have to do with this meme?
please explain Can’t wait for your explanation.
please don’t use the pic of babe Ruth in your explanation. You aren’t dumb enough to do that.
Or are you?
Lmfao. Holy ******* I see the new guy is as dumb as the rest.

Satanic crap, You have to be kidding, no one is that stupid. not even stubby or Ed

What does brandon playing professional sports have to do with this meme?
please explain Can’t wait for your explanation.
please don’t use the pic of babe Ruth in your explanation. You aren’t dumb enough to do that.
Or are you
New guy lmfaoo...where tf you been?..I mean I don't get how repeating what I just said made you feel smart by since you here ..why don't you explain that reason sports doesn't have anything to do with biden but it's in the same meme ... it was one of your right wing buddies who shared it ...but thanks for making my point🤣

@TnC93 there you have it ...your meme is stupid even with other conservatives

2024. Just let them talk🤦🏾