* The QoS (QUEEN OF SPADES) VIP Lounge and CLUB *

These pics are linked to a Real-life True Freaky-Tale that I am still recording my in Diary.

Be sure to read all about the story 'FREAKY-TALE-3' that goes with this pic and the ones above in the Vegas hotel-room at:
Had a quick question regarding this subject, well kind of. I know and understand what the QoS is, my question is has anyone seen the spade with the J or the spade with the B and if so, what do they mean?
Had a quick question regarding this subject, well kind of. I know and understand what the QoS is, my question is has anyone seen the spade with the J or the spade with the B and if so, what do they mean?

@Interested Couple
- Whats happening there. Interesting question you pose here. I have not seen anyone with a J or a B in the Spade and that is a new one to me. This 'J' or 'B' in the spade was it on a man/woman and were they black or white? Those things would help in maybe figuring out what that meant.

There used to be a gang known as the 'Jack of Spades' (hence the J in the Spade), 'Black Spades' (hence the B in the Spade), and I wonder if here are some remnants or a resurrection of that.

***** UPDATE

Well my QoS research team actually did find something on the QoJ - here it is as follows;
The jack of spades.

For the submissive men, boys and sissies who live to serve superior black cock.

Like its female counterpart the queen of spades, the jack of spades is used for men or wives to mark their husbands to show their availability to be used by superior dominant men who recognize their prey. Note the graphic representation of the little lowercase j dwarfed by the big black spade. A natural symbol of the BLACK/white order. Quickly becoming popular, the jack of spades has become an open invitation for aggressive, dominant black men to utilize the men who have recognized their superiority.

i am here to serve big black cocks i am a little white sissy boi !!!!!!
ref: http://wsta4all.tumblr.com/post/57822627141/daytonabeach99-aslut4bbc-the-jack-of
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Here go some art-work found on the walls in the QoS Club:


And who looks the most bad-ass in this Pic? Easy choice, Queen of Hearts looks like she doesn't want to be there, Queen of Clubs looks like she been fucked, had an orgasm and waiting to take a smoke-break, and the Queen of Diamonds looks possessed, on molly or coke or some *******.



The QoS leads the pack (of Queen Cards) again:



I know, I know babe- your not really that bad your just drawn that way (for BigBlackBulls of course) :blackheart::blackgreedy:.
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