The Era Of Self-Evident TRUTH Is Over ...


Sweet & Cordial
Gold Member

The Era of ‘Self-Evident’ Truth Is Over. Today’s America Is Founded on Belief Instead​

Never has an article been more appropriate & timely for Political Discussions. At least each of us may be able to draw some reasonable understanding as to why we are so polarized & devoted to what we post in these political threads. Therefore, I thought maybe we all could take some time to read the article and post our OWN opinion as to it's points.​

It takes NO SIDES, it simply tries to explain & make sense as to why we are all so much in disagreement & hostile to the opposite side's posts. The only thing I ask is that everyone read it BEFORE starting to post opinion(s).​

It’s the most famous sentence in the Declaration of Independence, and perhaps in all of American history: “We hold these truths to be self-evident,” Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1776, “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Governments exist to secure people’s rights, Jefferson continued. When governments no longer do so, the people have a right to cast those governments aside and form new ones. “To prove this,” the document says, “let facts be submitted to a candid world.”
Truths. Self-evident. Facts. Yet, on Independence Day 2022, these words also stand out as starkly anachronistic. In an era of social media, misinformation, disinformation, “fake news,” and extreme partisanship, what “truths” can be considered “self-evident”? Can “facts” simply be submitted to a candid world? What do such sentences mean for us in today’s political climate?
Today, the information about the past we encounter online is increasingly shaped by algorithms, platform designs, crowd-sourcing, and disinformation campaigns. The success of these pieces of ehistory often has little to do with facts or truths. Indeed, an argument can be made that a world of facts has been superseded by a world of beliefs. With so much information available to each of us, we no longer require—and, indeed it may not be possible to have—a shared set of facts or self-evident truths. We each re-write our personalized realities each day, curated from fragments of information scattered across the web and surfaced to us by recommendation engines. We forge our own realties, finding ample justifications for why we believe each reality is self-evident.​

To expert-centric fields of knowledge, such a world poses many threats. As historian Jill Lepore wrote in The New Yorker in 2016, so much of our modern world—from law and science to history and journalism—has been shaped and ordered by “the fact,” the notion that something could be definitively known. Our independence, Jefferson made clear, also relies on that premise. As Lepore wrote, “the origins of no other nation are… as answerable to evidence,” as the United States.​
If the world of facts is collapsing, perhaps that is also why the very foundations of the American experiment feel on shaky ground. Our very existence is tied to a world of facts and self-evident truths. A national history is, after all, an imagined agreement on facts shared by a diverse group of people. When those agreements become unraveled, we must find new ones—and, indeed, we are in the midst of such a tumultuous process.​

In the public sphere each day we argue about which pieces of information, assembled in which order, reveal which self-evident truths that should become the basis for our actions. Depending on what evidence you assemble in what order, conservatives and progressives can each demonstrate to each other a compelling belief system that is self-evident, supported by facts, and threatened by “repeated injuries,” “usurpations,” and “tyranny” of the other side—words that Jefferson used 246 years ago.​
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Also, found this article very interesting .... again, its not directed to either political side but tries to make sense of why we accept fake news.
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Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) sounded the alarm Monday in a powerful essay in The Atlantic warning that the nation is “in denial,” and we are ignoring serious threats that could be “cataclysmic” to its very existence. “When a renowned conservative former federal appellate judge testifies that we are already in a war for our democracy and that January 6, 2021, was a genuine constitutional crisis, MAGA loyalists snicker that he speaks slowly and celebrate that most people weren’t watching,” wrote the frustrated senator.​

Romney was referring to the powerful testimony last month before the Jan. 6 House panel by retired Judge J. Michael Luttig. He called Trump and his supporters “a clear and present danger to American democracy” for their attempts to toss out the results of a presidential election they didn’t like, adding, “Our democracy today is on a knife’s edge.”​
Romney also pointed to the harm already wreaked by global warming in dangerous droughts, the lack of action on mounting government debt and illegal immigration. Yet too little is being done to address these serious threats, he wrote. The “blithe dismissal of potentially cataclysmic threats” is fueled by denial and a “powerful impulse to believe what we hope to be the case” that occurs “across the political spectrum.”​

“More and more, we are a nation in denial,” Romney warned. “A classic example of denial comes from Donald Trump: ‘I won in a landslide,’” he noted, quoting the former president. “Bolstering” that inclination are the “carefully constructed, prejudice-confirming arguments from the usual gang of sophists, grifters, and truth-deniers.” Romney notes how Americans have lived for decades in a “very forgiving time” with a stable climate and a generally strong economy and democracy, but there’s no margin for major error now. He is convinced the answer is good leadership.​
He hopes for a president who can “rise above the din to unite us behind the truth.” “President Joe Biden is a genuinely good man, but he has yet been unable to break through our national malady of denial, deceit and distrust.” “Yet, a return of Donald Trump would feed the sickness, probably rendering it incurable,” he warned.​
Romney said it’s up to “fathers and mothers, teachers and nurses, priests and rabbis, businessmen and businesswomen, journalists and pundits” to all rise above our “grievances and resentments” and “grasp the mantle of leadership our country so badly needs.”​
Poster's Note: I'd say Mitt Romney hits the nail right on the head. Let's hope, for our great nation, his desire is fulfilled. Enough damage has been done. No nation can be prosporous when the ones governing our nation deal from the "extreme" outside of their parties.
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Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) sounded the alarm Monday in a powerful essay in The Atlantic warning that the nation is “in denial,” and we are ignoring serious threats that could be “cataclysmic” to its very existence. “When a renowned conservative former federal appellate judge testifies that we are already in a war for our democracy and that January 6, 2021, was a genuine constitutional crisis, MAGA loyalists snicker that he speaks slowly and celebrate that most people weren’t watching,” wrote the frustrated senator.​

Romney was referring to the powerful testimony last month before the Jan. 6 House panel by retired Judge J. Michael Luttig. He called Trump and his supporters “a clear and present danger to American democracy” for their attempts to toss out the results of a presidential election they didn’t like, adding, “Our democracy today is on a knife’s edge.”​
Romney also pointed to the harm already wreaked by global warming in dangerous droughts, the lack of action on mounting government debt and illegal immigration. Yet too little is being done to address these serious threats, he wrote. The “blithe dismissal of potentially cataclysmic threats” is fueled by denial and a “powerful impulse to believe what we hope to be the case” that occurs “across the political spectrum.”​

“More and more, we are a nation in denial,” Romney warned. “A classic example of denial comes from Donald Trump: ‘I won in a landslide,’” he noted, quoting the former president.​
Yes, but fuck him.
He talks a good game, but he was a solid vote for Trump's agenda, voted with the Republicans, who were in line with Trump consistently. Voted down legislative policies supporting voting rights and supporting the Supreme Court heist. He did vote to remove Trump and was one of three Republicans in the Senate to not endorse him, but don't forget, like Liz Cheney, they enabled Trump's agenda and behavior and grew a conscious after the fact.
He helps light the match to burn your house down. Then comes around two months later talking about starting a fund to support the victims of house fires. (n)
es, but fuck him.
He talks a good game, but he was a solid vote for Trump's agenda, voted with the Republicans, who were in line with Trump consistently.
I've never been a Romney fan, either, but he and a growing number of others know the entire nation is being ripped apart by the polarization of two parties. Both Democrats & Republicans have to realize a strong two-party system is the only real solution in bringing this nation back together. I'm not aware of any activities Romney installed to rob & tilt the voting system we have, yet those backing Trump have already determined to clearly do what it takes to win back control of the nation. Romney at least has morals & integrity, something we really need in this country. I want to see the congress "of old" who was willing to do their bickering & complaining at the table of moderations.

I really do wish our congress would install new guidelines for congressional offices, starting with age limits. Neither Biden & Trump are really capable of running this country right now.
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We forge our own realties, finding ample justifications for why we believe each reality is self-evident...;)Here´s a self truth from Uvalde...1 dickhead in shorts and flip flops...Another checking his watch...must be wondering what time the Kardashians come on...Another turd who ate one two many tacos and needs to go *******...nearly 400 other incompetent fucks...:unsure:
