Surrendering to muslim men feels so hot...

Its funny to see the wheels turning in Olena's head when accused of racism.

Dear you are racist. "IT's nOT a raCe" is what mpst of you xenophobic morons try to justify with it. Which makes you the worst kind of racist. Puke out all the garbage fox news shat down your throat.
My wife stops at the same gas station a few times a week, the owner i and his ******* are from Pakistan. They are very flirty with her and ofcourse being a hotwife she reciprocats. She has said several times she has this fantasy of leting one or both fuck her in the back of the store. I've dared her to do it. I think she's getting close to going for it!!
i hope karen gives us details. i think that would be really hot.
Islam is returning Arab countries to savagery
"What has happened in Arab countries since 2011 is a kind of return to the prehuman, to savagery. Man is murdered to rob him or because he thinks differently. Those who do not belong to Sunnism or think differently are murdered. reveals hatred towards the human. These practices and the silence of the Muslims that surrounds these events demonstrate that Muslims believe and think, as I said, that Islam is the only true religion, the complete religion, the one that God has chosen for his faithful. As if it were impossible to live without Islam. How can you think that the world without Islam would be meaningless? "
My wife stops at the same gas station a few times a week, the owner i and his ******* are from Pakistan. They are very flirty with her and ofcourse being a hotwife she reciprocats. She has said several times she has this fantasy of leting one or both fuck her in the back of the store. I've dared her to do it. I think she's getting close to going for it!!