Support Africans already in EU vs encourage those who want to come?

What do you feel is most effective and you could make your "thing" to support/contribute to?

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What about people moving to Germany from the USA? Like myself? Would you and other supoort?give advice....etc
Since covid, I decided to go more actively into this. I am curious about opinions and who wants to actually wants to collaborate/contribute?
Who would like to more put effort into supporting Africans newly arrived in Europe, because they are already here vs helping to increase flow of new refugees to Europe, to help overwhelm the system and change demographics?

Perhaps we start some kickstarter or similiar to all of us put in some small amount (20 - 50 euros) to buy tickets to Europe with some conditions? (HIV test, good physical shape, English, etc?) or support organisations like Refugees Welcome?

What is are powerful, effective ways you can help them come, start to breed...

(please mark choices carefully and not just everything. I will try to follow up)
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A very right choice, I am sure that if everyone follows your example and starts taking patronage over African migrants, hosting them at home and showing their hospitality and warmth, then they will better integrate into our society! From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs... that's why white hubby can safely leave the family bedroom and move to another room.
Right now,i've blessed by 5 young african teens ( none older than 17) with the Holy Seed of the Master Race,and in 4 months our family will have a new member
It's a must that come to Europe more young african teens,so they can spread their Holy Seed in women and girls,so Europe becomes a black continent in the XXII century. I already did my part,because i'm 5 months pregnant of the group of 5 african teens (none older than 17) that i'm dating since a year ago and 2 of them are already living at home
It's a must that come to Europe more young african teens,so they can spread their Holy Seed in women and girls,so Europe becomes a black continent in the XXII century. I already did my part,because i'm 5 months pregnant of the group of 5 african teens (none older than 17) that i'm dating since a year ago and 2 of them are already living at home
Liked your attitude and styled my nieces are one month preg
It's a must that come to Europe more young african teens,so they can spread their Holy Seed in women and girls,so Europe becomes a black continent in the XXII century. I already did my part,because i'm 5 months pregnant of the group of 5 african teens (none older than 17) that i'm dating since a year ago and 2 of them are already living at home
that's great, as a white cuckold I'm delighted that women like you have sex with all black immigrants. They deserve it much more than us. Women like you are the best. It would be a pleasure to help you with whatever it takes while you have sex with black alpha males.
What about people moving to Germany from the USA? Like myself? Would you and other supoort?give advice....etc
We are very pleased to welcome blacks from the USA to Europe! :love:
I think I'm interpreting the thoughts of many European white cuckolds!
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