Spring Equinox Poem 🌸☮️☯️✨💕


Real Person
Gold Member
Happy spring equinox everyone, I hope you all are doing well. I want to share a poem for you all for this season & with all the chaos that’s going on, promoting messages of harmony & peace can make a big difference, and with that being said here’s the poem that I’ve wrote for everyone reading this 🙏🏾😇🌸☯️☮️✨💕💯.

Like flower petals, surviving the winter cold, we have the ability to dream big & bloom our petals & take action when it’s time to evolve. Our roots are strong like bark & rooted deep into our core, keeping us grounded everywhere we go, allowing us to truly show our inner & outer beauty. No matter how chaotic things get, our roots are naturally beautiful & strong like the trees, we look out for each other, purifying ourselves, sticking to the ground, providing comfort, nourishment & protection, appreciating every element, life form & nutrient that’s connected to this reality🌎💨🔥💦☮️☯️💕✨.