So... What does a creampie taste like?

Before anyone has experienced it, we’ve all wondered what it’s like.
Well the taste of really analyzed depends on both parties.
But for me I love eating cream pies. They are always delicious. The girls pussy makes is sweet and the guys cum ads a salty and sometimes bitter taste. But it’s the act of Eating the cum of the guy who just pounded your wife and servicing her like that after she just fucked a bbc in front of you
Lots of "variables" involved here ... I imagine it depends on the pussy, the cum donator, cuck's mood & level of excitement, everyone's hygiene, etc.
I can go with #5 pretty easy.
it depends on the diet of the man and the woman playing. Because of this i ask that they cut out dare greens, garlic, onions, red meet, fish, fried foods. I also ask that they exercise for at least thirty minutes each day four days prior to the date. The exercise also increases the mans testrostron increasing his sex drive, stamina and times he can preform for her.
We,ve been lucky, our friend is a 55yo semi professional iron man, who trains around 4 hours per day, has a very strict diet and drinks plenty of water.
I have swallowed a lot of cum in my life over the last 35 years, icluding a lot of my own, and hands downs, his cum tastes better than anything i've ever tasted. The very first time I licked his cum off my wifes ass cheeks, I couldn't believe how it tasted different from any i'd tasted before it, was actually quite sweet, and has been for 4 years. So diet, exercise and hydration is huge along with very regular ejaculations.
So for me, they all have tasted similar aside from his, but I thik smell really adds to how it tastes as well, if the smell of anothers mans seed turns you on (it drives me wild) then you'll enjoy it no matter what it tastes like.
If it is the literal taste that you are wondering about, you can always find out with your partner at home. Just go down after you cum. Different foods are reputed to affect the taste, so it will never be exactly the same. Avoid spicy foods before. I have heard celery and pineapple make cum taste sweeter.
pineapple juice makes it taste sweeter
My wife gets so heavily aroused by taking another man besides me that it tastes mostly like her, laced with something. I don't know what it is but when a woman gets really excited like that she releases hormones, pheromones or something. Drives me bat ******* crazy horny and I love the taste and scent.
My wife gets so heavily aroused by taking another man besides me that it tastes mostly like her, laced with something. I don't know what it is but when a woman gets really excited like that she releases hormones, pheromones or something. Drives me bat ******* crazy horny and I love the taste and scent.
I do love it when a woman gets so excited that you practically drown in her juices. It makes my day and her night.