So. Many. Cucks

We made it clear on our profile that our lady already has a black lover whom she wants to concentrate on, and there are only few inquiries now. (Even those we will not ignore because she might develop other desires.) And we tell Arabs, Whites, ... that she's into BBC only. At least answer an inquiry if it not only consists of „Hi, hru?“, „Sexy body babe“ etc. is just polite.
Ist doch geil wenn sie alle sabbern aber nicht ran dürfen! BBC's only
Believe me it's just as annoying but maybe not as frequent for bulls....
What Jax said. It might shock you to know how often these guys send private messages to a bull's Inbox. I continue to have more than I care for. One of them is too much.

Why the fuck would you contact another man in private on a site like this? I mean really. Nobody wants to talk to you about anything unless you have a woman ready to be taken. Not interested in your I'm trying to convince my wife stories, or what do you think of my wife, meaning how does she look, blah, blah, blah. No one is interested! They're soooooooo annoying. Go away already.
That the fact that another place also serves as forum does not invalidates the function as forum that this site has. Is like saying that because there are already other more serious dating sites, everyone who wants to date should leave b2w and go to SLS or some other place.
I the biggest problems are (1) crappy or misplaced posts, for which only good moderation helps, and (2) impersonation of a couple / hot wife by a single man, which verification can help reduce. I don’t see the need to verify everyone to achieve #1. Actually even with everyone verified you still have a pile of crap without moderator action. For #2 a verified members dating section in the site is just enough with only bulls, females and couples
That was the point
what are some of these sites man? if you dont mind pointing me in the right direction?
So my two cents. Is that some couples aren’t sure of their title. I’ve spoken with stags that approach me with yes sir. Dudes telling me they switch from stag to cucks. Is that actually possible, highly doubt it
I am stag. 100% straight. GI's tend to use "yes sir" as a form of respect not feeling below you BTW.
Cucks are submissive, tend to suck dick and take a backseat to their woman.
A cuck will never be able to switch to stag.