Smells Like "TEAM" Spirit


Thanks for contributing to the thread, but please read the original post in this thread:

I've been thinking about creating a thread like this for a bit, given that I have sprinkled pictures of women wearing various sports teams regalia across many different threads.

I think that I speak for a lot of guys who are sports fans, that they really appreciate a woman who loves sports. So, I've decided to go ahead and create a thread for pictures of women who wear their colors on their sleeve, and elsewhere.

Even though I am creating this thread, I encourage anyone who has pictures of these sorts to contribute and make this a popular thread.

If you want to contribute, please observe the following rules:

* No pictures with a URL (website address).
* Every person in the picture must appear to be at least 21 years old.
* Don't post actual pictures of female athletes wearing their jersey, there already is a thread for that and I don't want to duplicate it.
* Keep posts on topic. If the picture doesn't depict a female displaying the regalia of an athletic team, it isn't on topic.
* All sports teams are eligible, whether its football (the American kind), baseball, basketball, hockey, soccer, team handball, cricket, rugby ,Australian Rules Football, and they need not be based in North America
* I shouldn't have to say this, but NO DICK PICTURES!!!