Smell of Musk?

Humans, male and female, emit pheromones. They've done studies of it for years. There can be strong chemistry based on pheromones alone, just as there can be a mismatch on pheromones that cause people to not click at all.
You should search for it online. Studies of women smelling random men's shirts after they've worked out. Some they connect with, some they don't at all. It's fascinating really.
i have found that many black men have a distinct odor from their balls and behind. It is neither pleasant or unpleasant but there is also a taste when i lick. The same goes for cum each man's load has a distinct taste. one of the drawbacks to fucklicking lol
Actually I have experienced just the opposite where couple's have actually complimented me on not smelling musky but always being clean, dressed nice, and smelling good. I have had couple's complain that they have had to tell some guys to hop in the shower just before playing because they smelled musky.

I always thought that having to tell a guy to come to play smelling fresh and clean and smelling good was above and beyond basic and something that they shouldn't have to do, but I guess now it's a whole fetish! 🤢
Actually I have experienced just the opposite where couple's have actually complimented me on not smelling musky but always being clean, dressed nice, and smelling good. I have had couple's complain that they have had to tell some guys to hop in the shower just before playing because they smelled musky.

I always thought that having to tell a guy to come to play smelling fresh and clean and smelling good was above and beyond basic and something that they shouldn't have to do, but I guess now it's a whole fetish! 🤢
Being dirty is not the point here. I always go in immaculately proper smelling good. It is either after I’ve fucked the wife does the question comes. I can’t imagine dirty being perceived as musk. 🤢
Being dirty is not the point here. I always go in immaculately proper smelling good. It is either after I’ve fucked the wife does the question comes. I can’t imagine dirty being perceived as musk. 🤢
Even after beating it up and rolling around in her juices for hours if I raise my arm and smell my armpits they are still gonna smell like Versace Eros deodorant like the rest of my body.

It's all in the pussy appointment prep and the anti musk protocol! I use a whole kit from the Versace shower gel, deodorant, and aftershave, to mixing the aftershave with my lotion and applying it from head to toe! My prep is first class bro. So even if I sweat during play all that you are gonna smell is Versace as if I sweat Versace! In my experience or the level of experience that I am trying to provide when I play if you smell any musk from me then I have failed in that aspect of the experience that I am trying to provide!