Smegma discussion

Your smegma fantasies?

  • I've tried it and hated it.

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I've got this minor obsession about smegma now.

Funny thing is, I haven't really seen smegma for over 20 years. Maybe my memories don't serve me that well, and I have a fantasy about smegma that doesn't really fit what it smells like.

All I know is, it is Nasty, it is Disgusting, it is Rancid, and it is VERY MALE.

I loved the way it just assaulted my senses and overpowered all other smells in the vicinity. I am a fussy girl and hate unnatural smells (eg plastic, vinyl smells, carpet cleaner, air freshener). Whatever smegma is, it is a natural smell, and it makes up for all other smells.

My first time seeing smegma, was some young guy who didn't know how to take care of himself. I didn't drop to my knees, so the smell was at least 2 feet away. We went to the showers right away. I touched, but never tasted the smegma. His dick had a nasty crust near the base as well as substantial amounts of yellow sticky stuff, but it was all washed off real quick. Since then I have probably smelt it on dicks if it is hidden by the foreskin, but never really seen it or touched it anymore, much less alone tasted it.

And as I get older, I get hornier and more willing to experiment.

Now I really just want to see, to taste, to lick up lots of smegma and smell that nasty smell up close. I want to wipe my face with smegma and walk around with it, basking in a man's most nasty secretion.

Funny thing is, at the age when I'm most willing to accept this nastiness, I can no longer find it. Men my age are all sexually experienced and know basic grooming and hygiene. Even worse, many such men wear deodorant or colognes. I don't think I can get a taste of smegma anymore except from some inexperienced kid, or from some overweight, socially incompetent geek who never showers. In either case, I might get to taste that smegma, but I doubt the rest of the sex would be any good.

As an educated person in the academic field, I really don't frequent trashy places where some trucker with poor hygiene might hang around. I wouldn't know how to deal with men like that. Can't do small talk in cheap smoke filled bars, so am not going to get my smegma fix.

Have never dared ask a man not to wash his penis for weeks before we meet up. He would probably think I am a freak.
Guys I've met from dating sites are usually clean and well groomed. Guys I've met after a ******* in a bar or club though have occasionally had smegma round their foreskin. I don't mind it, reminds me of 'manly men' and I've cleaned enough up with my tongue along the way!
Guys I've met from dating sites are usually clean and well groomed. Guys I've met after a ******* in a bar or club though have occasionally had smegma round their foreskin. I don't mind it, reminds me of 'manly men' and I've cleaned enough up with my tongue along the way!

But how does smegma taste like? What does it taste most like? Sorry for being absent for a few months, but I still want to know!
It tastes pretty gritty n like salty so I think what gets to be a turn on is that it can start to smell a lot like that guys sex smell, same with what Ann said it's not like a tasty thing, it just rly reminds me of what a man smells like when they are getting all sweaty and sloppy and cummy. I've been with some men who like watersports who like the whole white slave cock cleaner kink so they have made me put my tongue under their foreskin
I love giving little licks here and there, but haven't quite gotten under anyone's foreskin before. Macho talk aside, isn't it painful if I try too hard to pull back the foreskin? I like male dominance, so never dare do anything that causes the man pain.

Frankly, what I do is taught by another girlfriend - to treat a man's dick like ice cream, and lick a lot.
It tastes pretty gritty n like salty so I think what gets to be a turn on is that it can start to smell a lot like that guys sex smell, same with what Ann said it's not like a tasty thing, it just rly reminds me of what a man smells like when they are getting all sweaty and sloppy and cummy. I've been with some men who like watersports who like the whole white slave cock cleaner kink so they have made me put my tongue under their foreskin
it's the that natural musk combined with musk that makes it so intoxicating