Should it be caged or just left to dangle limp

I think after many wives lose their hormones, and sex drive, they’d be very happy if their husbands were castrated so they would be happy watching TV or gardening, rather than wanting sex from them.
Castration is one option my wife proposed in order to get rid of my erections. She won't miss a thing because she always says that my genitals are totally useless for her sexual satisfaction.
Besides that, according to my opinion every white husband should be castrated after a few years of marriage...
Castration is one option my wife proposed in order to get rid of my erections. She won't miss a thing because she always says that my genitals are totally useless for her sexual satisfaction.
Besides that, according to my opinion every white husband should be castrated after a few years of marriage...
Is your wife still sexually active, just not with you? That makes a difference.
Yes, my wife is still sexually active. She has a steady bull and she enjoys sex very much with him. She doesn't get any sexual satisfaction from my little penis so there will be no difference for her if she would have my balls removed...
But, alas, there would be a great difference to you! What if she died? Or left you? I’m all for deprivation, but it doesn’t have to be permanent. But good luck to you!
But, alas, there would be a great difference to you! What if she died? Or left you? I’m all for deprivation, but it doesn’t have to be permanent. But good luck to you!
My wife always says that my genitals are useless for her sexual satisfaction.
...and I know she is right! I can not sexually satisfy neither my wife, nor any other woman. So, even if she left me I would not be able to satisfy any other woman with my tiny soft penis. So, even if I would be castrated it won't make a big difference for the woman being with me.
Whatever works!
My tiny little cock can not give any sexual pleasure to my lovely wife. She gets plenty of satisfaction from her bull's huge cock, not mine.
Whenever we play together in bed me and my wife just the two of us, she is the one who fuck me with her strap-on dildo, not me.
Castration is one option my wife proposed in order to get rid of my erections. She won't miss a thing because she always says that my genitals are totally useless for her sexual satisfaction.
Besides that, according to my opinion every white husband should be castrated after a few years of marriage...
I heard my mom tell her black boyfriends white Dick can’t satisfy anyone