Should I take a free hall pass from my wife ?


These last few months my wife not really into sex. Every time I want to fuck she come up with some excuses. Too tired, headache, not in the mood. Since birth of our *******. her libido went very low. She keep saying no to me and I’m getting frustrate. Before she was a freak, sucking my dick my non stop, hair pulling, rough sex etc. She beautiful got a fat ass and huge tits.The other day she told me maybe I should give you a hall pass to go fuck another girl.

She want me to go fuck another bitch cause she feel bad cause she can’t give me sex..No lies that ******* turn me on, what should I do Should I take that free hall pass ?
Don't do it if she only offered out of guilt it's low-key a trap / test instead work with her she's probably going through post partum depression
Either that or she's fucking someone else, and feels guilty! It happened to a friend of mine, turned out the baby wasn't his either! He had the kid tested. He used to work his day job during the week,and on the weekend nights,he would work the graveyard shifts at the breakfast restaurant his wife owned that people used to go to early in the morning after all the clubs and bars closed. Well it turns out that his wife was going out clubbing while he was working at her restaurant. She would leave at 10 o'clock and instead of going home while he worked she was out fucking some other guy she met in a club. At first he figured that maybe he made a mistake and they had an accident. He didn't want to have children. So as the baby was getting near a year old,her skin darkened and he couldn't see any of his family features at all on her. He decided to have the baby tested,and when the whore came home he left the paternity test results on the kitchen table! They were married more than ten years! The babies ******* was Hispanic. She packed up her and the babies things and left after she fessed up. He got the house.
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These last few months my wife not really into sex. Every time I want to fuck she come up with some excuses. Too tired, headache, not in the mood. Since birth of our *******. her libido went very low. She keep saying no to me and I’m getting frustrate. Before she was a freak, sucking my dick my non stop, hair pulling, rough sex etc. She beautiful got a fat ass and huge tits.The other day she told me maybe I should give you a hall pass to go fuck another girl.

She want me to go fuck another bitch cause she feel bad cause she can’t give me sex..No lies that ******* turn me on, what should I do Should I take that free hall pass ?
Take it she might be going through post partum depressing and you need to have a rotation of women for yourself while she recovers.