Sexual doubles standards between Men and Women

Very detailed and thought provoking response. Now how does that world climate change as women are embracing their sexuality and Shared Wife Husbands are encouraging in a supportive manner their wives express themselves sexually. Hot Wives, Cuckold Wives and Vixen Wives. The order is changing to include a female Vice President of the United States.

I asked the question because there's a young lady in the news who has a man who loves her and there are other outsiders saying she's not all that because she's dated other celebrities. Double standard when we factor in men have multiple children by different women but are still regarded as potential marriage material, but it's different when it's a woman.

I initiate the sex most of the time but absolutely love it when a woman approaches me for sex.
As do I. I love that confidence that she knows what she wants and is not afraid to go get it. Not too mention her husband completely supporting and encouraging her to experience and embrace her Inner Goddess.

As do I. I love that confidence that she knows what she wants and is not afraid to go get it. Not too mention her husband completely supporting and encouraging her to experience and embrace her Inner Goddess.

I could not have said that any better my friend.
@Jdingo619: i don't argue religion but in the first part of your post you are wrong on so many levels that i don't even know what to say.
Dude first of all there is no right or wrong answer when you are stating your own thoughts and opinions and you clearly state that this is your own thoughts and opinions!!!!

Secondly again I specifically said it's my view from my Christian perspective, not Muslim, not Roman Catholic, not Buddhist, not Wiccan, not Satanic, Not Atheist, not Mormon, not Babtist, not Jehovah's witness, Not Scientologist, Not Universalism, not Spiritualism, not Shamanism or any other isms out there!

So if it's my own personal opinion of why there is a double standard and also based on my own personal Christian perspective then what are you talking about wrong on so many levels???

What's the right answer and who decides that???

In fact let's do this: I challenge you to go and specifically ask "Why is there a double standard for men and women when it comes to sex" to these different people:

1. A Muslim living under shariah law.
2. A wiccan
3. A Baptist
4. A Satanist

Ask each of them why there is a double standard between men and women and if all of their answers are A. the same as each others answer and B. Are totally correct by your standards or how would you put it "right on so many levels" I WILL CASHAPP $1,000 dollars. Both components have to be present to get the money. They specifically have to all give you the same answer and their answer has to be right on so many levels according to whatever it is you are talking about by that? Ok good luck with that!
Dude first of all there is no right or wrong answer when you are stating your own thoughts and opinions and you clearly state that this is your own thoughts and opinions!!!!

Secondly again I specifically said it's my view from my Christian perspective, not Muslim, not Roman Catholic, not Buddhist, not Wiccan, not Satanic, Not Atheist, not Mormon, not Babtist, not Jehovah's witness, Not Scientologist, Not Universalism, not Spiritualism, not Shamanism or any other isms out there!

So if it's my own personal opinion of why there is a double standard and also based on my own personal Christian perspective then what are you talking about wrong on so many levels???

What's the right answer and who decides that???

In fact let's do this: I challenge you to go and specifically ask "Why is there a double standard for men and women when it comes to sex" to these different people:

1. A Muslim living under shariah law.
2. A wiccan
3. A Baptist
4. A Satanist

Ask each of them why there is a double standard between men and women and if all of their answers are A. the same as each others answer and B. Are totally correct by your standards or how would you put it "right on so many levels" I WILL CASHAPP $1,000 dollars. Both components have to be present to get the money. They specifically have to all give you the same answer and their answer has to be right on so many levels according to whatever it is you are talking about by that? Ok good luck with that!
I'll also add some skin in the game if there is one standard answer.

I'll also add some skin in the game if there is one standard answer.

Yeah man like a feminist and a Muslim who believes in Shariah law where women are totally second class citizens would have the same answer to why there is a double standard and what's the likelihood that either of their answers would match a Christian or a Satanist? Also who gets to say whether anyone's answer is right or wrong on any level especially when everyone's answer is their own opinion base on their own knowledge, life experiences, culture, religion, ect?

I guess demigods do exists among us! 🤷‍♂️ LOL
(I am basically writing an article as my answer so please bare with me. It will be interesting though! Please note that the answers and views are only that of myself and of a Judeo Christian point of view only. ) Thanks for reading it!

(Reason #1 the natural answer.)The double standard exists because since the beginning of time and even ancient times when mankind started to record history men have ruled, men built the society's so men have always set the standards. That's the most easiest basic answer from just a nature point of view. Men in ancient times had harem's and society has never had a problem with it. Even in the Bible men had multiple wives and there was nothing negative ever said about it by God except that a man who had more than one wife could not be a leader in the church. In Islam a man can have up to 4 wives. Also in Islam if you make to paradise you will be awarded 70 virgins. Personally I would rather have 1 hot professional with porn star skills than 70 women who didn't know squat about how to please me. I'm definitely no choir boy so I don't expect to ever end up with a choir girl. In fact it's my hope! LOL

Outside of the lifestyle a promiscuous woman or a harlot is not seen as a virtuous woman no matter what society you come from. The virtues and morality standards of most societies on earth were largely set up by the religious men which leads me to expound with this article answering the question of why the double standard exists from a religious perspective.

This is a biblical answer for why there is a double standard from a Christian point of view only. (please do not be offended or take it as a right or wrong answer because it's just one religious view and my own opinion! There are other religions and other personal views and they will all differ obviously!)

.(Reason #2. The spiritual answer) When God made the man he made him in his image spiritually and gave him a physical body made from the dust of the earth itself. So man alone spiritually is the glory of God himself upon the earth. No other creation upon the earth was created in the image of God upon the earth but the man. God also declared that man has all dominion and authority upon the earth and over everything upon it. That makes it spiritual and eternal law that man alone is the king and ruler of the earth and the highest ranking of all gods creation upon the earth. That's the story from the Bible. In the Book of Jubilee's according to the Angel of the Presence he told Moses that it was them (the Angel's of the presence) who brought all the creatures of the earth that god created to Adam to be named by him. Why? Because god put him in charge and gave him all authority and dominion upon the earth and over everything upon it so it was only appropriate for him alone to do so. One huge detail that most Christians do not understand about that law in Genesis 1:26. When god gave man all dominion and authority upon the earth he excluded himself and all other spiritual beings. That means that not even God himself could do anything major upon the earth from that moment forward without a man's authority and agreement. For example:

.Before the flood of the earth the prophet Noah announced it first. Meaning god went through Noah.
.Before he destroyed Sodom and Gomorah he Spoke to Abraham first.
.Before the children of Israel ever went into any captivity it was always spoken of or prophesied by a prophet first.
.The plagues of Egypt he went through Moses.

All of these major actions taken by God upon the earth was always done in agreement with a man someone who was representative of the authority and dominion of the earth so that god did not violate the law.

A reverse example: In the garden of Eden when Eve and the Serpent were doing their business We know that God was clearly watching them and that knew what was going on. So why didn't he intervene? He didn't intervene because he didn't have the authority to do so! To come
to the earth and interfere in any earthly affairs without the permission of the highest ranking being on earth (Adam) who has all dominion and authority would be a violation of gods own law in Genesis 1:26. It was solely Adam's place to intervene which we all know he failed to do so. God could not over step Adam and just handle the situation or he would be violating Adam's dominion and authority of the earth.
(So the first answer from a Christian perspective of why there is a double standard is: Man was made in gods image, man was king and given all dominion and authority, and therefore the man sets the standards upon the earth.)
@Jdingo619: i don't argue religion but in the first part of your post you are wrong on so many levels that i don't even know what to say. *sigh*
@Jdingo619 You absolute included within your view not be considered as right or wrong.

I do respectfully disagree with it. There are dynamics not included. You started with "From the beginning of time....from just a nature (natural?) point of view. I'd like to substitute social>societal point of view. The male of the human race is bigger, and the image of the caveman dragging the woman off by the hair is not totally inaccurate. In an overwhelmingly physical world requiring physicality for survival, not only were men stronger, women had an additional vulnerability-pregnancy. I personally do not believe the percentile of men involved/engaged in baby care, raising or support has ever approached, let alone equal the percentile of women. In the physical world, truly a dependency within that goal.

All of human history includes war, and a very, very common thread included ******* the men and either ******* or take the women, and for the most part, any reference of children fell into the exact same categories-******* or enslave the boys, ******* and take the girls.

Next, there are many cultures of humans outside of the religions you named. Oriental cultures are predominately male driven, but the female perspective on sex is nowhere as suppressed as western cultures. I confess to not enough understanding of the Eskimos, but embrace individual sexuality as well as societally pretty much exorcised the jealousy/possessive aspect of life. If a man goes out for sex, their women don't trip. If a woman wants to fuck someone, she goes, does it and comes home and the men don't trip. They were ALL happy until the rest of those human jackasses showed up!

Tribal laws of the Native Americans, most of the African continent AND South America acknowledged, respected and included within their rules and laws just as high a place for female sexuality as a male's, avenues for adult single women and widows to properly get them some.

I may not get the religious dynamic quite right as I must tiptoe because I don't want to and don't intend to disrespect anyone's spiritual place/beliefs'.

In the Bible, God spoke to Sarah, Ruth and Miriam. I totally agree with you the perception applied to women as promiscuous and harlots comes from religion.....with one totally relevant important contradiction! Before I say who, let me point out a huge one outside of religion. I'll put up that same cashapp $1000 to anyone that can convince the majority here you didn't learn her name before you really thought about sex, and a different $100 for any significant reference to her as harlot, whore or slut. BUT (!) not only did she get hers, EVERY man she got it from lost his damned mind! The name is Cleopatra. Dead for thousands of years, what her pussy did to and for the world, never forgotten. I wish I knew what she put on them boys that they just could not let go. Even kings became her bitch. Damn!

@Jdingo619 How do you interpret the Apostle's insistence that Jesus cast out Mary Magdalene for being a slut and Jesus telling them don't go there, she and I are true loves?

In any case, it took the evolution and education of society combined with modernization, invention to remove the place women required/depended on men's physicality for survival. For the first time in human existence, women's sexuality is their own to explore, choose or discard, not a man's choice. Does anyone besides me notice the number of men on this or any other sex site asking if they should 'let' her, or how to get her to....? THAT'S her partner, best friend?

That leads to the real answer to the original question. Women learned eons ago learned NOT to tell men too much of their mental sexual consideration, overwhelmingly it brought negativity. Why should they talk about increased sex and sexuality when it always costs them when men found out? We still haven't figured out why the girls go to the ladies room we don't hear it!!! How many Black men in here with Black women, and out of those, looking for anything other than adding a woman....hhmmm...
@Jdingo619 You absolute included within your view not be considered as right or wrong.

I do respectfully disagree with it. There are dynamics not included. You started with "From the beginning of time....from just a nature (natural?) point of view. I'd like to substitute social>societal point of view. The male of the human race is bigger, and the image of the caveman dragging the woman off by the hair is not totally inaccurate. In an overwhelmingly physical world requiring physicality for survival, not only were men stronger, women had an additional vulnerability-pregnancy. I personally do not believe the percentile of men involved/engaged in baby care, raising or support has ever approached, let alone equal the percentile of women. In the physical world, truly a dependency within that goal.

All of human history includes war, and a very, very common thread included ******* the men and either ******* or take the women, and for the most part, any reference of children fell into the exact same categories-******* or enslave the boys, ******* and take the girls.

Next, there are many cultures of humans outside of the religions you named. Oriental cultures are predominately male driven, but the female perspective on sex is nowhere as suppressed as western cultures. I confess to not enough understanding of the Eskimos, but embrace individual sexuality as well as societally pretty much exorcised the jealousy/possessive aspect of life. If a man goes out for sex, their women don't trip. If a woman wants to fuck someone, she goes, does it and comes home and the men don't trip. They were ALL happy until the rest of those human jackasses showed up!

Tribal laws of the Native Americans, most of the African continent AND South America acknowledged, respected and included within their rules and laws just as high a place for female sexuality as a male's, avenues for adult single women and widows to properly get them some.

I may not get the religious dynamic quite right as I must tiptoe because I don't want to and don't intend to disrespect anyone's spiritual place/beliefs'.

In the Bible, God spoke to Sarah, Ruth and Miriam. I totally agree with you the perception applied to women as promiscuous and harlots comes from religion.....with one totally relevant important contradiction! Before I say who, let me point out a huge one outside of religion. I'll put up that same cashapp $1000 to anyone that can convince the majority here you didn't learn her name before you really thought about sex, and a different $100 for any significant reference to her as harlot, whore or slut. BUT (!) not only did she get hers, EVERY man she got it from lost his damned mind! The name is Cleopatra. Dead for thousands of years, what her pussy did to and for the world, never forgotten. I wish I knew what she put on them boys that they just could not let go. Even kings became her bitch. Damn!

@Jdingo619 How do you interpret the Apostle's insistence that Jesus cast out Mary Magdalene for being a slut and Jesus telling them don't go there, she and I are true loves?

In any case, it took the evolution and education of society combined with modernization, invention to remove the place women required/depended on men's physicality for survival. For the first time in human existence, women's sexuality is their own to explore, choose or discard, not a man's choice. Does anyone besides me notice the number of men on this or any other sex site asking if they should 'let' her, or how to get her to....? THAT'S her partner, best friend?

That leads to the real answer to the original question. Women learned eons ago learned NOT to tell men too much of their mental sexual consideration, overwhelmingly it brought negativity. Why should they talk about increased sex and sexuality when it always costs them when men found out? We still haven't figured out why the girls go to the ladies room we don't hear it!!! How many Black men in here with Black women, and out of those, looking for anything other than adding a woman....hhmmm...
Thank you for respectfully disagreeing and observing the fact that my answer was strictly a representation of my own personal opinion, knowledge, faith, ect!

As far as the Apostles wanting to get rid of Mary Magdalene according to Jesus "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" so as far as he was concerned no Apostle had the right to want to cast out anyone because none of them were perfect and without sin.

Even the woman at the well who according to Jesus had been married five times and was currently shacking up with a man was totally forgiven by Jesus who consistently manifested Gods propensity for forgiveness.

Another example is the woman that was caught in adultery that they brought to Jesus and asked him if she should be stoned. He said (paraphrased) "The law says what is says about the punishment for adultery so I guess she should be punished, but I'll tell you what, let the person among you who is without any sin in their life cast the first stone at her to punish her"! Everyone walked away because they knew that they were sinners in their own way.

Some interpret Jesus's statement that "she and I are true loves" to mean that the two of them had some form of physically intimate relationship. I have heard the carnal theories but the spiritual understanding says something totally different I do not believe Jesus hooked up with Mary Magdalene because A. To have relations with a woman is not why he came down in the first place, and B. For him to have relations with a woman he would be violating his own law which he spoke in Genesis 1:26 and such an act would also make him a hypocrite because he punished a whole group of Angel's for doing that very thing.
Who said that? That may be true for society, but we're talking about what happens behind closed doors and that's perfectly fine for him to do in that situation. If I want it, I'll grab my bull's cock and start giving him a bj. On the other side of that, if he really wants me, just throw me down and make me do what you want. Then again, I love dominant, aggressive men.
Nice hot share..
Dude first of all there is no right or wrong answer when you are stating your own thoughts and opinions and you clearly state that this is your own thoughts and opinions!!!!

Secondly again I specifically said it's my view from my Christian perspective, (...)

So if it's my own personal opinion of why there is a double standard and also based on my own personal Christian perspective then what are you talking about wrong on so many levels???

No need to be butt-hurt. As i said i was refering to the first part of your statement and i don't want to argue religion here. ;)

You said things like, men had always been the rulers. That's not true. We know of a number of powerful female leaders and rulers that is backed up with strong historical evidence.
You said, men built the societies. Do you really think Women had no part in that? There is no evidence to back up your statement.
And you said, such statements of yours would be "the most easiest basic answer from just a nature point of view". Saying it's "from just a nature point of view" is but a paraphrase for saying it's facts (instead of an opinion). Which it is not.

Just a few thoughts.
@Jdingo619 You absolute included within your view not be considered as right or wrong.

I do respectfully disagree with it. There are dynamics not included. You started with "From the beginning of time....from just a nature (natural?) point of view. I'd like to substitute social>societal point of view. (...)
(...) The male of the human race is bigger, and the image of the caveman dragging the woman off by the hair is not totally inaccurate. In an overwhelmingly physical world requiring physicality for survival, not only were men stronger, women had an additional vulnerability-pregnancy. I personally do not believe the percentile of men involved/engaged in baby care, raising or support has ever approached, let alone equal the percentile of women. In the physical world, truly a dependency within that goal.
When we are talking about ancient societies we're not talking about states with millions of people as habitants that require a big set of well-defined laws and law enforcement to make such a society work. We are talking about rather small communities that would count not more than a few dozen or perhaps a very few hundred individuals. In such communities people are strongly reliant on each other and share their tasks and the few goods they have in order to survive.

Viewing the "cave man" as a brute who forces Women to whatever because it is assumed he physically can, is not a realistic image because such behavior does not build strong societies. A man who runs around ******* Women would most probably not have a high standard/value or become a leader but instead risk to be excommunicated or to be used for his strength as a servant for the community, also as a means of punishment.

A lot of assumptions about archeologic findings and prehistoric living happen by translating today's societies' "norms" and the historician's views and believes into how we view ancient societies. But those biased assumptions can actually be wrong and perhaps are many times. Here's an example...
View attachment 3929194

Why is there such a double standard when men have multiple sex partners/girlfriends, but when women have multiple sexual partners there is so much scrutiny and labeling of the women?

It is okay for women to embrace being a sexual being just as much as it is for men to be sexual beings.


Simple Answer: fragile male ego. A woman’s true sexual nature will rip a man’s heart out of his chest and eat it before his eyes LOL.
View attachment 3929194

Why is there such a double standard when men have multiple sex partners/girlfriends, but when women have multiple sexual partners there is so much scrutiny and labeling of the women?

It is okay for women to embrace being a sexual being just as much as it is for men to be sexual beings.


Yes! Please do 💕💕🙏🙏🙏🙏
View attachment 3929194

Why is there such a double standard when men have multiple sex partners/girlfriends, but when women have multiple sexual partners there is so much scrutiny and labeling of the women?

It is okay for women to embrace being a sexual being just as much as it is for men to be sexual beings.


The slut I lived with did with a lot of guys lol...she was well known and so was the cuck while she spread her legs.
Who said that? That may be true for society, but we're talking about what happens behind closed doors and that's perfectly fine for him to do in that situation. If I want it, I'll grab my bull's cock and start giving him a bj. On the other side of that, if he really wants me, just throw me down and make me do what you want. Then again, I love dominant, aggressive men.
Who said that? That may be true for society, but we're talking about what happens behind closed doors and that's perfectly fine for him to do in that situation. If I want it, I'll grab my bull's cock and start giving him a bj. On the other side of that, if he really wants me, just throw me down and make me do what you want. Then again, I love dominant, aggressive men.
I'd appreciate it if you would hurry up and get your cute little ass within my reach! You know....I'm aware of a parking garage that doesn't have any cameras on the upper levels yet....I can tell you where to park....