Sexual doubles standards between Men and Women


Real Person

Why is there such a double standard when men have multiple sex partners/girlfriends, but when women have multiple sexual partners there is so much scrutiny and labeling of the women?

It is okay for women to embrace being a sexual being just as much as it is for men to be sexual beings.


Historically women aren't as open about their sexual needs and desires. We are here as men, but many times women may be here physically but their minds may be on the *******, work, laundry and other things. Again, historically men have been the one who make the first move, propose marriage and intimate sexual encounters tradionally speaking.

How common is it that women feel comfortable enough to initiate it with not only her husband but a new Male, Stag or BULL?
The point of this site is to celebrate women who reject the old traditional standard. And we men are here to celebrate and enjoy them. We can debate standards in the rest of society but this site stands as an exception to the old way of thinking as stated by the OP.
In your opinion this site lives up to this shifting paradigm where women freely embrace their sexuality?
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Why is there such a double standard when men have multiple sex partners/girlfriends, but when women have multiple sexual partners there is so much scrutiny and labeling of the women?

It is okay for women to embrace being a sexual being just as much as it is for men to be sexual beings.


Yes its ok for the woman to take the leas sometimes
What a repulsive photo. Floppy sagging breasts and a belly like a laundry bag, but even someone like you is sitting on top of a bbc. How on earth does he even get and stay erect? Barf!!!
Really, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I'm trying to stay on topic regarding this news feed and ask that you limit your comments to the topic.

You are either part of the problem or part of the solution. This is a SAFE SPACE where women can embrace not only their sexuality but understanding that they are beautiful inside and out.

Again, limit your comments to the topic. The beautiful part of that pic is she LIVING LIFE ON HER TERMS.

Post a photo, of yourself so that we may rate it a frankly as you do. It's assholes like you that stop real people from posting.
Why give that dyke even a response and a platform? i like REAL people. Fortunately there are so many beautiful REAL Women out there, each one different and beautiful in their own right and way for different reasons and features. :love: And yes, to get back to the topic... We all need to empower Women to be themselves, to get - and take! - what they want, need and deserve! We all need to learn that the world will be a better place, once we understand that we are truly equal.
Since it is no longer appropriate for a man to "take the pussy", women by all means should be empowered to take the dick!
Who said that? That may be true for society, but we're talking about what happens behind closed doors and that's perfectly fine for him to do in that situation. If I want it, I'll grab my bull's cock and start giving him a bj. On the other side of that, if he really wants me, just throw me down and make me do what you want. Then again, I love dominant, aggressive men.
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Why is there such a double standard when men have multiple sex partners/girlfriends, but when women have multiple sexual partners there is so much scrutiny and labeling of the women?

It is okay for women to embrace being a sexual being just as much as it is for men to be sexual beings.


(I am basically writing an article as my answer so please bare with me. It will be interesting though! Please note that the answers and views are only that of myself and of a Judeo Christian point of view only. ) Thanks for reading it!

(Reason #1 the natural answer.)The double standard exists because since the beginning of time and even ancient times when mankind started to record history men have ruled, men built the society's so men have always set the standards. That's the most easiest basic answer from just a nature point of view. Men in ancient times had harem's and society has never had a problem with it. Even in the Bible men had multiple wives and there was nothing negative ever said about it by God except that a man who had more than one wife could not be a leader in the church. In Islam a man can have up to 4 wives. Also in Islam if you make to paradise you will be awarded 70 virgins. Personally I would rather have 1 hot professional with porn star skills than 70 women who didn't know squat about how to please me. I'm definitely no choir boy so I don't expect to ever end up with a choir girl. In fact it's my hope! LOL

Outside of the lifestyle a promiscuous woman or a harlot is not seen as a virtuous woman no matter what society you come from. The virtues and morality standards of most societies on earth were largely set up by the religious men which leads me to expound with this article answering the question of why the double standard exists from a religious perspective.

This is a biblical answer for why there is a double standard from a Christian point of view only. (please do not be offended or take it as a right or wrong answer because it's just one religious view and my own opinion! There are other religions and other personal views and they will all differ obviously!)

.(Reason #2. The spiritual answer) When God made the man he made him in his image spiritually and gave him a physical body made from the dust of the earth itself. So man alone spiritually is the glory of God himself upon the earth. No other creation upon the earth was created in the image of God upon the earth but the man. God also declared that man has all dominion and authority upon the earth and over everything upon it. That makes it spiritual and eternal law that man alone is the king and ruler of the earth and the highest ranking of all gods creation upon the earth. That's the story from the Bible. In the Book of Jubilee's according to the Angel of the Presence he told Moses that it was them (the Angel's of the presence) who brought all the creatures of the earth that god created to Adam to be named by him. Why? Because god put him in charge and gave him all authority and dominion upon the earth and over everything upon it so it was only appropriate for him alone to do so. One huge detail that most Christians do not understand about that law in Genesis 1:26. When god gave man all dominion and authority upon the earth he excluded himself and all other spiritual beings. That means that not even God himself could do anything major upon the earth from that moment forward without a man's authority and agreement. For example:

.Before the flood of the earth the prophet Noah announced it first. Meaning god went through Noah.
.Before he destroyed Sodom and Gomorah he Spoke to Abraham first.
.Before the children of Israel ever went into any captivity it was always spoken of or prophesied by a prophet first.
.The plagues of Egypt he went through Moses.

All of these major actions taken by God upon the earth was always done in agreement with a man someone who was representative of the authority and dominion of the earth so that god did not violate the law.

A reverse example: In the garden of Eden when Eve and the Serpent were doing their business We know that God was clearly watching them and that knew what was going on. So why didn't he intervene? He didn't intervene because he didn't have the authority to do so! To come down to the earth and interfere in any earthly affairs without the permission of the highest ranking being on earth (Adam) who has all dominion and authority would be a violation of gods own law in Genesis 1:26. It was solely Adam's place to intervene which we all know he failed to do so. God could not over step Adam and just handle the situation or he would be violating Adam's dominion and authority of the earth.
(So the first answer from a Christian perspective of why there is a double standard is: Man was made in gods image, man was king and given all dominion and authority, and therefore the man sets the standards upon the earth.)