
Gold Member
Friendly reminder -- four more years of Trump and you can kiss good-bye the possibility of long term organized human life for futures to come. Chomsky has said it best:

"This is not support for Biden. It is support for the activists who have been at work constantly, creating the background within the party in which the shifts took place, and who have followed Sanders in actually entering the campaign and influencing it. Support for them. Support for real politics.

The left position is you rarely support anyone. You vote against the worst. You keep the pressure and activism going."

Vote for Biden and get the cancer out of the country and then we move forward.
Truth be told Biden and Trump are different sides of the same bloody coin but, Trump is upfront about his bigotry and incompetence while, Jim Crow Joe pretends to be in allegiance with Black America while, track record (Crime Bill, 1994) proves the contrary.

As Thurgood Marshall famously said, "no difference between a Blacksnake and White snake...they both bite"......

Biden and Harris both BITE.....

Condolences to Black America but , they LOSE either way...
A vote for the new democrats is a vote for communism and a possible civil war. Sites like this will not exist. Look at Cuban and Venezuela. Nobody likes Trumps mouth but at least he for Capitalism. He can't be bought off like the rest of the politicians on both sides. Think real hard before you vote.
Trump is in favour of monapolism (not a real word) but, free market capitalism NOT because Real Capitalism challenges the status-quo which, he's part of that community....paying lobbyists and congressmen to protect his business from competition.
Truth be told Biden and Trump are different sides of the same bloody coin
Oh give us a break, veg54 ... and please don't use the word TRUTH in the same sentence with Trump, ok?
You best hope the 2020 election results in a Democrat "trifecta" for the first 4 years. Its gonna take THAT long to UNfuck what Trump has fucked up.
Trump's not UPFRONT about anything he wishes to do. Its why he's been recorded lying over 20,000 times since taking office.

If you're referring to the "Rage" book & Bob Woodard development. Trump has gotten to the point where he can't differentiate between a truthful comment and a personal opinon ... whatever he says, he believes at the time he says it. Only problem NOW ... Trump can't deny a recorded comment slapping him solidly in the face. And yesterday he tried to turn the tables on Bob Woodard by saying IF Woodard KNEW ALL THIS TIME about the covid-19 facts, and didn't mention it, he's guilty as well. Hahummmm, Bob Woodard isn't the President of the United States.

So, knowing that Trump knew that the covid-19 was so deadly and airborne, but still (since February) has encouraged people to go back to work and ******* to schools, puts a majority of those 200,000+ covid-19 deaths right in HIS LAP, doesn't it? Personally, I think the man needs to be executed as a traitor to our country. Isn't that what happens to dictators when they lose their dictatorship? I hope every one of the families who lost family members to covid-19, since February, sue this man ... every single one of them.
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Oh give us a break, veg54 ... and please don't use the word TRUTH in the same sentence with Trump, ok?
You best hope the 2020 election results in a Democrat "trifecta" for the first 4 years. Its gonna take THAT long to UNfuck what Trump has fucked up.
Trump's not UPFRONT about anything he wishes to do. Its why he's been recorded lying over 20,000 times since taking office.

If you're referring to the "Rage" book & Bob Woodard development. Trump has gotten to the point where he can't differentiate between a truthful comment and a personal assumption ... whatever he says, he believes at the time he says it. Only problem NOW ... Trump can't deny a recorded comment slapping him solidly in the face. And yesterday he tried to turn the tables on Bob Woodard by saying IF HE KNEW ALL THIS TIME about the covid-19 facts, and didn't mention it, he's guilty as well. Hahummmm, Bob Woodard isn't the President of the United States.

So, knowing that Trump knew that the covid-19 was so deadly and airborne, but still (since February) has encouraged people to go back to work and ******* to schools, puts a majority of those 200,000+ covid-19 deaths right in HIS LAP, doesn't it? Personally, I think the man needs to be executed as a traitor to our country. Isn't that what happens to dictators when they lose their dictatorship?

Don't like my response.....Ignore it.....Problem solved.....
I sympathize with vej24, we have a choice between a conservative party (with Biden) or a reactionary quasi-fascist party (with Trump). The value proposition of Biden is "I won't use the White House to make myself money and won't use the courts to keep me and my friends out of jail".

Which is enough of a reason to vote for him.
Still neither is going to do jack ******* about climate change, or ending wars, or dealing with police violence, or raising the minimum wage, or fixing the dumpster fire we have in this country around health care, or...
Truth be told Biden and Trump are different sides of the same bloody coin but, Trump is upfront about his bigotry and incompetence while, Jim Crow Joe pretends to be in allegiance with Black America while, track record (Crime Bill, 1994) proves the contrary.

As Thurgood Marshall famously said, "no difference between a Blacksnake and White snake...they both bite"......

Biden and Harris both BITE.....

Condolences to Black America but , they LOSE either way...
"THEY lose either way"? I thought YOU were Black. Don't you mean "WE" lose either way?
Really, you think Biden is conservative? LOL You really think Trump needs to take payoff money. LMAO You know he is worth 10 billion.

Uh... Trump is not worth as much as he says he is. Also he increased his fees to be a member at Mar a Lago by 100k the second he got elected. And he'd made millions having official functions at Mar a Lago and other properties of his, not to mention golfing at his own courses and having the secret service stay there on our dime, etc.

He's a blatant grifter, and he's not bad at it.
A vote for the new democrats is a vote for communism and a possible civil war. Sites like this will not exist. Look at Cuban and Venezuela. Nobody likes Trumps mouth but at least he for Capitalism. He can't be bought off like the rest of the politicians on both sides. Think real hard before you vote.
Have you met his VP Mike Pence? MIKE-FUCKING-PENCE. FAR RIGHT EVANGELICAL. SO CRAZY that he had to start taking corporate money because he couldn't fund raise with all the nutz stuff he was saying. Under this president, the government has the ability to monitor your activity without a warrant. Take that into consideration.
A vote for the new democrats is a vote for communism and a possible civil war. Sites like this will not exist. Look at Cuban and Venezuela. Nobody likes Trumps mouth but at least he for Capitalism. He can't be bought off like the rest of the politicians on both sides. Think real hard before you vote.
PS -- Read real history books. You're just saying words that have no real correlation. Stop watching Fox News. For the love of God. Patriotism goes beyond watching Saving Private Ryan on July Fourth and grilling hot dogs.
LMAO! All politicians are liars and corrupt. What do you expect? Really, you think somebody gives a ******* about you. You think you are special. The only thing a politician cares about is how much a lobbyist is going to pay them. Money tells them how to vote. I know this first hand, I have made donations to both sides to get certain things done. About your statement on Fox news, I don't have time to watch cable TV. I consider it a waste of time. All news channels today are slanted towards a certain political purpose to achieve ratings to sale advertisement dollars.

I have coffee with some of my liberal friends. One guy has a 2,000 cappuccino machine. They set there and feel sorry for the average person who has to work. They think illegal aliens and minorities are below them. They feel sorry for them you know. They think these people are like little baby birds that fall out of trees and can't fly. This makes them feel superior. God like you know. Then they want my advice on how to cut their taxes. I do enjoy the coffee and find the conversations interesting.

I also have friends from Iran, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Palastan, Israel, Venezuela and Vietnam. The guys from Vietnam fought against the north during the war. These people have told me one horrible story after another about Communist governments. This is where I get my news from. I live in the Houston area. You can set down and have a glass of tea and listen to 3 different languages around the restaurant.

I have all ready purchased a place to live outside the USA. It's just a matter of time before it self destructs from the inside with hate, anger and debt. I do like and enjoy all the responses on this site. The gentleman who was saying he wanted the President executed is kind of an extreme thing too say. You know he use to be a democrat. He is doing the best job he can. I really don't know why anyone would want to be a president. Half the country likes you and half the country hates you. Say if Trump was to have a heart attack and die. He would be replaced with another right wing candidate. That person dies and another right wing candidate will step in. The cycle will never stop and the donations will never stop.

I have been approached multiple times by a lobbyist to buy me a seat in the house. The cost of the seat 20 years ago was $250,000. Republican or Democrat. It is irrelevate what party you decide to take. The party you chose will tell you how to vote. It's just a job. They tell the public one thing, but they are told what to vote for by the party they represent. The lobbyist told me we could make 3 to 4 million a year. I really did not believe at the time. Then Obamas seat in the senate was sold for $250,000. I believe Blagojevich was sentenced to 14 years for selling the seat. I think Trump for some reason pardons the guy.

I do agree with the gentlemen who said he could have a mountain of debt. He could have 20 billion of debt and have 10 billion of equity. The value of his properties are based on tax values. You know what they are worth when the check clears the bank. The better the liar, the better the politician.

Beto is my favorite candidate. He jumps up and down on bars. The crazier he acts, the more money people give to him. He is a genius. Some donor gave him 60 million. Wow, I can act real crazy for 60 million. If he doesn't spend the money he gets to keep it. Good for Mr Beto. Hopefully he will donate some of the money to charity.

I hope I did not offend anyone. If I did I am sorry. I do find it intriguing that on an IR sex site people are talking about politics. Hopefully the next election cycle the candidates will be more mainstream and everybody will like them.
LMAO! All politicians are liars and corrupt. What do you expect? Really, you think somebody gives a ******* about you. You think you are special. The only thing a politician cares about is how much a lobbyist is going to pay them. Money tells them how to vote. I know this first hand, I have made donations to both sides to get certain things done. About your statement on Fox news, I don't have time to watch cable TV. I consider it a waste of time. All news channels today are slanted towards a certain political purpose to achieve ratings to sale advertisement dollars.

I have coffee with some of my liberal friends. One guy has a 2,000 cappuccino machine. They set there and feel sorry for the average person who has to work. They think illegal aliens and minorities are below them. They feel sorry for them you know. They think these people are like little baby birds that fall out of trees and can't fly. This makes them feel superior. God like you know. Then they want my advice on how to cut their taxes. I do enjoy the coffee and find the conversations interesting.

I also have friends from Iran, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Palastan, Israel, Venezuela and Vietnam. The guys from Vietnam fought against the north during the war. These people have told me one horrible story after another about Communist governments. This is where I get my news from. I live in the Houston area. You can set down and have a glass of tea and listen to 3 different languages around the restaurant.

I have all ready purchased a place to live outside the USA. It's just a matter of time before it self destructs from the inside with hate, anger and debt. I do like and enjoy all the responses on this site. The gentleman who was saying he wanted the President executed is kind of an extreme thing too say. You know he use to be a democrat. He is doing the best job he can. I really don't know why anyone would want to be a president. Half the country likes you and half the country hates you. Say if Trump was to have a heart attack and die. He would be replaced with another right wing candidate. That person dies and another right wing candidate will step in. The cycle will never stop and the donations will never stop.

I have been approached multiple times by a lobbyist to buy me a seat in the house. The cost of the seat 20 years ago was $250,000. Republican or Democrat. It is irrelevate what party you decide to take. The party you chose will tell you how to vote. It's just a job. They tell the public one thing, but they are told what to vote for by the party they represent. The lobbyist told me we could make 3 to 4 million a year. I really did not believe at the time. Then Obamas seat in the senate was sold for $250,000. I believe Blagojevich was sentenced to 14 years for selling the seat. I think Trump for some reason pardons the guy.

I do agree with the gentlemen who said he could have a mountain of debt. He could have 20 billion of debt and have 10 billion of equity. The value of his properties are based on tax values. You know what they are worth when the check clears the bank. The better the liar, the better the politician.

Beto is my favorite candidate. He jumps up and down on bars. The crazier he acts, the more money people give to him. He is a genius. Some donor gave him 60 million. Wow, I can act real crazy for 60 million. If he doesn't spend the money he gets to keep it. Good for Mr Beto. Hopefully he will donate some of the money to charity.

I hope I did not offend anyone. If I did I am sorry. I do find it intriguing that on an IR sex site people are talking about politics. Hopefully the next election cycle the candidates will be more mainstream and everybody will like them.
It doesn't offend when you write in word-salad passages. They don't communicate messages well. But best of luck. Enjoy your Trump vote, though.