Rituals or Go-To’s Before, During, or After

I’d like to hear and share some rituals and go-to’s prior, during, and after the moment. We’ve worked our way into some likes and dislikes which may or may not change at some point. I’ll pass along a few and who knows the benefit to others as far as sharing goes. Here goes a few of ours.

Our last couple dates have been preceded by me eating my wife out followed by a call to her bull. Did the deed and then got shot down for sex because she wanted to wait to fuck him, but more specifically them that night. Still playing with herself she said I should tell them to come over and get to it so I could watch someone fuck. I caught her off guard and ended up doing just that which got her off. Worked that in the past few times.

Not with me but with her bulls my wife has a thing for them grabbing her by the lower jaw and having them spit in her mouth. Weird I know but who am I to judge.

Thw last one that sticks out is I typically hold onto a pair of well used panties and smell them while I watch my wife. After they are wrapped up I keep with it while I jerk off in her. Anyone else?????
Ok here goes. For the ladies i set up with know will show temporary boy friends (sorry to me the word bull is like the “N” word never to be used)

For me
1- One week before I take my suite into the dry cleaner and have it pressed. Usually I take two suites in. One a more formal dark suite either Blue or Black. The other is a Stroller Suite more for walks, brunches and patios. I also have four white shirts cleaned and pressed.
2- Five days before I confirm my friends Spa day. Hair, nails waxing / shaving.
3- Three days before I confirm with her boy friend times and dates
4- Three days before I arrange for a tray of cheeses, a tray of cold cuts, a tray begs and a tray of bite sized baked goods. I pick up the wine. And check / confirm our hotel reservations.
5- Three days before I polish the shoes I will wear and those I will be taking. Pack my bag with fresh underwear, socks, pjs and dressing gown. Include casual clothes just in case.
6- Two days before pick up cleaning and place one suit in the car as I will be wearing the other one.
7- Two days before. Clean the Car in side an out. Mount the Bikes that will come with us.
8- Two days before load the linen we will be taking with us. Extra bedding, towels etc.
9- Two days before Load the wine bucket.
10- Two days before Check the list to insure I have missed nothing.
11- Remind my friend about her spa day the next day.
12- Confirm the baby sitter if need be.
13- Load maps for trip into GPS on the car.
14- The Day of the start of the date I pick up all of the room food and drinks. Store in cooler.
15- The Day of the start of the date I pick up my friend early so as not to rush things. Like to arrive early so we can set up, shower and get dressed for dinner with her friend. Confirm dinner reservation time usually 7 pm. Always two tables one for them and one for me.