
Insults by white guys that harass this innocent black guy, even on this site, is common where I live. And even if they don't vocally harass you, there's that ignorance of silence as if you don't even exist:

I applaud the site for deleting the hate this innocent black guy got on his profile, however it would be better if it were left on as a testimony to illustrate the type of racism that exists out there. It shouldn't be covered up. It should have the light of day to shine on it to reveal this cancer in the world. Much like a house infested with termites destroys a house, racism will destroy the world.
At the very least, I feel we should not just offer our wives to black men, but to encourage and do everything we can to make that happen, as often as as possible.

I will be honored for my gorgeous wife to become a complete whore just to pleasure black men. To make them cum as much as she's able to do, and to make sure she's doing her part to give all of herself. It's the least she can do!

I'd love to put her in a collar like this, and let several black men take all their frustrations out on her.

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I wish that was me
Maybe not all, but most. Look at the most recent killings of black guys in the USA. They were not thugs from the information I heard thus far.
Where are you getting your information. I believe in law and order. If there are bad cops, they need to be prosecuted in court not the court of public opinion. If everyone would keep a cool head and let it be investigated it will come to light. If it is swept under the rug then do peaceful demonstrations until it sees the light of day. When you start protesting to the extent of *******,pillaging and plundering then you turn off a lot of people who would back your cause. Martin Luther King was abused in many ways by the government yet he did not advocate violence. I believe if he would have done violence he would have lost a large white population that supported him. The thing that pisses me off is in most cases when the people who cause the disturbance are found out to not being part of the community but either brought in by outsiders or just showing up it reeks of something fishy. Often times you will find out that the businesses that are harmed are often owned by people of color and are members of the community. Where have you gained anything if you harmed you fellow brothers and sisters.
Where are you getting your information. I believe in law and order. If there are bad cops, they need to be prosecuted in court not the court of public opinion. If everyone would keep a cool head and let it be investigated it will come to light. If it is swept under the rug then do peaceful demonstrations until it sees the light of day. When you start protesting to the extent of *******,pillaging and plundering then you turn off a lot of people who would back your cause. Martin Luther King was abused in many ways by the government yet he did not advocate violence. I believe if he would have done violence he would have lost a large white population that supported him. The thing that pisses me off is in most cases when the people who cause the disturbance are found out to not being part of the community but either brought in by outsiders or just showing up it reeks of something fishy. Often times you will find out that the businesses that are harmed are often owned by people of color and are members of the community. Where have you gained anything if you harmed you fellow brothers and sisters.

I too believe in law and order and I agree with you that actions of violence from either side cannot be justified. However, lately innocent black guys are being slaughtered and their perpetrators get away scot free with their crimes. If you want examples, recall a recent popular case with Trevon Martin. Martin's attorneys say he was shot and killed "in cold *******." Trayvon Martin evidence – Zimmerman said that before he shot the young, he was "assaulted (by Martin) and his head was struck on the pavement," according to a police report. This occurred after George Zimmerman shoots Trayvon Martin while the 17-year-old is walking back from a convenience store in Sanford, Fla., where he purchased a pack of Skittles candy and iced tea on February 26, 2012.

For more examples, do a simple internet query and you'll find other such examples. At, as of now the year is not over yet police have already killed at least 790 people — many of whom were unarmed, mentally ill, and people of color.

This number comes from The Guardian’s police killings database, but the Killed by Police database counts 844 people who have died at the hands of police so far this year. The Washington Post reports that 706 people have been shot and killed by cops.

Going by the Guardian’s count, Native Americans and black people are being killed at the highest rates in the United States. 194 Black Americans have been killed by police so far this year, at a rate of 4.86 deaths per million. These numbers do not include the fatal shooting of a protester in Charlotte, North Carolina on Wednesday, who remains unidentified. At least one pastor thus far has claimed the shot in that case “came from the direction of police.”
February and March were the deadliest months this year, with 99 people killed by police in each month. Police have killed 59 people so far this month alone.

There has always been a high volume of police killings, although damning videos, photos, and news reports highlight officer violence — especially against people of color — now more than ever. But what’s become an even more alarming trend is the number of officers involved in these killings who receive minor to no punishment.

According to the Wall Street Journal, 2015 saw the highest number of police officers being charged for deadly, on-duty shootings in a decade: 12 as of September 2015. Still, in a year when approximately 1,200 people were killed by police, zero officers were convicted of ******* or manslaughter, painting the picture that officers involved in killing another person will not be held accountable for their actions.

In 2016, several officers have gone to trial but none of them received jail time.

The information does go on and on there. I just shared these facts with you to illustrate I am correct through sources from the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal and the Guardian (UK).

On the other hand I do not exonerate the actions of violence by blacks unless it was in a true position of self defense.
If were up to me any aggressors of violence whether black or white or asian or latino or anyone else would have a one way trip to Syria, Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan, the lush tropical jungles of the Phillipines infested with Abu Sayyaf forces, or North Korea to practice their violent acts. I am certain they would execute a better form of justice there for them there that they deserve that the Western world would do.

I also agree that acts of exceptional people like Martin Luther King Jr, or Gandhi would be able to reverse this form of violence, but note that I said there were exceptional people. Such men or women are not common in society to take such herculean actions to eventually win the hearts and minds of people and real political change occurs that benefits all people.

Instead, something simpler would be easier to make real. There is a forgotten Greek play called Lysistrata. It is a comic account of one woman's extraordinary mission to end the Peloponnesian War. Lysistrata persuades the women of Greece to withhold sexual privileges from their husbands and lovers as a means of forsing the men to negotiate peace—a strategy, however, that inflames the battle between the sexes. To get the strategy to work even all of the prostitutes agreed to withhold sex from the aggressive men because after the war all the men would be dead and their business would suffer. And at that time all the widows would make sure they starved.

Therefore, in addition to their crimes, everyone should withhold sex in the form of a permanent sex strike from people like Zimmerman who killed an innocent Trevon Martin and all aggressive cops forever for their crimes too based from a central agreed database somehow. That way the guilty can suffer forever and it could be yet another deterrent to others who may consider continuing that form of violence.
If you want examples, recall a recent popular case with Trevon Martin.
I don't think Trevon Martin is a good example of an innocent black male being slaughtered, STIFF.
He was out on the streets because he'd been kicked out of his school for breaking into lockers, etc. They found the screwdriver, etc in his own locker. Also, from what I've read was that when Zimmerman approached Trevor, Trevor challenged him, probably not knowing Zimmerman had a gun on his body.
At any rate, if Trevon was a nice, Christian boy that his family wanted you to believe, he would have been in school, not out on the streets, and he would be alive today.
Maybe you should try another example.
I don't think Trevon Martin is a good example of an innocent black male being slaughtered, STIFF.
He was out on the streets because he'd been kicked out of his school for breaking into lockers, etc. They found the screwdriver, etc in his own locker. Also, from what I've read was that when Zimmerman approached Trevor, Trevor challenged him, probably not knowing Zimmerman had a gun on his body.
At any rate, if Trevon was a nice, Christian boy that his family wanted you to believe, he would have been in school, not out on the streets, and he would be alive today.
Maybe you should try another example.

Any proof of that which you say? Please provide any internet links if there are any please.
Any proof of that which you say? Please provide any internet links if there are any please.
Sure, no problem ... there are plenty of articles on this, by the way. Please note, however, I'm not trying to protect or make an excuse for Zimmerman ... he was wrong for what he did, BUT, Trevon was painted as a little choir boy, and THAT he wasn't.
That is what I've always found interesting. Someone does get shot and the whole story does not get out right away. Everyone to include the news goes ape ******* and things get presented in the wrong light. Once the whole truth comes out we find that most are found to be something else than what the news first published. Like wise no one prints a retraction or the real truth. I would like to know if Stiffbbc in his break down of news also looked at how many of the shootings he quoted were justified. I also wonder why no one goes on rants when the citizens of certain communities that have a majority of blacks have such a high rate of murders.
It is interesting the evidence you presented against the late Trayvon Martin. I especially am interested with the posting you shared from the third link you shared from the In the discussion area on that very link at the base, there is a post from "Jo-An-4354969" on MAR 28, 2012. It states (with interesting parts underlined):

Thanks trm2008,
What Everyone Needs To Know About The Smear Campaign Against Trayvon Martin (1995-2012)
Over the last 48 hours, there has been a sustained effort to smear Trayvon Martin, the 17-year old African-American who was shot dead by George Zimmerman a month ago. Martin’s mom, Sybrina Fulton, said, “They killed my *******, now they’re trying to ******* his reputation.”

Thus far these attacks have fallen into two categories: false and irrelevant. Much of this leaked information seems intended to play into stereotypes about young African-American males. Here’s what everyone should know:

1. Prominent conservative websites published fake photos of Martin. Twitchy, a new website run by prominent conservative blogger Michelle Malkin, promoted a photo — purportedly from Martin’s Facebook page — that shows Martin in saggy pants and flipping the bird. The photo, which spread quickly on conservative websites and Twitter, is intended to paint Martin as a thug. As Twitchy later acknowledged, it is not a photo of Trayvon Martin.
2. The Sanford Police selectively leaked irrelevant, negative information about Martin. The authorities told the Orlando Sentinel this morning that Trayvon was suspended from school for ten days “after being found with an empty marijuana baggie.” There is no evidence that Martin was under the influence of ******* at the time of his death, nor would prior possession of marijuana be a reason for killing him. It’s unclear what the relevance of the leak was, other than to smear Martin.

3. On Fox News, Geraldo said that Martin was dressed “like a wannabe gangster.” Bill O’Reilly agreed with him. The sole evidence is that Martin was wearing a hoodie. Geraldo added that “everyone that ever stuck up a convenience store” was wearing a hoodie.
4. Without any evidence, prominent right-wing bloggers suggested that Martin was a ******* dealer. Right-wing blogger Dan Riehl advances the theory, also advanced in a widely linked peice on a site called Wagist. There does not appear to be any evidence to support this claim whatsoever.
5. Without any evidence, a right-wing columnist alleged that Martin assaulted a bus driver. Unlike Zimmerman, Trayvon has no documented history of violence. This allegation continues to be advanced by a blogger on the Examiner even after the real reason was leaked to the police and confirmed by the family.
6. Zimmerman’s friend says Martin was to blame because he was disrespectful to Zimmerman. Zimmerman’s friend Joe Oliver said that Martin would not have been shot to death if Trayvon had just said “I’m staying with my parents.” Of course, Zimmerman was not a police officer, and Trayvon had no duty to tell him who he was or where he was going.

The final part of the effort to smear Trayvon Martin is to link him and his supporters to irresponsible fringe groups like the New Black Panthers and marignal provocateurs like Louis Farrakhan. Threats by these groups are serious and should be investigated, but they have nothing to do with Martin or his supporters. The leader of the effort to associate Martin with these groups is Matt Drudge. You can see how he is framing the story today: (How very class, Drudge, you @!$%#ing racist @!$%#-stain.)
Ultimately, whether Martin was a perfect person is irrelevant to whether Zimmerman’s conduct that night was justified. Clearly, there are two different versions of the events that transpired on February 26, the night Trayvon was killed. There are conflicting statements by witnesses and conflicting evidence as to who was the aggressor. Zimmerman has the right to tell his side of the story. But his opportunity to do this will come in a court of law after he is charged and arrested. In the meantime, Zimmerman’s supporters should stop trying to smear the reputation of a dead, 17-year-old boy.

We both agree that George Zimmerman should not have killed him as he was not even a police office to arrive at that decision. That night in the capacity of merely being a neighborhood watch captain that was not his decision to make. What should have been done was to use his cell phone and alert the police about the situation and let them arrive at what needed to be done hopefully without killing him before having a judge decide what to do with him. (point number 6 above)

There are other interesting facts that should be mentioned too again based upon the evidence that you shared which seems to serve to assassinate his character post-mortem:

(From point number 1 above) Trayvon Martin's photo from his Facebook page that made him look to be a thug was not his.

(From point number 2 above) Trayvon Martin's was suspended from school for ten days “after being found with an empty marijuana baggie.” There is no evidence that Martin was under the influence of ******* at the time of his death.

(From point number 4 above) Trayvon Martin was thought to be a ******* dealer, but there is no evidence after the fact that supports it.

(From point number 5 above) Without evidence Trayvon Martin allegedly attacked a bus driver when there is a pre-existing history of violence with George Zimmerman. Hmmmm. Let's examine some of his sins shall we? According to his wikipedia, found in the section called "Other encounters with law enforcement", George Zimmerman:

A) Was charged with shoving a police officer followed with anger management classes in 2005;
B) Had a restraining order from his ex-fiancee claiming domestic violence against her also in 2005;
C) Had threatened his estranged wife and his *******-in-law and he punched him in the face in 2013;
D) Was charged with aggravated assault with a weapon – a felony – as well as domestic violence battery and criminal mischief also in 2013;
E) Was arrested by Lake Mary police and charged with aggravated assault with a weapon after allegedly throwing a wine bottle at his ex-girlfriend in 2015.

For those who read all that I wrote I'll let them arrive at their conclusions but it seems to be abundantly clear that Trayvon Martin, even if he was guilty which seems doubtful, did not have to die at least at the hands of Zimmerman, who once again was not a police officer. And Trayvon Martin might not have been the perfect student, but there is a great deal of mudslinging with his character after the fact. Moreover George Zimmerman displayed a history of violence before and after his encounter with Trayvon Martin. And I suggest that since he is so predisposed to violence that he is unhinged and definitely the one at fault and George Zimmerman's acquittal from assassinating Trayvon Martin is in error and he should have received several years for *******.

I am not an American as MacNfries knows as we once had an interesting debate on another issue on another thread on this site. So I'll end by saying that I hope a President Trump will eventually correct these injustices against blacks and to illustrate his sincerity as well as educate Americans on their forgotten history, perhaps a theoretical investment on his part of $10 million maybe which is pennies to him, would be well spent on copies of "Hillary's America" so that the public and key people at large can learn the secret history of the Democratic Party. That would be something else that would be interesting to illustrate, but I spent a good deal on this single post to defend Trayvon Martin, I'm afraid few would have the remaining attention span to read what I have to say. So I'll let Dinesh D'Souza do so in his book or see the movie, "Hillary's America"! Peace!

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That is what I've always found interesting. Someone does get shot and the whole story does not get out right away. Everyone to include the news goes ape ******* and things get presented in the wrong light. Once the whole truth comes out we find that most are found to be something else than what the news first published. Like wise no one prints a retraction or the real truth. I would like to know if Stiffbbc in his break down of news also looked at how many of the shootings he quoted were justified. I also wonder why no one goes on rants when the citizens of certain communities that have a majority of blacks have such a high rate of murders.

I agree with you. There is a great deal of black on black violence that gets under-reported too. The media does not seem to focus on that for whatever reason, so the focus in this particular case is white on black violence. How can we be in the 21st century and have this historical legacy of stench continue in the present? I guess we are still collectively living in a medieval, or dare I say a primitive era despite all our gadgets, and technology. Socially I'm afraid we ALL are high tech neanderthals until we can end the violence, the hate and especially the fucking racism. Especially at the true upper echelons of power that seems to run all nations.
At the very least, I feel we should not just offer our wives to black men, but to encourage and do everything we can to make that happen, as often as as possible.

I will be honored for my gorgeous wife to become a complete whore just to pleasure black men. To make them cum as much as she's able to do, and to make sure she's doing her part to give all of herself. It's the least she can do!

I'd love to put her in a collar like this, and let several black men take all their frustrations out on her.

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Where do u sign up lol x
I agree with you. There is a great deal of black on black violence that gets under-reported too. The media does not seem to focus on that for whatever reason, so the focus in this particular case is white on black violence. How can we be in the 21st century and have this historical legacy of stench continue in the present? I guess we are still collectively living in a medieval, or dare I say a primitive era despite all our gadgets, and technology. Socially I'm afraid we ALL are high tech neanderthals until we can end the violence, the hate and especially the fucking racism. Especially at the true upper echelons of power that seems to run all nations.
Check the Stats on black on black murders vs White on Black murders you would be surprised at the amount. I don't consider myself a racist since I judge everyone I react with as a man. If I decide not to like you, I have strong reasons behind my decision not to associate with you. Some people I have chosen not to even get to know have dressed in a manner that might suggest gang relations, or a lifestyle I do not like or care to be around. I have helped people of color all my life and have had some good friendships from this. I even do social work educating parents about what to look for in their children as far a gang activities. No I'm not a cop just someone who knows what gangs can do to young *******. Look up in history about the two opposing factions that was in play during the civil war and how they wanted to deal with the slave issue. It is interesting on the ideas that were put forth at that time. Also look back after the Civil War and see which party controlled the south and what they brought to the plate. I think that if a woman want to fuck BBC it should be her decision to or not to, as far as it being pay back for transgressions against the black race is pure hooey in my book.