Party Experience

I have been to "Breeding Parties" and "Snowbunny" parties. They can be allot of fun especially since everyone is there for the same reason. Im still surprised by the amount of ladies who attend but it's definitely a good time!
Those parties sound like a blast! I can only imagine how much fun you could have there. Seeing the amount of ladies involved is amazing!
Completely, it was a great experience and me so comfortable that I really came out of my shell more than I would have imagined and am looking forward to doing it again
Parties offer access to more black men. Parties also help women as you say "come out of their shell". Ie expanding levels of sexual freedom. Multiple black men offer opportunities for new and different sexual experiences as well as observing and being observed.
Parties offer access to more black men. Parties also help women as you say "come out of their shell". Ie expanding levels of sexual freedom. Multiple black men offer opportunities for new and different sexual experiences as well as observing and being observed.
It was my first experience with more than one guy in a day. I didn’t do more than one at a time though
I've never actually heard of a breeding party being real. It would be interesting to see or attend.
Activities with multiple black men and no birth control or condoms. Before DNA testing, it was thought that multiple men sperm would conceal which man impregnated the woman. Other activities it is more clear which stud impregnated the woman ie assigned bulls to each white woman and several ejaculations from that bull to provide more than sufficient sperm for impregnation.
Activities with multiple black men and no birth control or condoms. Before DNA testing, it was thought that multiple men sperm would conceal which man impregnated the woman. Other activities it is more clear which stud impregnated the woman ie assigned bulls to each white woman and several ejaculations from that bull to provide more than sufficient sperm for impregnation.
So do you think it would be better to have a single bull ejaculate inside of you multiple time or to have several bulls all ejaculate inside of you once? What do you think has the better chance of success?
Yes, at first I didn’t really know how to feel. But thinking back it is a turn on and I was excited to do it.
Some women feel sexually "liberated". That a group of men would be stimulated to have sex with her is an ego boost. Often, she has several, perhaps many, orgasms perhaps many more than before so her brain is swamped with stimulants and endorfins giving her a feeling of euphoria not experienced before accept perhaps with an extended sex session with a black lover with lots of stamina and endurance.
Some women feel sexually "liberated". That a group of men would be stimulated to have sex with her is an ego boost. Often, she has several, perhaps many, orgasms perhaps many more than before so her brain is swamped with stimulants and endorfins giving her a feeling of euphoria not experienced before accept perhaps with an extended sex session with a black lover with lots of stamina and endurance.
It was incredible to have so many men paying attention to me and very flattering feeling. It was exactly as you describe, a huge ego boost