Offspring of Biracial Relationships

Smh too late ... We're already one species (Homo Sapiens) as we've always been. Race is a social construct derived mainly from perceptions conditioned by events of recorded history, and it has no basic biological reality. In terms of evolution and homogenisation of an entire species, a few centuries is a drop in the bucket. Hardly enough time to effect an entire species. The latter depending greatly on the willingness and opportunity of people to pair up with partners of a different ethnicity and have babies. Personally, I really don't see that happening. Nothing statistically points toward it either (that I've come across).
True, we are only one species. There are biological differences in different groups, especially in the area of immune response. In addition different groups do have physical characteristics that distinguish them. If we didn't have those differences bigots wouldn't have anything to be bigoted about.

IR sex seems to be a bigger deal in this country than it is in Europe. It wasn't that long ago that an IR relationship could get the participants killed or at least the male if he was black. The really isn't the case so much anymore and will get more socially acceptable as time goes on. I am confident in 2 or 3 centuries the melting pot will be pretty well melted.
I've read up on Jessica Szohr publications say she 1/4 black and 3/4 white. I find her to be a beautiful woman. Specifically her dark hair and crystal blue eyes. I do support the IR lifestyle and marriage 100%. One thought: will we lose those traits of the white females that we so admire and desire? Will those beautiful blue eyes fade away or diminish to a large extent when black males have children with their white blue eyed wives? Certainly Jessica's blue eyes have prevailed......However the genes of the black male are dominant and in most cases the blue eyes will be lost.

See what I mean about those eyes? We all desire these Caucasion traits in our woman but for futures generations will they be there to desire?

Esperanza Spalding - She's a Jazz artist; she plays the bass and sings. She won a Grammy in 2011 for Best New Artist, much to the chagrin of young girls who thought it should have went to Justin Beiber. Her most recent album Radio Music Society, was released last year.

Her ******* is Black and her mom is Welsh, Native American, and Hispanic.
