My wife thinks her BBC dildo is too small.

My wife’s is like the one in the right except vibrating. Her breeding pussy sucked it in the first time before I could even enjoy it😀 after just using two fingers in her. She snapped back pretty quickly.
Love this! On the occasion she is super horny & turned on her pussy does (as you say) suck it in nice & slowly, it’s so good to watch her lips spread wide open as it slides in 🤤
You know you can wear those! IF you really want to. 1 heat up a hollow pipe that is smaller then your girth. 2 cut out center piece. 3 roll it up, then roll it on yourself. Lube up and go to town
So cut with the heated up pipe? This sounds good! Will probably have the trim off the balls! Thanks for the idea
I would go middle, looks most realistic!
Is that 13” long x 8.5” circumference!?
The Cody is 8” insertable length x 6.25” circumference compared to
Lonestar 6” Insertable length x 5.75” circumference
My man cunt can swallow them both into my guts with ease