Muslim Men and White Christian Women

Muslim Men with White Christian Women

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we have a lot of Caucasians in Russia, who are mostly Muslims. Many of her friends give birth to children from Caucasians, my wife also liked sex with them at the university.

Your comment alone invalidates all Western propaganda about Putin by presenting him as an ultra-nationalist, while he is the first leader to have abolished the internal visa system and to have allowed millions of muslims from the Caucasus to settle on Russian territory proper. What no Tsar or General Secretary of the Communist Party had ever allowed. Especially since all nationalist opponents of Putin have been eliminated, either physically or judicially, the most famous of them being Navalny who is currently rotting in prison.

Otherwise, apart from Caucasian muslims, Russian women also like to travel a lot to Antalya, in Turkey, to get banged by Turks or to the Middle East to get fucked by Arab men.
Thanks life Black woman aren't into Arab man or Muslim Arabic, they know the past,they felt the ******* of the Arabic Muslim culture in the souls.

White woman like to fuck with the arrogant and despotic Arabics let them be,they are lucky their countries are economically and military strong and this Arabs can't do nothing because if the countries they were not strong I guess many of you will hate them.
Relevant remark, if they speak French it is because the Maghreb was part of the former colonial empire of France, in particular Algeria which we colonized for 132 years. So by definition of colonization, it was effectively French culture that predominated. And generally speaking, when a people imposes its language on another, it is always a sign of cultural domination. With the difference here that the North Africans consider the French language, of which they have retained mastery, as a spoil of war conquered at their independence.
To go further, it should be noted that even if all North Africans in France speak French, they very often retain a more or less pronounced Arabic accent. With the exception of the Southeast region, which has such a particular accent that they all end up acquiring its tone.

As for the Imazighen you mention (Amazigh is a singular), they are called "Kabyles" in France. They are quite simply Berbers, the indigenous populations of the Maghreb before the Arab colonization of the 7th century.
Linked this to an Algerian French of mine and had his opinion on this message. The general gist of his opinion on the message was "What a load of horse *******".
Linked this to an Algerian French of mine and had his opinion on this message. The general gist of his opinion on the message was "What a load of horse *******".

Nice try but there is no opinion in my post, just facts.

I asked my imaginary Finnish best friend his opinion about you, it seems that you cross-dress with leather boots every week to hang out with the crac.k whores in your city.
Nice try but there is no opinion in my post, just facts.

I asked my imaginary Finnish best friend his opinion about you, it seems that you cross-dress with leather boots every week to hang out with the crac.k whores in your city.
Don't get offended now buddy because someone called you out on your bullshit. Either way the point still stands. I think you should find another forum too, last time I checked it's for Black men and White women an Arabs aren't white. Not to mention Arabs are notoriously racist so glorifying them makes fuckall sense. Calling being assimilated and adopting a colonialist language as "spoils of war with independence" is crazy. If they were truly independent, they would utilize their own language way more and adopt their own standards of life instead of following what being occupied for decades/centuries brought upon them.

Finland for example is bilingual on the paper but majority of Finns doesn't even speak Swedish on an acceptable level. Why do the old occupied territories wanna use French on a major level if they are independent? Finland had also been occupied by Russia (some 200 years) and none of us speaks Russian, unless learnt in school.
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Don't get offended now buddy because someone called you out on your bullshit. Either way the point still stands. I think you should find another forum too, last time I checked it's for Black men and White women an Arabs aren't white. Not to mention Arabs are notoriously racist so glorifying them makes fuckall sense. Calling being assimilated and adopting a colonialist language as "spoils of war with independence" is crazy. If they were truly independent, they would utilize their own language way more and adopt their own standards of life instead of following what being occupied for decades/centuries brought upon them.


Cool story, I'll tell my Chinese hamster about it. It's really not cool that Arabs are so mean.
Wife had a Morrocan boyfriend for a couple of years, on and off. Religion wasn’t mentioned at all though. They just fancied each other, simple as that, sorry to bust your bubble.
Not to mention that you aren't even a real Muslim if you prefer sex outside marriage and so on. It's completely forbidden.
For example in Egypt. "Sixth; Islam imposes a punishment on the adulterer and the fornicator wherever they are proved guilty, whether inside the marital house or outside, but the Egyptian Penal Law criminalizes this act only if it is committed inside the marital house"

Also the entire thread is about Muslim men and white Christian women. There's no telling whether the guy is a Muslim in those videos nor if the girl is Christian. Like you mentioned, it's just because they fancy each other. This thread isn't even under "extreme racial kinks" where it should be, it's under "General discussions" lol. For example Lebanon, a major Arab country; "A study carried out by Statistics Lebanon in October 2022 revealed that out of a total of 4,877,000 Lebanese people, 31.7 percent were Christians, whereas 68.3 percent were Muslims."
Not to mention that you aren't even a real Muslim if you prefer sex outside marriage and so on. It's completely forbidden.
For example in Egypt. "Sixth; Islam imposes a punishment on the adulterer and the fornicator wherever they are proved guilty, whether inside the marital house or outside, but the Egyptian Penal Law criminalizes this act only if it is committed inside the marital house"
It also forbids drinking booze, I know loads of Muslims that *******.
Wife had a Morrocan boyfriend for a couple of years, on and off. Religion wasn’t mentioned at all though. They just fancied each other, simple as that, sorry to bust your bubble.

That's good, I never mention religion in the videos I post but always the ethnic aspect. Your wife must have felt so much like a slut ! Respect.
in france Marine Le Pen's political party loses the elections because of the women's vote. Now I understand why French women don't want Arabs and Africans kicked out.

The erosion of the radical right gender gap tends to increase over the years. If we look at the differences between the vote of women and that of men for the party of the Le Pen family, we see that there was a seven point difference between women and men in the presidential election of 1988 and 1995, six points difference in 2002, and three in 2007. In 2012, there was only one point difference.

But we agree, French women are more and more likely to love African and Arab men :)