Muslim Men and White Christian Women

Muslim Men with White Christian Women

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Yes, it's true . In all probability southern Italians are largely of Arab origin. During the Second World War, Moroccan troops invaded Italy and many Italian women became pregnant with Moroccans.

Yes, the event is recounted in Vittorio de Sica's movie, La Ciociara (1961) :


But the rapes were not numerous enough to profoundly modify the ethnic identity of Italy.
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I find it pretty funny when the Arabs (allegedly Algerian and so on, which are not always Arab btw. Some identify themselves as Amazigh) speak in French yet the "white girl is dominated by the arab guy" is there. I think the white culture dominated the arab culture considering they are speaking in French with some minor changes here and there with the guy speaking in Arabic. So who is dominating who in the end?
I find it pretty funny when the Arabs (allegedly Algerian and so on, which are not always Arab btw. Some identify themselves as Amazigh) speak in French yet the "white girl is dominated by the arab guy" is there. I think the white culture dominated the arab culture considering they are speaking in French with some minor changes here and there with the guy speaking in Arabic. So who is dominating who in the end?

Relevant remark, if they speak French it is because the Maghreb was part of the former colonial empire of France, in particular Algeria which we colonized for 132 years. So by definition of colonization, it was effectively French culture that predominated. And generally speaking, when a people imposes its language on another, it is always a sign of cultural domination. With the difference here that the North Africans consider the French language, of which they have retained mastery, as a spoil of war conquered at their independence.
To go further, it should be noted that even if all North Africans in France speak French, they very often retain a more or less pronounced Arabic accent. With the exception of the Southeast region, which has such a particular accent that they all end up acquiring its tone.

As for the Imazighen you mention (Amazigh is a singular), they are called "Kabyles" in France. They are quite simply Berbers, the indigenous populations of the Maghreb before the Arab colonization of the 7th century.