multiculturalism europe

Before you go on at other people for not using a spell check. I suggest you it might be actually better to check your own spelling first.

1. It's SITE not sight.
2. it's YOU'RE not your.

This programme was made possible by
I am introducing new language. It's an Anthropological language shift in paradigm.

Also: You're body is awesome. That's why I love this sight!
The National Socialist Body Of Beliefs is founded on three principles:

1. The first principle is NATURAL ORDER.

We the National Socialists believe that the universe is governed by natural laws,and that in order for man to be happy and successful he must first learn what these laws are and follow them.We believe that Man is a part of the natural world and that he is in no way separate from, or distinct from it. Because of this we believe that society should be structured in accordance with the laws of nature and not in opposition to them as is the case today.

2. The second principle is RACIAL IDEALISM.

Racial idealism is based on a love of one’s own people and one’s own race .It means placing the interests and the welfare of the racial community to which you belong ahead of your own personal interests and desires. As racial idealists we have no wish to harm, exploit or persecute any other racial groups despite of persistent media propaganda campaign of abuse and deliberate falsification to the contrary. We believe that humanity is not one – but many – and that the destruction of any part of humanity is the destruction of humanity itself. We do not wish to harm any other race or take away the land of any other race. We are only interested in protecting our own people against extinction – a fate that is very likely to happen if nothing is done about present conditions in Europe and America.

We believe that all men are NOT created equal, and that any attempt to equalize the unequal will result in an immense human suffering which we want to prevent by refusing to ignore reality. Just as every individual within a society has its own strengths and weaknesses, so each race of humanity has certain qualities that make it different from other races.

We believe that the Aryan race has the right to maintain its biological and cultural integrity and that we have the right to control our own destiny and be free and independent just as we believe that any other race has that same right. We also believe that the Aryan race has the right to defend itself from every physical or spiritual assault. We believe that the survival of the Aryan race is important to all mankind as all races can benefit from our technological, scientific and spiritual progress. Our progress is Humanity’s progress.

3. The third principle is UPWARD DEVELOPMENT.

We seek upward development of the Aryan race. We want to see our race improve and go higher in evolution. This can be done by encouraging a high birth rate among those sections of the Aryan population which are the healthiest, strongest and most intelligent. At the same time our science should work to eliminate hereditary weaknesses, diseases and defects among our people. Our goal is that each generation of Aryan children will be better than the one before it.

National Socialism does not teach or advocate any kind of racial hatred. It simply states the reality of nature, that different races have different abilities and different needs. These different abilities given by nature are the result of hundreds of thousands of years of evolution and CANNOT be changed by social or political dogma or by enforcing dictatorial policies of racial integration which effectively undermine and destroy Aryan identity and Western Culture.

National Socialism is simply accepting the world as it is and forming morality accordingly for society to work best in the most efficient and healthy way. National Socialism is coming to terms with reality. This will help us lessen human suffering. We don’t see the world the way we WANT it to be – We see the world the way the world IS . No destructive “Political Correctness” is allowed.

Despite the fact that German National Socialism was combined with Christianity, National Socialism in itself does not advocate one earthly religion over another.

We are also a Spiritual Movement. We believe that the universe we live in is a system designed to direct the soul toward a higher state of development and evolution. We believe that we should evolve not only biologically or racially but also spiritually. In contrast, Capitalism and Communism regard humans as cattle , as an economic units of production and consumption without soul and spirit. Capitalism and Communism are Materialism. Both were and are Jewish world views and are material with no spirit.

National Socialism understands that Man cannot be truly happy without the spiritual side of life. We see Man as a spiritual being inside a biological body. We believe that the physical body (Race) and the consciousness (Soul) are depended on each other to work for a higher humanity. The higher the quality of the vehicle in which the soul resides, the higher humanity we shall have.

National Socialism’s ultimate goal is to lessen human suffering in the world and to create a world where every race is preserved, a world with more love, joy and harmony. This vision can only be achieved when we follow the Natural Laws created by God

National Socialists. I should have known. Keep that crap in Europe where it belongs.