Much needed Public Service Announcement to everyone on BtoW

BBB I read all your stuff and you know me, Ima go ahead an play Devil's advocate :devil:.
The Truth goes both ways. Rules, guidelines, how-to's, sure... that may guarantee success more likely than not, but sometimes some couples don't want all the 'wine and dine' - some couples just want/need a guy to come through, 'drop trou'(sers) and perform on demand. Everyone ain't looking for that perfect situation. They just need BBC on Demand.
That being said, A Bull can get spoiled from abundance :blackgreedy:. Chatting is cool, but some of us got ******* to do lol. Too much life to live and plenty of opportunities. So it ain't always 'Frustrated Chump Sydrome' - Farrrrrr from that.

Sometimes it's more like, enough talk - "are we hanging, or are we banging?".
Lol, @BBCnATX - my dear brother, nothing wrong with what your saying nor is it the devil's advocate. Most of my post wouldn't apply to someone like you but there are a bunch of others on here that you have noticed, and the women sure noticed are fake and AFCs.

Your 100% on point about "A Bull can get spoiled from abundance :blackgreedy:. Chatting is cool, but some of us got ******* to do lol. Too much life to live and plenty of opportunities." An AMOG knows this hence that's what separates the real from the fake and why you see the same couple of guys consistently successful and others still wondering why they get no play and whats different about the winners from the losers. If you were to log my online ratio to the amount of women I've met on here in the real world to the amount of time others have spent on here and the women they've met or haven't met and complained it would line right up with what you have stated (i.e. I got ******* to do and have been doing).

Anyway, the post as I started off with stating is a crowd-sourced creation and from the wisdom of the crowd to discuss what I was hearing from the many women and couples in real-life and many who were turned away from the site in which I hated to see the people (mostly men) with rude behavior running them off.

So now back to reality, yeah I got some ******* lined up all this week and this site is definitely just icing on top of the beautiful cake I'm eating with both hands in the real-world myself so I never have to fantasize about it online. You can see from my media collection what my 'Real-Life" looks like and yours looks pretty good too my man.

Be easy my neezy, :balanced:

I'm not about black guys being gods or anything. I am about not giving a fuck about color of skin.

Why does my woman fuck black guys? It's definitely psychological.
Definitely respect what you said not too much you can do on the bbc label because of porn and the media pushing that agenda but i understand your position. Secondly talking to women for some men is really hard to some degree some women on the site really haven't help that but none the less every man should respect the beautiful women of this site
Definitely respect what you said not too much you can do on the bbc label because of porn and the media pushing that agenda but i understand your position. Secondly talking to women for some men is really hard to some degree some women on the site really haven't help that but none the less every man should respect the beautiful women of this site
@vernon My man you most definitely can do something about the BBC label.

Either your part of the problem turning your head to an issue where silence is compliance or actively contributing to it by repeating the BS (as many guys foolishly do) and further feeding and reinforcing the ignorance. Or you can Man Up and challenge that bullshit head on and be a revolutionary solutionary disrupting and deconstructing (taking down) the current system that circulates the trash, and not accepting the status quo (goin along with the program).

Every person who uses it with me, around me I immediately stop them and correct them And address why its offensive.

I tell em I'm not a walking bag of warm flesh with no brain or heart with just a huge male appendage object hanging from me period. And all of them think and walk away knowing not to use that ******* around me again.

Not everything you face you can change but you can't change things until you face them and in the immortal words of...


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Very well written, but I have come to expect no less. :)

I (we) have been on numerous sites. We are here because Asmodeaus80 loves IR porn, and I am his favorite porn star. For my part, I love confident, intelligent, witty men... Of all races. I am not looking exclusively for BBC. In fact, I loathe dick pics as a conversation opener (just got one today). My experience with what you describe is why we have developed our own vetting process. If a man does not have the respect and patience for us to come to trust him, he does not get invited in.

This is a fantasy world, yes. But we also look for the real people behind the personas, and have made some great friends... From here and other sites.

No one wants to truly be objectified, not if they have real self-worth. Take the time to be respectful of each other, treat each other with decency, and you might find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
That's the best way to put it yes it's fantasy but incorporate reality and address them somewhat respectfully until y'all are on that level to where they give themselves over to you it won't take long
Forgive me for a late tag into the conversation and not reading all the posts before making mine, and being new to everything on top of that and a fringe dweller at the best of times.

From the messages I get there is a big difference between sexual power and sexual swagger, and again between striking a deeper personal connection.

My first night here I met and chatted to a guy for 15 pages of chat over 5 hours. We made a personal connection as in date for a long term loving relationship. Maybe, maybe not, that's a heart connection thing.

I got plenty of messages from guys throwing sexual swagger at me, how big their cock is, how many hours they will fuck me, and didn't even to bother to know my name or what my profile might say. It makes me feel like I am not of any worth to them except as a cutout player in thier fantasy. If I wanted a cutout fantasy too, maybe we could fuck like 2 ships in the night, but honestly except to cure blue balls and be an emotionless lump, why would you fuck someone you have no connection to. Is emotionless sex that great, have the guys who did it to me got far more out of it than I did, because my experience of their eyes and attitude after told me they were got nothing positive in it except empty balls and still feeling as shitty about their life after they fucked me as they were before. I'm no oil painting, but shouldn't you be happier after sex with me? If you're not, I think something is very wrong, and it's probably not with my sex skills.

Sexual power is the kind of guy I call sexy as fuck and that has nothing to do with his looks. He's the guy who got me out of my panties, not because he tried to talk them of, but I took them off because our personal, not romantic, connection was so hot it was entirely natural to do it. I have met a couple guys with the power, and it doesn't take long to recognize once you notice it. I can't describe it except to say it alters your perception of the moment, and you can see it affects other women too. Like being in love, but in a different way. It's like ******* but a million times better and leaves you on a natural high long after, and not just from the sex. The sex is fucking insane, I must stress that, but it's not everything to it. It leaves an imprint in who you are that instantly comes back when you accidentally meet again or your mind wanders to old memories. Even the memories leave you high and happy. If you want to be a bull, for me, this is how you should make me feel. For a cuck relationship, shouldn't the white guy feel feel this way too? Because seriously, except for true love, this is the most fucking intense feeling I've ever had with another person.

I want to use the word devotion, because that's sort of how it affects you. Not in a slavish way, but in a positive human connection way. The guys I met I would still do alot for, even after the years. In a relationship I wouldn't fuck them, and they were cool with that, but when in town they stayed over instead of being stuck in a motel, good home cooked meal, and friendly pampering. Because the devotion to them as a person from the good connection, and I mean that connection goes both ways.

From dom/sub couples I've met, even with pain etc they practice, the underlying mutual respect makes the relationship work. To me that good relationship with a bull goes both ways. I GET some disagree and it's some control, slavery, whatever, but I still think for that kink to work to its best, respect still goes both ways or it falls apart and fails, and surely if you have a kink, you want that to last and not be a one or two off and then a disappointment. If there is no respect from the bull, and care or understanding of the limits of the woman or white cuck, then it's abuse, and I'm personally not cool with that.

This is my point of view, I'm not trying to say anyone else's is wrong, just sharing my experience.

My only downer, and why I feel slightly sad for the guys I've met who had the power, is I can't imagine romantically connecting to them. Like they are two incompatible things. And that, perhaps, is their longtime lifestyle choice, or curse.

Thanks for reading the tl:dr

Forgive me for a late tag into the conversation and not reading all the posts before making mine, and being new to everything on top of that and a fringe dweller at the best of times.

From the messages I get there is a big difference between sexual power and sexual swagger, and again between striking a deeper personal connection.

My first night here I met and chatted to a guy for 15 pages of chat over 5 hours. We made a personal connection as in date for a long term loving relationship. Maybe, maybe not, that's a heart connection thing.

I got plenty of messages from guys throwing sexual swagger at me, how big their cock is, how many hours they will fuck me, and didn't even to bother to know my name or what my profile might say. It makes me feel like I am not of any worth to them except as a cutout player in thier fantasy. If I wanted a cutout fantasy too, maybe we could fuck like 2 ships in the night, but honestly except to cure blue balls and be an emotionless lump, why would you fuck someone you have no connection to. Is emotionless sex that great, have the guys who did it to me got far more out of it than I did, because my experience of their eyes and attitude after told me they were got nothing positive in it except empty balls and still feeling as shitty about their life after they fucked me as they were before. I'm no oil painting, but shouldn't you be happier after sex with me? If you're not, I think something is very wrong, and it's probably not with my sex skills.

Sexual power is the kind of guy I call sexy as fuck and that has nothing to do with his looks. He's the guy who got me out of my panties, not because he tried to talk them of, but I took them off because our personal, not romantic, connection was so hot it was entirely natural to do it. I have met a couple guys with the power, and it doesn't take long to recognize once you notice it. I can't describe it except to say it alters your perception of the moment, and you can see it affects other women too. Like being in love, but in a different way. It's like ******* but a million times better and leaves you on a natural high long after, and not just from the sex. The sex is fucking insane, I must stress that, but it's not everything to it. It leaves an imprint in who you are that instantly comes back when you accidentally meet again or your mind wanders to old memories. Even the memories leave you high and happy. If you want to be a bull, for me, this is how you should make me feel. For a cuck relationship, shouldn't the white guy feel feel this way too? Because seriously, except for true love, this is the most fucking intense feeling I've ever had with another person.

I want to use the word devotion, because that's sort of how it affects you. Not in a slavish way, but in a positive human connection way. The guys I met I would still do alot for, even after the years. In a relationship I wouldn't fuck them, and they were cool with that, but when in town they stayed over instead of being stuck in a motel, good home cooked meal, and friendly pampering. Because the devotion to them as a person from the good connection, and I mean that connection goes both ways.

From dom/sub couples I've met, even with pain etc they practice, the underlying mutual respect makes the relationship work. To me that good relationship with a bull goes both ways. I GET some disagree and it's some control, slavery, whatever, but I still think for that kink to work to its best, respect still goes both ways or it falls apart and fails, and surely if you have a kink, you want that to last and not be a one or two off and then a disappointment. If there is no respect from the bull, and care or understanding of the limits of the woman or white cuck, then it's abuse, and I'm personally not cool with that.

This is my point of view, I'm not trying to say anyone else's is wrong, just sharing my experience.

My only downer, and why I feel slightly sad for the guys I've met who had the power, is I can't imagine romantically connecting to them. Like they are two incompatible things. And that, perhaps, is their longtime lifestyle choice, or curse.

Thanks for reading the tl:dr

That was a lengthy response but it covered the differentiating factors that separate the forms of approach someone well written
In real life you are not going to just walk up to a woman, show her a pic of your cock, and ask her do you want to fuck, or do you like me and want be my girlfriend?

This is the reason why I'm not willing to continue the discussion. Women are more interested in other things than cock pictures.

Hi Big Black Bull,

I want to thank you for having helped me and my wife to start cuckolding. It has been a terrific journey. Our sex life and our whole marriage have been enhanced. Our lives are much more intense.tumblr_omv11rhwoM1v3slc4o1_1280.jpg

But most importantly cuckolding has led to our little biracial ******* who is one year old and who is a true Princess. She means everything to us!
Loved every word. This is my (our) second day on B2W and that was such an encouraging post. I have also lived in the shoes of these words. My first experience with interracial sex was with a “secret lover” and we both objectified each other. He had the “fantasy fantastical BBC” and I had the “will-never-go-back white pussy”. It was raw, primal and purely sexual. But it couldn’t last. Not just because he was more than the “fantasy-fantastical BBC”...but because I was more than, as well. We were both more, but our mindset really didn’t allow for us to be more. That’s probably not everyone else on here...but it was my experience.

Fast forward a year or so, and I met the more than. I will honestly admit, the “more” that I was missing, which led me (and us after some hard conversations) to pursue another lover, was the “more” of a bigger, blacker cock. More size. More stamina. More color. And we found my “more.” The surprise for me was the “more” he possessed I hadn’t expected to find in a purely sexual experience. We are no longer together due solely to circumstances outside of our relationship, but while our relationship was not on the emotional or even spiritual lelvel of my was “more” than sex. To be clear, the sex was incredible and I still find myself thinking about it...reliving many of the details in my mind and often times in the shower (lol) but it was more than that as well. It was fun, challenging and growth inducing for me as a person. It was beautiful. And for me, the beauty came from living beyond the objectifications. I can honestly say, that while I would never choose another man to be my husband besides my husband (i would like to share about that too, but this isn’t the place), my “more than a bull” would be the only other man in the world that I would choose to be more than sex with.

Just my 2 cents—hope it makes sense too!
PSA - part.2

An addendum to the 'Second an Announcement for all the Men (mostly my brothers) on this site':

Well I had initially said in the 1st PSA that I had nothing else to add after I laid it all out there on sharing a collective group thought about this site of the many things said and done by people on here.

However I have been receiving numerous emails from my fellow brothers still asking me for advice on how to be successful on this site since they state it looks to them like I've been doing well.

Well as easy as it is for me to communicate, express my thoughts clearly, and convey an articulate written message I have still had a hard time to write anything really helpful to my brothers because I can't bottle up and offer a potion of wisdom for them to ******* from that would help them on being successful from all of my life experiences that made me into the person that I am.

Well that was until I read an intro post by a female from a couple on here. This is what she stated:

"We hope to make friends here and I hope to find some of the higher grade black men I've see here. Lol

Want to meet up someday? Here's how:
1) Be nice and real.
2) Actually write to me. Intelligence is hot!
3) Ask for my husbands email.
4) Be willing to have my husband call you, ask for a photo and basic information.
5) Have a skype account.
6) We set up a date."

So lets go through and observe some of the things she had said. First she said that she "... hope to find some of the higher grade black men Ive see(n) here." Well what do you guys think she mean's by that statement? I have my own interpretation but you guys should ponder on that.

At #1 and its no mistake that its at that number she says 'Be nice' and Real'. I had written in the PSA that: "I have heard a lot of complaints from couples and single women that a lot of guys are way too rude, non-respectful, and egomaniacs. I can’t really help you guys on the manners part as that is something your parents should have taught you and if you don’t have it now you probably never will get it either."

What may help is if you guys took a course and learned some lessons in manners and etiquette. I took a one-day class in etiquette, using proper social manners, how to use the right fork for salad and dinner at the table, etc. There is nothing wrong with learning these basic things if you think your deficient in those areas. There may be some women turned on by some of the Thuggish and ruggish look and talk but probably not many of the women who have jobs, are older ,and come on this website who may also happen to be married.

At #2, she said "Actually write to me. Intelligence is hot!" Again not a mistake she listed this at #2, a man needs to have some intelligence to know how to write in the first place. Again not an area I can help anyone with if they aren't using their big head over the little one to think with.

Alot of women have immediately complimented me when we started off communicating on here by private conversation that I was the only guy to take the time out to actually write them a message out of most of the guys who have contacted them. Here is a quote from a message I received just last night from the time of me writing this post:

"Out of all of the guys who I have chatted with here you stand out and I do have interest, but I'm taking things a bit slow for now, until I get a little more comfortable with how things work here. Too many guys trying to get personal info or meet after noting more than just a "Hey, lets fuck" message lol. You actually took the time to write a nice one, which makes you stand out just as much as all those hot photos you sent:)".

So there you have it all my real brothers who are 'nice' (at least nice to the ladies in the way they want a man to approach them), and have some intelligence as again I quote revelations from the bible: " is wisdom, he that hath understanding."

Take heed to these words that I manifest and they may help you out to achieve some of that success you all perceive to think I possess.

Your fellow Bull Gladiator in the Coliseum Battle for victory in life's endeavors;

Good points, well made!
Im about to give you the truth, the whole, pure, undiluted nothing but the truth but many of you can't handle the truth.

You can either love me or Hate me after this post (and please save all your hate-mail cause I got enough to read as it is) but this needed to be said.

This is going to also serve as sort of a Public Service Announcement (PSA). So everyone should grab a pad and pen, sit-up straight, but relax and take notes for 'here is wisdom, he that hath understanding’ (to quote the Book of Revelations from the Bible).

First off speaking from my own personal experiences and to provide a level of credibility, I’ve now met and played with over several couples from this site alone three of them I’ve met twice, one called me back the very next day to play again which we did and I’ve met one woman who has become my secret-lover that I see weekly from off here whom I’m going to come back to discussing at the end of this post. I even had 3 couples (2 from here, and 1 not from here) contacted me on the same-day about meeting which I had to do a coin-flip between the three to choose which one to meet.

I’ve talked to almost several other women and couples where situations occurred that prevented us from meeting. Sometimes it was on my-side, sometimes theirs but I never complained nor have they and I still correspond with a few of them not on this site but by personal email and phone even many months after the failed meeting attempts.

I was near @MyLoveyLaurita ’s location some many months ago and we tried to meet but the timing didn’t work out and we still communicate to this day via my gmail account. I didn’t get pissed at them and understood their situation at the time. Same with @Bamagirl, and @TIH whom I appreciated them being patient with what would seem like me flaking out on them and I haven’t seen them complain.

There was only ONE lady on here (who is part of a couple somewhere on the east coast & I won’t out her so don’t ask me about them) that I really put a significant effort in to pursue after we chatted a few times on here, then ironically and funny enough I saw her profile on xhamster, chatted with her hubby more on there than I ever chatted with his wife, and both he and I are confused on what the hell is going on in her head and why we couldn’t make the final arrangement to meet. And it was her I chatted with as she verified on here as a ‘Real Person’ with real face pics on here and hamster both and there were some things as a woman she was taking care of so it wasn’t the hubby or guy faking. Still I didn't complain, thats just how life is and I moved on.

So first off an Announcement for Everyone on this site:

People need to relax with all the complaining about fakes, people fantasizing, not wanting to meet, etc. This is a free website set-up for people to socialize online for FREE. This is not a paid-membership site where anyone paid money to join for the purpose of meeting other people. Therefore because anyone is free to join the site with no requirements you have no way of weeding out the fake and flakes up-front before they get an account. People who join a site where they have to pay using real money wouldn’t be wasting their ‘real’ money to fool around faking and flaking on a website if the purpose of it was to meet. There could be some sadistic rich folk out there who do that, but the average person wouldn’t.

So end all of the complaining on here about people not meeting, who’s real, or who’s not. If you want to meet someone REAL goto a paid site as the odds are much higher that the other members on that site would be real, have more real-pics available, and will REALLY meet.

Second an Announcement for all the Men (mostly my brothers) on this site:

I observe too many men on here who go O.D. (overdose) with sexual perversions (I know its a sex-site but DAM), who seem socially awkward, and AFCs (Average Frustrated Chumps). To see a perfect example of an AFC just watch the comedy show one-time called “The Last Man on Earth” that comes on FOX and how this guy who even being the last man on Earth with 2 women still couldn’t get laid because he is an idiot and doesn’t know how to be genuine or care enough to get a woman to like him. Whats also sad and ironic is that even after both women admitted they are horny, need a man, and that they should repopulate the planet he still sabotages himself from getting laid. I think the show will go and on with him never getting laid, he is just the typical average clueless guy or AFC and I know a lot of women understand what I’m talking about on this cause I recognize it and laugh now too.

In real life you are not going to just walk up to a woman, show her a pic of your cock, and ask her do you want to fuck, or do you like me and want be my girlfriend? Your chances are slim to none on that happening and its no different on here albeit your odds are slightly higher it might work if your cock pics are just that amazing and the chic is that much of a slut but I digress. :blackgrimace: Many guys are just hoping that it is easier on here were they don’t have to go through the anxiety of approaching a woman in real-life since they are already frustrated in the real-world on meeting women to have sex with. I have heard alot of complaints from couples and women that a lot of guys are way too rude, non-respectful, and egomaniacs. I can’t really help you guys on the manners part as that is something your parents should have taught you and if you don’t have it now you probably never will get it either. On the Ego part I’m guilty of it too, yeah I got a big cock, I get told all the time I got a big-one and the thing is like a hot-commodity. Women/couples are demanding it from me and it makes my head-big but to err is human and we all have ego’s and IDs we have to confront and handle but I won’t go all 'Sigmund Freud' on you at this moment (I'll save that for another post another time).

To help you fellas out, stop interfacing just through the silicon computer chips, and copper wires of the internet and learn how to interact socially with a female carbon-based life-form in the 'Real World'. Yes learn dammit. It can be done and it is also done partly through trial and error and not being afraid to make mistakes as you learn from all those mistakes. Learn the successes and mistakes of other men too. Develop a sense of humor, read some Cosmo, and other chic magazines (at your local grocery store as I never buy the rubbish) and find out what women like, what they want from men, relationships, and what they think about. You can use the material for conversation starters and to build rapport with women.

Then search your local papers & websites for announcements on events where single women will congregate, get yourselves cleaned up and groomed, couldn’t hurt to stop drinking sodas do exercise to drop some extra-weight, and ask another woman about your dress and hair style. Then go out and approach and interact using some of that ******* from Cosmo/chic mags and everywhere else. Then use all of what you learned on what to do and not to do going forward. Learn how to engage women and hold a conversation.

This ******* will take you a long way, and you may not even need to come back on here. I have applied all of those recommendations and it has made me successful to where when I do meet a woman/couple face to face I am able to consummate the deal. If you can socially interact better on an internet website in a non-perverted and not as socially awkward manner, your chances will go up dramatically. And provide some additional pictures of yourselves like better body-shots or of furry-animals besides just close-ups of your dicks would help too.

Third, last but certainly not least an Announcement to all of the women (all women except Black cause this would not apply to them), white men, and couples on this site:

I have seen a few posts before from people on this site discussing about this topic but it didn’t really hit home with me until I read something by my brother @Splitter posted on here a few days ago[1] and then my secret-lover who’ve I met via this site here made a statement about this to me just the other night. My secret-lover who is a married white woman said she left this site (account no longer exists) because it disgusted her. One thing she said to me was that she understood who I said I was, what I was going to do, and what I thought I had to do because I think I am the BigBlackBull. She has repeatedly expressed that she has issues with it but so long as I am good and respectful to her she did not care about the other aspects of what I may do. But she has also expressed and emphasized to me on more than one occasion that I am MUCH more than just the BigBlackBull or a BBC. She said she has never-ever met anyone Black or white like me (and not talking about just in the bed or my physical anatomy), and that I could easily be remembered as some significant figure immortalized in world history for who I am and the impact I have as a person in the real-world. She said I should not be objectified or just looked at as a sexual object and that was one out of many things that she does not like nor understood why I put up with it as well. With her words and what I have read a few other brothers write and express they hit me like a one-two punch from Pacquiao or Mayweather.

They were, and are all right. Instead of the 1-2 combo putting my lights out and having my bell rung it actually opened my eyes to see the light instead. Blackmen with their amazing BBC (BigBlackCocks) are much much more than just a BBC or something to be just objectified. Remember that they (Black Men), we, ‘I’ are much more than a sexual toy to play with on occasions and then put away like your vibrator in the drawer or your car in the garage. First see and refer to them as Beautiful Black Men (BBM), Black Male Studs (BMS) or whatever else you want to come up with and second that they have a BBC that you enjoy experiencing. But remember not to objectify them (or me).

And as Bob Marley, and Michael Jackson two BBMs (before one decided to go white) sung the beautiful lyrics “…this is my message to you."

My PSA/diatribe/Gettysburg Address/last 'Will and Testament' I leave with you on this topic since I put it all out there. In the end everyone wants the same 3 Pieces/Peaces in life to be happy; a Peace of mind, a piece of food for their stomachs, and a piece of ass but having 2 out of 3 is not bad either so I'll take the Peace of mind, and piece of food to sustain my life with. The last piece is not as significant to be happy or sustains one life.

Peace be unto you all.


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Very well written, but I have come to expect no less. :)

I (we) have been on numerous sites. We are here because Asmodeaus80 loves IR porn, and I am his favorite porn star. For my part, I love confident, intelligent, witty men... Of all races. I am not looking exclusively for BBC. In fact, I loathe dick pics as a conversation opener (just got one today). My experience with what you describe is why we have developed our own vetting process. If a man does not have the respect and patience for us to come to trust him, he does not get invited in.

This is a fantasy world, yes. But we also look for the real people behind the personas, and have made some great friends... From here and other sites.

No one wants to truly be objectified, not if they have real self-worth. Take the time to be respectful of each other, treat each other with decency, and you might find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Lady D is somewhat of another legend and I can only support your comment and the original post 100%
Personally by being honest, admitting to myself something I had known but hadn’t come to terms with, I am sexually submissive - I was able to share that with someone who accepted me for all i was, not just my public or professional persona
It’s still a journey of discovery but to make progress you have to step away from the ‘safety net’ of where you are
Have nothing but great things to say about this site and the people on it !
Great Post. I guess the constant "Dick Pics" maybe a result of the fetish culture. The hyper focus on "BBC BULL" needed on the site sort of diminishes the other aspects needed by ppl attached to the BBC. So, i guess in a way i understand why so many dudes kinda get so focused on "hey if i post dick pics im def gonna bag a hotwife or cuckoldress". Like the OP said it can happen, but it may not. All in all Be a good person, if you can be happy being a good person, dont worry about if you score or strike out. You will be happier long term just being yourself.
Im about to give you the truth, the whole, pure, undiluted nothing but the truth but many of you can't handle the truth.

You can either love me or Hate me after this post (and please save all your hate-mail cause I got enough to read as it is) but this needed to be said.

This is going to also serve as sort of a Public Service Announcement (PSA). So everyone should grab a pad and pen, sit-up straight, but relax and take notes for 'here is wisdom, he that hath understanding’ (to quote the Book of Revelations from the Bible).

First off speaking from my own personal experiences and to provide a level of credibility, I’ve now met and played with over several couples from this site alone three of them I’ve met twice, one called me back the very next day to play again which we did and I’ve met one woman who has become my secret-lover that I see weekly from off here whom I’m going to come back to discussing at the end of this post. I even had 3 couples (2 from here, and 1 not from here) contacted me on the same-day about meeting which I had to do a coin-flip between the three to choose which one to meet.

I’ve talked to almost several other women and couples where situations occurred that prevented us from meeting. Sometimes it was on my-side, sometimes theirs but I never complained nor have they and I still correspond with a few of them not on this site but by personal email and phone even many months after the failed meeting attempts.

I was near @MyLoveyLaurita ’s location some many months ago and we tried to meet but the timing didn’t work out and we still communicate to this day via my gmail account. I didn’t get pissed at them and understood their situation at the time. Same with @Bamagirl, and @TIH whom I appreciated them being patient with what would seem like me flaking out on them and I haven’t seen them complain.

There was only ONE lady on here (who is part of a couple somewhere on the east coast & I won’t out her so don’t ask me about them) that I really put a significant effort in to pursue after we chatted a few times on here, then ironically and funny enough I saw her profile on xhamster, chatted with her hubby more on there than I ever chatted with his wife, and both he and I are confused on what the hell is going on in her head and why we couldn’t make the final arrangement to meet. And it was her I chatted with as she verified on here as a ‘Real Person’ with real face pics on here and hamster both and there were some things as a woman she was taking care of so it wasn’t the hubby or guy faking. Still I didn't complain, thats just how life is and I moved on.

So first off an Announcement for Everyone on this site:

People need to relax with all the complaining about fakes, people fantasizing, not wanting to meet, etc. This is a free website set-up for people to socialize online for FREE. This is not a paid-membership site where anyone paid money to join for the purpose of meeting other people. Therefore because anyone is free to join the site with no requirements you have no way of weeding out the fake and flakes up-front before they get an account. People who join a site where they have to pay using real money wouldn’t be wasting their ‘real’ money to fool around faking and flaking on a website if the purpose of it was to meet. There could be some sadistic rich folk out there who do that, but the average person wouldn’t.

So end all of the complaining on here about people not meeting, who’s real, or who’s not. If you want to meet someone REAL goto a paid site as the odds are much higher that the other members on that site would be real, have more real-pics available, and will REALLY meet.

Second an Announcement for all the Men (mostly my brothers) on this site:

I observe too many men on here who go O.D. (overdose) with sexual perversions (I know its a sex-site but DAM), who seem socially awkward, and AFCs (Average Frustrated Chumps). To see a perfect example of an AFC just watch the comedy show one-time called “The Last Man on Earth” that comes on FOX and how this guy who even being the last man on Earth with 2 women still couldn’t get laid because he is an idiot and doesn’t know how to be genuine or care enough to get a woman to like him. Whats also sad and ironic is that even after both women admitted they are horny, need a man, and that they should repopulate the planet he still sabotages himself from getting laid. I think the show will go and on with him never getting laid, he is just the typical average clueless guy or AFC and I know a lot of women understand what I’m talking about on this cause I recognize it and laugh now too.

In real life you are not going to just walk up to a woman, show her a pic of your cock, and ask her do you want to fuck, or do you like me and want be my girlfriend? Your chances are slim to none on that happening and its no different on here albeit your odds are slightly higher it might work if your cock pics are just that amazing and the chic is that much of a slut but I digress. :blackgrimace: Many guys are just hoping that it is easier on here were they don’t have to go through the anxiety of approaching a woman in real-life since they are already frustrated in the real-world on meeting women to have sex with. I have heard alot of complaints from couples and women that a lot of guys are way too rude, non-respectful, and egomaniacs. I can’t really help you guys on the manners part as that is something your parents should have taught you and if you don’t have it now you probably never will get it either. On the Ego part I’m guilty of it too, yeah I got a big cock, I get told all the time I got a big-one and the thing is like a hot-commodity. Women/couples are demanding it from me and it makes my head-big but to err is human and we all have ego’s and IDs we have to confront and handle but I won’t go all 'Sigmund Freud' on you at this moment (I'll save that for another post another time).

To help you fellas out, stop interfacing just through the silicon computer chips, and copper wires of the internet and learn how to interact socially with a female carbon-based life-form in the 'Real World'. Yes learn dammit. It can be done and it is also done partly through trial and error and not being afraid to make mistakes as you learn from all those mistakes. Learn the successes and mistakes of other men too. Develop a sense of humor, read some Cosmo, and other chic magazines (at your local grocery store as I never buy the rubbish) and find out what women like, what they want from men, relationships, and what they think about. You can use the material for conversation starters and to build rapport with women.

Then search your local papers & websites for announcements on events where single women will congregate, get yourselves cleaned up and groomed, couldn’t hurt to stop drinking sodas do exercise to drop some extra-weight, and ask another woman about your dress and hair style. Then go out and approach and interact using some of that ******* from Cosmo/chic mags and everywhere else. Then use all of what you learned on what to do and not to do going forward. Learn how to engage women and hold a conversation.

This ******* will take you a long way, and you may not even need to come back on here. I have applied all of those recommendations and it has made me successful to where when I do meet a woman/couple face to face I am able to consummate the deal. If you can socially interact better on an internet website in a non-perverted and not as socially awkward manner, your chances will go up dramatically. And provide some additional pictures of yourselves like better body-shots or of furry-animals besides just close-ups of your dicks would help too.

Third, last but certainly not least an Announcement to all of the women (all women except Black cause this would not apply to them), white men, and couples on this site:

I have seen a few posts before from people on this site discussing about this topic but it didn’t really hit home with me until I read something by my brother @Splitter posted on here a few days ago[1] and then my secret-lover who’ve I met via this site here made a statement about this to me just the other night. My secret-lover who is a married white woman said she left this site (account no longer exists) because it disgusted her. One thing she said to me was that she understood who I said I was, what I was going to do, and what I thought I had to do because I think I am the BigBlackBull. She has repeatedly expressed that she has issues with it but so long as I am good and respectful to her she did not care about the other aspects of what I may do. But she has also expressed and emphasized to me on more than one occasion that I am MUCH more than just the BigBlackBull or a BBC. She said she has never-ever met anyone Black or white like me (and not talking about just in the bed or my physical anatomy), and that I could easily be remembered as some significant figure immortalized in world history for who I am and the impact I have as a person in the real-world. She said I should not be objectified or just looked at as a sexual object and that was one out of many things that she does not like nor understood why I put up with it as well. With her words and what I have read a few other brothers write and express they hit me like a one-two punch from Pacquiao or Mayweather.

They were, and are all right. Instead of the 1-2 combo putting my lights out and having my bell rung it actually opened my eyes to see the light instead. Blackmen with their amazing BBC (BigBlackCocks) are much much more than just a BBC or something to be just objectified. Remember that they (Black Men), we, ‘I’ are much more than a sexual toy to play with on occasions and then put away like your vibrator in the drawer or your car in the garage. First see and refer to them as Beautiful Black Men (BBM), Black Male Studs (BMS) or whatever else you want to come up with and second that they have a BBC that you enjoy experiencing. But remember not to objectify them (or me).

And as Bob Marley, and Michael Jackson two BBMs (before one decided to go white) sung the beautiful lyrics “…this is my message to you."

My PSA/diatribe/Gettysburg Address/last 'Will and Testament' I leave with you on this topic since I put it all out there. In the end everyone wants the same 3 Pieces/Peaces in life to be happy; a Peace of mind, a piece of food for their stomachs, and a piece of ass but having 2 out of 3 is not bad either so I'll take the Peace of mind, and piece of food to sustain my life with. The last piece is not as significant to be happy or sustains one life.

Peace be unto you all.


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Perfectly stated post and the truth! Thanks!!
Nice you touch topic of perversions. We are on site some time but there are some thing like too much. Otherwise we love this community important to have fun and be gently ❤️