More fake news or maybe just maybe not... Cops beating an unarmed man just for talking on the phone..

"looks" damning don't it? But what the article fails to tell us is what lead up to that. Was the man being non-compliant, argumentative? there is no audio. We only know what the media is telling us and we all know the media has not been exactly forthcoming with facts lately. It's also from the HuffPost so there's that. Personally the officer punching the guy in the face needs to loose his job. Taking him to the ground I can understand as he started to resist, most likely refused to put his phone down, etc. but no need to punch his lights out. Why are police not thought pressure points?

From NYT,
The officers then told Mr. Johnson, who was leaning against a railing, to sit down, Chief Batista said. The video, which did not have sound, showed officers struggling with him and trying to ******* him to sit. Then they punched, kicked and pushed him to the ground, where he was handcuffed.

Chief Batista told The Arizona Republic in a video interview that one of the officers gave “very calm direction” for Mr. Johnson to sit down. Other officers arrived, and Mr. Johnson was briefly searched for weapons, but none were found.

Mr. Johnson was then asked to move away from the railing and given an instruction, Chief Batista said, narrating the video. “When the person didn’t sit down, our officers then engaged in use of ******* to make him sit down,” he said.
He was non-compliant (but still didn't deserve to be sucker punched)
Like I have always told my ******* - be compliant, don't argue, sort it out later. Don't escalate by arguing even if you feel you are right.

While I DO AGREE there are problems within our police *******, and steps need to be taken to ensure the police are trained properly and weed out the bad cops vs the good cops. The media needs to be held responsible for telling the the whole story and not just cherry picking to push an agenda. Here is a good video that shows the headlines just like this one, and then gives you all the facts which paint a much different picture. The purpose of the video is not to justify or condemn, but to educate on the real story.

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