Looking for some lovin in the City of brotherly love.

Where the Philly men at? Here's the situation. I’m a complete cock crazy sissy for bbc. I’m a comfortably bisexual, discreet, chubby slut for strong black men. I’m looking for a regular nsa fwb down low hook up.
If you like making a white boy moan like a whore while you drive every inch of your cock in his ass hard and deep…. I’m your gurl…
I’m not passable but I am passionate, and will wear sexy panties and lacy nighties for daddy. Breed me, and you will own me. Are you man enough to make me your gurl?
Im looking to travel to Philly by train 2-3 times a month, get a nice center city hotel room, grab a decent dinner, then head back to the room and submit to the pleasures of a real man, a strong, confident black man. Make this ass yours.
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