Ladies: How Many Black Men have you had sex with?

The very first guy to ever fuck me was black when I was 15. I use to try and keep count but lost tract long ago. If I had to guess it would be around 150 to 175 but probably more.
Are they really that much better and bigger? It's really unfair to whiteboys like me. In your experience are there alot of white girls who would like to go black?
20+ during my teens.

Then a long break during a boring almost 30yr marriage. lol

Started back up again 8 yrs ago.. I'd put the number of black men at least 50+ during this time frame. So a good estimate would be 75-80+. Overall men would be a little over 100. (I'm 55)
20 in your teens? Why are white girls doing this? What makes black guys better? It's really unfair. I can't believe this is really a movement, unless you know a lot of white girls who want to go black, which I doubt.