Ladies how did you meet your first bbc

Very interesting thread. A common theme is the sex changed your life. This is something I have heard on several occasions. So there must be some truth to it. :) My bro . told me a story about a white lady who fucked a black guy and the sex was so good, she called her mom the next day. To me that's odd, I would never discuss sex with my parents. But I think Black folks are conservative about such issues, especially when it comes to talking your parents about sex.
Adultfriendfinder met with 5 at different times. 3 never got hard and the other 2 lasted for 8 minutes tops .been trying to get her to try again don't think it's going to happen.
i had that expirience with my ex wife in a club . that is one big reason why i now try to inspire my wife for bbc . i know how she enjoy multiple climax when i fuck her . and a 5 min expirience will definetly be a desaster for her .
Mine was recent. I started a profile on AFF specifically hoping to meet a black man. I am in the IR chatroom checking it out shortly after starting. A guy in the room starts chatting with me like he knows me. I look at the profile and I recognize him as a guy from the gym.
Badass. Did you hook up with him yet? Spend more time fixing your makeup before the gym?
I was in my mid-30s, in a miserable marriage to an older man who traveled all the time for work. I was always begging him for sex, oral (on me) and occasional marathons. Nothing but boring sex and him telling me every guy he worked with has a wife yearning for more interaction with her husband. To which I knew was bs, uh, why the hell are there so many gentlemen’s clubs? Through a brilliant godmother I learned my libido is a gift not a curse.

So I discovered phone chat lines. You could only leave messages. There, an also married, very-creative, black attorney started sending me sexy messages, to which I reciprocated. I had him built up into a stud. It was horrible, we became friends—chemistry was off.

Fast forward just a few months, I’m on fire to explore my fantasies. So, I meet an also married, sexy as hell, black chick for my/her (?) first lesbian encounter. We fooled around just 3 times (I was more bi-curious), but she always mentioned her black husband’s enormous dick. I never took the bait.

A couple years later she’s divorcing and moving out of state. I went to hang before she left and her amazing brother entered the room, it was instant lightening between us. He was messing with her other friend and I was married, so nothing then, I just kept in touch.

He visited my city, for work, a lot & we went to dinner. Everyone looked at us, I’m pale blonde, worked out and with heals I’m almost 6’, he’s beautifully buff, movie star face and 6’3. He lured me to his room to see pictures of he and his sister’s *******. We make out I let him fondle my breasts and have a panic attack because… *******, I’ve slept w his sister… I’m married to a straight-as-fuck, racist white cowboy, also I’m having an affair with a much younger married sex addict white lawyer. So I didn’t need the complications. Not knowing or caring about all my potential drama—The sexy black guy, runs to the bathroom, darts-out out naked—thinking his mere 7”, average girth, rock-hard dick is going to keep me there. I say, “No thanks” & leave.

Later I tell him I can’t have sex with him because of what I did with his sister. He became even more smitten. Duh of course he did…

We became amazing friends and 3-years later we meet at a beautiful, in-airport hotel —that he flew in knowing we were going to consummate our friendship. I was still married. He came 7 times inside me in 12-hours.

HE WAS THE FIRST BLACK MAN WHO KNEW “HOW” TO FUCK ME. So, the first one, isn’t always the one to get ya hooked.

There’s been a few more since, I’m very much a size queen now, I mean why not.

and the one who got me hooked is a lifelong friend.
i damn sure hope these is more.