is "AOC" Cortez Ocasio built for taking BBC?

Interesting, I get the feeling though you voted for the guy that said:

We should inject bleach and beams of light into our bodies to cure Covid (poison control centers loved that one)
George Wasington’s Continental Army took over all the airports during the REVOLUTIONARY war.
Windmills cause cancer
Said Frederick Douglass “is” doing a great job (died in 1895)
Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated
His coronavirus test came back “positively toward the negative.”
A hurricane was one of the wettest we have ever seen from the standpoint of water.
Person, woman, man, camera, TV
He met the president of the Virgin Islands (which was him at the time)
He would build a border wall in Colorado
He was “like, really smart” and a “very stable genius”
The moon was part of Mars
We should nuke hurricanes

Same guy who
Stared into the sun during an eclipse
Had a photo op of him signing a blank piece of paper
Asked Kid Rock what to do about North Korea
Congratulated Vladimir Putin on his re-election despite a state department memo telling him not to congratulate
Drew on an NOAA weather map with a Sharpie to suggest an alternative hurricane path.
Saluted a North Korean general
Fell for a prank phone call.
Used blank pages and empty folders as props

That's the part of the problem with people like you and her. Automatically assuming that. I didn't vote for him actually .. she's still a moron . I voted for the guy who won and regret it now
That's the part of the problem with people like you and her. Automatically assuming that. I didn't vote for him actually .. she's still a moron . I voted for the guy who won and regret it now
Why regret? I voted for grandpa Joe knowing full well he would be a one-term POTUS. He won the nomination because he's not a Bernie bro and the general because he's actually an adult rather than a petulant, pathological lying emperor with no clothes. Problem is, neither side has ANYONE for 2024 I consider POTUS material. Too much far left and far right imo. Where is the Commonsense-ocrat or Commonsense-ican.
Why regret? I voted for grandpa Joe knowing full well he would be a one-term POTUS. He won the nomination because he's not a Bernie bro and the general because he's actually an adult rather than a petulant, pathological lying emperor with no clothes. Problem is, neither side has ANYONE for 2024 I consider POTUS material. Too much far left and far right imo. Where is the Commonsense-ocrat or Commonsense-ican.
Musk for president 2024
You have way way too much time on your hands. You should have these deep discussions with the other guy who thinks 87 yr old Nancy Pelosi would look good with a black dick too. You could go all day with each other.
This is a jackass How come anyone with a brain vote for this piece of *******
Sex with hell no Umm Umm
If this idiot was drowning I would throw an anchor
simon cowell facepalm GIF
From a purely sexual standpoint most black guys would fuck the ******* out of AOC…not all but damn near close to it.

I’d fuck her senlesess. A few other politicians I would too. Damn Kyrsten Sinema makes me go damn crazy 😩
Exactly what she needs. Would love to see her demolished